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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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I've used to play miniatures games when I was young, but I lost my interest in Fantasy after my first (and unique) game (we never finished it and ended arguing about ******).

Some years later (exactly last year), I played a few games to learn the basics with pre-constructed armies (druchii, dwarfs, empire and skavens), but it was more about learning the game than learning the army. 

So, here I'am! Really excited for The Old World, and knowing that there are some oldbeards in this topic, can anyone help me in writting a review on how each army plays and their ups and downs?
I'm not sure if I want to play Dwarfs (I love their Rune-system, but everything feels meh), and I had a blast with Druchii edge-lords, but this new Seraphon sculpts are tempting me to start a Lizardmen army.

Edited by Beliman
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Hmm i wouldnt expect to see newer AoS units brought into OW en masse, maybe a few? But FW/SG have historically been keen to avoid including mainline GW kits in 30k even when they really should, id expect that in OW too, i mean look at the wolfriders already...

Most armies in Warhammer have a few playstyles so thatd be a biiiig post, i suspect the rules wont exactly match any given edition but im sure old tactics advice pages from various editions are still online!  

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10 hours ago, Beliman said:

I've used to play miniatures games when I was young, but I lost my interest in Fantasy after my first (and unique) game (we never finished it and ended arguing about ******).

Some years later (exactly last year), I played a few games to learn the basics with pre-constructed armies (druchii, dwarfs, empire and skavens), but it was more about learning the game than learning the army. 

So, here I'am! Really excited for The Old World, and knowing that there are some oldbeards in this topic, can anyone help me in writting a review on how each army plays and their ups and downs?
I'm not sure if I want to play Dwarfs (I love their Rune-system, but everything feels meh), and I had a blast with Druchii edge-lords, but this new Seraphon sculpts are tempting me to start a Lizardmen army.

Probably best wait for it to come out. I'm sure they'll try to capture the play styles of the old wfb era armies, but I wouldn't like to put money on them succeeding!


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Worst part of Warhammer: There's too many cool factions so I'm already having difficulty to decide which army to collect first.

On 4/20/2023 at 9:00 PM, Twisted Firaun said:

Out of curiosity, if TOW were to have “upgrade” kits for certain units, are there any specific ones that would be worth it? Personally I’m hoping we get chaos god specific weapons, heads, and shields like in Total War’s Chaos Champions DLC.

Definitely different chaos bits. Easy money for GW, if we go by Horus Heresy upgrade kits.

Tinfoil thought: What if they add a Chaos Dwarf upgrade sprue to dwarfs and a hobgoblin one to goblins so one can play as Chorfs without GW having to make a completely new army?

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I'm hoping for a release date, the sooner the better. TK and Bretonnia would be awesome, but we know Kislev is being worked on (correct?), so I could see Kislev vs. Chaos. Or maybe they go extremely big brain and go Empire vs Empire a la Horus Heresy - Ottilian Outriders vs Elected Evictors (you gotta have alliteration in Warhammer!) with sprue sets for Middenland Marinara Sauces being announced.

Moreover, the age of three emperors includes the gigachad Gorbad Ironclaw and daddy Vladdy, Kunning Konrad and Manfred the Balding Vampire (lamest von Carstein, fight me) so while we might not see them during the reveal, I fully expect rerealeses for their models at some point. Although I'll forever miss the original Vlad model, I'd fully expect them to go with 8th ed ones.

I mean, look at this guy. Admit it girls, he'd steal your heart too - he did mine.


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On 4/21/2023 at 6:40 PM, Bluesummers said:

Is there a good tutorial video about 7th edition (considering they mentioned 7th ed. rules)  just to take a taste of how the game will likely be played. I started playing wargames soon after AoS got released and have no idea about previous editions.

I'm not sure about tutorials, but Mountain miniatures wargames (or whatever MWG Steve's personal channel is called) does batreps from various edition fairly often, so I'd recommend watching a few of those.

The core game concepts of whfb are fairly simple (I read someone here saying they're surprisingly simpler than modern 40k/AoS), but the rules are badly written, often mixing fluff with unclearly worded rules etc, so watching actual games would give you a better grasp of the rules IMHO.

Also, watch games from any edition bar 8th (ie either 6th or 7th), they're all fairly similar and would work well as an entry level.

Edited by KingKull
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Ive started collecting dark elves for old world, But waiting for more concrete announcements on bases, army expectations etc. before building up. Will they even have rules for the various armies or just start with the few factions they teased are part of their launch?

Do I build with rounds knowing the infantry will be moved up to 25mm, and likely have round-slotted movement trays? Then I can always run DE in AoS at some later point too.

Do I build 20mm (not a fan) but can keep it for 8th, 9th age etc. and have a 'classically' built army.

Or go all in on newer base sizes, expecting Old World to last a while/overtake oldhammer. 25mm squares for DE troops like Corsairs just makes sense.

Regarding oldhammer, I've heard more and more good things about 8th edition over herohammer editions, and of course 8th still has the biggest community.

Edited by CrimsonKing
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53 minutes ago, CrimsonKing said:

Ive started collecting dark elves for old world, But waiting for more concrete announcements on bases, army expectations etc. before building up. Will they even have rules for the various armies or just start with the few factions they teased are part of their launch?

This. I'm overhyped but I need more info what the game actually will be like. I got like dwarfs and maybe orcs ready to go, just have to see what they do with base sizes if I can play lizzies, chaos and so on.

Rules I don't care so much about. Just make them smooth and not require to sell kidneys to have 2000 point armies.

In theory I could have like Bretonnia, Orcs, Khemri and Dwarfs ready to play 2k games soonish after launch. Just need to get couple more minis on correct base sizes and that small thing called getting those painted


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Whats tempting me are the new lizardmen. That they can do double duty is interesting: AoS isn't precisely big in my town, and I don't expect TOW to be neither, but being usable in both would increase their chances to be deployed on a table.

They also happen to be gorgeous miniatures but without going barroque with the details, which combined with the fact that you can go with any wild paint scheme would make them realy fun to paint.

For last, my nephew (as any five-years old I've ever meet) loves dinosaurs, and these may seduce him into ̶  ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶d̶a̶r̶k̶ ̶s̶i̶d̶e̶ ̶ the  hobby. 

It's been really hard to come with reasons to not to buy at least a box of saurus.

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4 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

What's great about Lizardmen/Seraphon and why to collect them is that you don't need to be a five year old to love dinosaurs... I'm in my 20s and still haven't progressed passed that point. 

Great if you can get new blood into the hobby ! Kids are always one of the best part of the community. 

Oh, I still think they're cool, but that's almost all I know about dinosaurs nowadays*, while kids have an encyclopedic knowledge of all the species even if they can barely read. Its fascinating.

It's soon to see if he will fall for this hobby, but his parents are geeks too, so prospects are good!.

*That, and that dilophosaurus didn't really spit venom, a heartbreaking discovery that made me rethink everything I took for granted.

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On 4/20/2023 at 12:29 PM, Blueraven84 said:

Any wild guesses about release date? They have not shown much but maybe more info at warhammer fest.

A few weeks ago I would have said probably next year but if they are showing stuff at Warhammer Fest, there’s a big chance it’s this year. It’s tough to say as 40K 10th edition gives them loads of releases for this year already!

On 4/21/2023 at 10:24 PM, Blueraven84 said:

What do you recon they show at Warhammer Fest?

I’m hoping it will be maybe a trailer showing newly painted armies, bit of talk about base sizes and the rulebook cover. The big thing will be confirmation about base sizes as it allows people to do stuff now in readiness for the release.

Im expecting the rulebook cover and some art 🤣

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I expect two new armies in the starter set. By "new" I mean fresh models. It doesn't matter if it's Bretonnia vs Tomb Kings or Cathay vs Kisley as long as new sculpts are shown. If however Old World is going to look like AoS versus sets (1 new hero + book + old minis) and they would like to resell 15 year old minis then farewell TOW. GW either does this job right or better not even start.

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4 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

I expect two new armies in the starter set. By "new" I mean fresh models. It doesn't matter if it's Bretonnia vs Tomb Kings or Cathay vs Kisley as long as new sculpts are shown. If however Old World is going to look like AoS versus sets (1 new hero + book + old minis) and they would like to resell 15 year old minis then farewell TOW. GW either does this job right or better not even start.

Well, My thought is that alot of 6-8th ed. minis were perfectly good and still sold for AoS. They are likely walking a fine line between the expectation that the Old World will cater to nostalgia while also providing new units in the 'theme' of ranked WHFB.

I'm all about Dark Elves at the moment, if they had a battalion that gave me the spear/crossbow/swords and black guard kits cheaply, and they provided a plastic dreadlord kit Id be all over it. Likewise those remaining 8th ed. kits are typically the 10 man sets.
sell em in 20 man blocks at a discount and Ill snap em up.

Better they cater to all armies so people can get their old models on the field or build the faction they want, then a slow drip of totally redone factions over several years.

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Interesting. It could just mean they're bringing Legion of Azgroh models back into production, since iirc that particular Daemonsmith was only around post-End Times? The only thing that makes me sceptical is Kislev and Cathay having 'modern' Total War designs they worked closely with GW on, whereas the Chorfs in their DLC are very much based on the old models (and LoAzgroh).

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8 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Interesting. It could just mean they're bringing Legion of Azgroh models back into production, since iirc that particular Daemonsmith was only around post-End Times? The only thing that makes me sceptical is Kislev and Cathay having 'modern' Total War designs they worked closely with GW on, whereas the Chorfs in their DLC are very much based on the old models (and LoAzgroh).

The talking seems imply the opposite unless i'm reading wrong though...they're saying that the old fw models will never get back but Chorfs will come back in TOW.
So...new sculpts ?Maybe a plastic release in Aos that could be used in the old world as well?

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