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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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3 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

That's because most people interested in TOW already have (sometimes quite big) collections from the days of WHFB. Following that logic, GW has decided a starter set would be superfluous since who would buy a starter when so many people already have minis ?

This will make the game hard to access imo. Which I feel like the WHFB fans would like. You don't even need to gatekeep on the internet and in clubs now that you can't pass via a starter to start playing the game ! 

Come now, there's no need to start this old argument again.

The lack of starter set is a shame to hear as I was more than ready to empty my wallet for it. Good to hear that 'start collecting' sets are going to be a thing though. Now I'm just praying for some new Tomb Kings core infantry

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The same guy that asked about an starter set says that TOW, at least, will have vanguard/stat collecting boxes. Considering those will consist in old minis, more than amortized, no reasons (beyond greedines) it can't be priced nicely, and still remain profitable for GW. That may compensate for the lack of an starter set.

He also wrote that "rules will come in part as online resources for all armies as well as new books for the included factions in the setting." New books, obviously, doesn't equal army books for each single army, I'm thinking more in terms of compemdiums.

Overall, this kinda confirms it's going to be a low effort project to stop other companies from profiting too much of  WHF absence. Well, no reason we can't make the best out of it.

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3 minutes ago, michu said:

I know only that they will have rules, I'm waiting for full recap of Q&A by The Great Book of Grudges

Oh, is that where you got the info from? Just wanna confirm the source so I can know it's time start celebrating :D

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50 minutes ago, michu said:

I know only that they will have rules, I'm waiting for full recap of Q&A by The Great Book of Grudges

They said every Warhammer 8th edition army will have rules in the beginning, I guess that includes Legion of Azgorh regarding Chorfs...

(Index/Compendium-style, probably not widely supported after launch if the armies on focus are those in the Old World at the end of the Age of the Three Emperors).


It was a nice reveal. Small, but very nice !

Thank you @michu for the updates ! Looking forward for the Q&A review :) 

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19 minutes ago, michu said:

Clarification from Eddie

I wonder what this entails then. Could the Tomb Kings vs Bret box actually exist but only come with the rulebook and models?

My expectations have been slightly hampered anyway. As much as I am fine with having a few new resin models, the two shown today would have been what I expected to be in that starter box. It would feel weird showing off a couple of characters that I would assume would get released after this starter box, but nothing from the actual contents itself.

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Well, the Old World "preview" was literally everything I feared it would be. A super low-effort, token gesture cash grab with one or two people working on it. It's been 5 freaking years and that's all they have to show at their first major event post-Covid? Bitterly disappointed, although not surprised. GW makes some incredibly poor decisions across the board when allocating its resources IMO. 

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27 minutes ago, novakai said:

Just want to chime in and say Valrek and faeit49 where wrong 

Valrak is only interested in accurate rumours as long as it involves space marines (or occasionally the npc minis, aka "xenos" the space marines have to fight) because he's first and foremost a space marine fanboy, and has there been an accurate Faeit rumour in the past ?

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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More Q&A info 
- no finecast kits, returning minis that were last seen in finecast will be metal.

- free rules will include legacy characters like Karl Franz

- no colleges of magic, hedge wizards instead

Edited by michu
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10 minutes ago, michu said:

More Q&A info 
- no finecast kits, returning minis that were last seen in finecast will be metal.

- free rules will include legacy characters like Karl Franz

- no colleges of magic, hedge wizards instead

I wonder how the no colleges of magic will interact with the legacy stuff. Will all the old wizard models be treated as hedge wizards or will they include the college wizard rules, but only have them in the legacy section?


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I think GW is handling TOW pretty OK. New models and old kits being put back into prduction for core factions, basic rules for non-core. Conversion guides to make newer models usable for factions like Lizardmen. Personally, I am getting what I wanted out of this: New tomb kings and old Tomb Kings kits at non-eBay prices.

Realistically, I think this is about as good as we could expect.

Edited by Neil Arthur Hotep
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16 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

Looks like they clarified the starter set mix up. Seems like they will be doing a vs. box, but they consider a starter set having a rule book and other stuff.

Yeah that is how it reads. Basically a versus box but without any scenery, dice, plastic rulers, etc. 

I wonder if that is why we have heard rumours about different ‘versus boxes.‘

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20 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:


Realistically, I think this is about as good as we could expect.

I feel the same. We have an offically supported game, and can buy the miniatures again. 

Not being a "main" game could potentialy have some benefits: Longer edition cycle, stable "meta", lack of FOMO releases....new miniatures are always nice, but even a slow pace in new releases may be a benefit, at least for our wallets.
I'm ok with all of this.

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As long as they get the balance right with the new ruleset then the Middle Earth treatment is fine for me; compendium army books, established world with a lot of existing miniatures, supported by well-produced campaign books and sensibly targeted resculpts of the needier old kits, rather than anything that drastically reinvents the wheel. Age of Sigmar is there for the constant hype cycle of exciting and outlandish new miniatures

On the other hand a) I'm sceptical they won't take the mick with pricing for old minis based on their recent behaviour and (though negating the eBay acalper market will be a net gain) and b) if it's 8th Ed only with a focus on the Old World proper, what the hell were they trying to pull with that "look at this Kislev and Cathay concept art from Total War for some reason!" stuff lmao

On closer inspection Malibu Stacy's new hat was not new, or a hat

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49 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I think GW is handling TOW pretty OK. New models and old kits being put back into prduction for core factions, basic rules for non-core. Conversion guides to make newer models usable for factions like Lizardmen. Personally, I am getting what I wanted out of this: New tomb kings and old Tomb Kings kits at non-eBay prices.

Realistically, I think this is about as good as we could expect.

I agree. I am also happy how it is now. AoS and 40k are their main games. What they did with Middle earth is good enough for me.

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I think GW is handling TOW pretty OK. New models and old kits being put back into prduction for core factions, basic rules for non-core. Conversion guides to make newer models usable for factions like Lizardmen. Personally, I am getting what I wanted out of this: New tomb kings and old Tomb Kings kits at non-eBay prices.

Realistically, I think this is about as good as we could expect.

DOWN WITH THE SCALPERS! LONG LIVE LONG THOUGHT LOST NEHEKHARA!!! So far I have no complaints with TOW: The new king looks great and we have a confirmation of new and old kits incoming. The only thing that would make this better is if they previewed some new skeletons as well, but I can't and won't complain.

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