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6 hours ago, novakai said:

this was original banner during AoS 2


I am not sure if covering up Khorne because their release was announce todays means that this was a hint or not. (I kind of hope it is so we get to see a Fyreslayer and Ogor battletome)

I interpreted it more as including all chaos into the mix 

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3 hours ago, Aryann said:


The message that they are rewriting a lot of battletomes alone should be enough to make us happy. 

I agree, which is strange because in the past if you told me my 2-years-or-under-old army book was already being replaced I, and many others, would complain.

Now, however, I'm glad to fork out another $50 for a more complete book.

Just don't ask me to buy a new one every year like Stormcast.

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Well I was a bit disappointed in all. Khorne getting a 3rd book before Slaanesh gets one is...well about what I expect honestly... but it does confirm my feelings that all the rules should be free. Ultimately in the case of Khorne itself it will amount to being expected to shell out for a few extra special rules that cover your army build. Does this also mean re releases for any army that doesn't include those things currently? So are we now going to see a new edition of the Tzeentch and Nurgle books? How about Khaine? They don't have endless spells or a terrain piece so I expect they're on the new book list too. Could start to feel like some kind of annual or bi annual subscription cost

I've no problem with them changing the game and introducing these new elements but does it now mean that whenever they think of something new and cool to add to an army that it's going to be a re release of every book that doesn't include them? It also makes it really confusing and not a great investment for new players when one of the offsets of it being relatively expensive is that the stuff you buy is useful for a long time. Why buy this Khorne book when there will be a new one out next year? Sadly I bet it's because the rules team has to look like it's making money separately from the models to justify it's existence. It does start to feel like an early access game where you're paying for the lack of development early on rather than great additions later.

tl/dr new book for substantive content is good. new book for a few extra rules is bad.

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18 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

+++MOD HAT+++

A bit less Tomb King talk if possible please.  Appreciate it's a bit of a sort point (and I'd love to see something come back) but can we talk about what was revealed rather than what wasn't ;)

Reveals aren't rumours, though... Quite the conundrum.

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3 hours ago, Malin said:

This would be quite nice statistic.

For me 23 years and counting.

It would be.

I think I'll make a poll!

2 hours ago, Overread said:

OH WAIT And we forgot there's going to be a 2019 community survey! 


Now cometh the chance for all loyal AoS fans to unit and ask for GW to please - Bring Back TOMBKINGS! 
I'm serious I think a united front and we've really got a chance. 

First, YES, let's definitely voice that.

Second, I have zero belief that a united front will do anything. It's all about sales, not requests.

2 hours ago, Overread said:

TK I think have a real chance, esp as good few of their older models are still very much in keeping with AoS and its themes and style. Throw some new skeleton warriors and a new lord or two at them and some terrain and endless spells and many of their old models would work - scorpions, walking sphyinx; towering bone giants, skeletons riding undead mechanical snakes - all fits ideally with AoS. 

I bought 2 or 3 of all the Gloomspite models. I bought 2 Wrath & Rapture. I bought 2 of each of the various Soul Wars options. I have a minimum of one max unit size of all Nighthaunt things. I have 7 knights and 2 copies of Forgebane. My Necrons are pretty much a Tomb World.

I have three different TK armies painted already, and 4 variations of 'undead' armies besides.

I could go on, but my point is that when I get into a thing, I go all in.


None of this would come close to the purchase I would make if Tomb Kings came back right. I would pay $200 just for a special edition Battletome that had one freaking piece of variant art and a cool cover.

I loves me some Tomb Kings.

Edited by Sleboda
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It is funny how things have turned out for me:

- I have order: almost all stormcast

- I have death: all death but FEC

- I have chaos : StD and soon skaven, and StD being soon StD+EC+Darkoath+ whatever you want in chaos, this will be the biggest faction in the game, equal to if not bigger than Death.


....but NO destruction. I was a WHFB fan with many highelves, empire, many many green skins, a chaos dwarves army (the old and real one!) but no death and almost no chaos.


Problem is: destruction has NO big faction. And no, gloomspite is not a big faction. Too restrictive. 

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10 minutes ago, firebat said:

Well I was a bit disappointed in all. Khorne getting a 3rd book before Slaanesh gets one is...well about what I expect honestly... but it does confirm my feelings that all the rules should be free. Ultimately in the case of Khorne itself it will amount to being expected to shell out for a few extra special rules that cover your army build. Does this also mean re releases for any army that doesn't include those things currently? So are we now going to see a new edition of the Tzeentch and Nurgle books? How about Khaine? They don't have endless spells or a terrain piece so I expect they're on the new book list too. Could start to feel like some kind of annual or bi annual subscription cost

I've no problem with them changing the game and introducing these new elements but does it now mean that whenever they think of something new and cool to add to an army that it's going to be a re release of every book that doesn't include them? It also makes it really confusing and not a great investment for new players when one of the offsets of it being relatively expensive is that the stuff you buy is useful for a long time. Why buy this Khorne book when there will be a new one out next year? Sadly I bet it's because the rules team has to look like it's making money separately from the models to justify it's existence. It does start to feel like an early access game where you're paying for the lack of development early on rather than great additions later.

tl/dr new book for substantive content is good. new book for a few extra rules is bad.

While I won't argue that other armies could use a book more (like Slaanesh) Khorne has a lot of internal balance issues and pretty much plays by stacking modifiers to trigger 6+s which is a design decision GW is definitely moving away from. I suspect the new Khorne battletome is going to be a lot more than a couple extra rules tacked on to the existing one.

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33 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

+++MOD HAT+++

A bit less Tomb King talk if possible please.  Appreciate it's a bit of a sort point (and I'd love to see something come back) but can we talk about what was revealed rather than what wasn't ;)

@Sleboda This statement includes you too ;)

13 minutes ago, PJetski said:

Reveals aren't rumours, though... Quite the conundrum.

Not really - TK talk is neither rumour nor reveals ;)

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5 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:


....but NO destruction. I was a WHFB fan with many highelves, empire, many many green skins, a chaos dwarves army (the old and real one!) but no death and almost no chaos.


Problem is: destruction has NO big faction. And no, gloomspite is not a big faction. Too restrictive. 

Gloomspite, too restrictive? It's 3 factions put together with lots of options? What's restrictive about it?

And idk if StD will be the biggest faction? Pretty sure Stormcast and LoN would still be bigger. 

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9 minutes ago, firebat said:

Why buy this Khorne book when there will be a new one out next year?

Well, to be honest I started thinking this way some time ago. I bought Idoneth Deepkin Battleforce box at Christmas and wanted to buy a battletome but then there are all those Endless spells that ID might be getting as well... which MAY mean new battletome.

In my opinion new Battletome should only be released when there are really enough changes. When there are only a few models added, why not include warscroll cards in each box?

In the end I think that rules should be available and updated online on regular basis. It may take 5 or 10 years but I think it will eventually happen leaving Battletomes more of a lore and artwork books rather than rules kit. I might be wrong, yet that solution would help to keep every faction up to date. Current AoS app with warscrolls is already some evolution. 

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1 minute ago, Aryann said:

I bought Idoneth Deepkin Battleforce box at Christmas and wanted to buy a battletome but then there are all those Endless spells that ID might be getting as well... which MAY mean new battletome.

Honestly I dont think you have any worries there. There's absolutely no need to add a new BT for new models, terrain or endless spells. 

The books that will get updated are the 1.0 ones that were released before several big('ish) changes were made, summoning, various abilities etc.

From my limited understanding Maggotkin, IDK, DoK, LoN, etc were all written, explicitly, with 2.0 in mind and so don't need updating at all.

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6 minutes ago, JPjr said:

Honestly I dont think you have any worries there. There's absolutely no need to add a new BT for new models, terrain or endless spells. 

The books that will get updated are the 1.0 ones that were released before several big('ish) changes were made, summoning, various abilities etc.

From my limited understanding Maggotkin, IDK, DoK, LoN, etc were all written, explicitly, with 2.0 in mind and so don't need updating at all.

If I were to guess I'd say LoN, DoK and ID won't get new battletome... this year, They will in the next not to frustrate early birds that've just bought a book (and they have a lot other, older books waiting for an update). It's just a guess though.

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I'm hoping that new battletomes for every GA excludes ones already announced or released. They say brand new armies are coming, and I'd have to guess at least one of those will be wholly new since they have done at least one brand new army every year, but a new army could also be a new army drawn partially of wholly from old models(could be ogres, reworked StD+Everchosen, or even Slaanesh under a new name like Nurgle got). Also classic armies updated for the new edition could be "classic" 1st ed armies updated, or could speak to actual classic armies like elves, dwarfs or ogres.

Let assume they aren't counting known pending tomes, there's still a ton of armies that need some help. Order has several that could use and update and still a few short on a book at all. Everything in death is covered by a "2nd edition ready" battletome(FEC on the way), so they'd have to be either getting a wholly new concept death army or a sub faction becoming its own thing. Soulblight seems like an obvious choice as it has kind of been its own army before with GHB abilities and as a shoehorned subfaction next to the legions in LoN. Destruction has three books that need an update, but also only really needs one more book to get everyone covered by something. As much as I'd like to see an ogre tome, I wouldn't be surprized to see Ironjawz get some love first. Chaos needs two new books and with the new Khorne book, I think Tzeentch is the only 1st ed book they have, but I think here new books are probably the most likely before Tzeentch. It's probably one of the 1st edition books that holds up best.

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2 minutes ago, Aryann said:

If I were to guess I'd say LoN, DoK and ID won't get new battletome... this year, They will in the next not to frustrate early birds that've just bought a book (and they have a lot other, older books waiting for an update). It's just a guess though.

Everything thing that came out between Maggotkin and 2nd edition(i.e. with the updated logo and white spine) were designed for second edition, so it's probably safe to say none of them are getting updates anytime soon. They said that updates were to get up to date with the new edition and all those books already are. At most there may be more subfactions fall out of LoN(i.e. Soulblight).

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Yep once every faction is on board with 2.0 it won't be until 3.0 that GW releases new tomes. That doesn't stop them adding models of course; Idonath and DoK are very likely to get Endless spells and Terrain whilst its very likely that we might even see new models appear here and there for any faction as time passes. 


Good times are ahead and even if GW can only get 1 tome out a month that's 12 updated armies and likely 1 or 2 fresh ones. 

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1 hour ago, RuneBrush said:

+++MOD HAT+++

A bit less Tomb King talk if possible please.  Appreciate it's a bit of a sort point (and I'd love to see something come back) but can we talk about what was revealed rather than what wasn't ;)

But I've.... uh..... got a totally legit source saying a Tomb Kings vs Brettonia box set is coming this year. But the same source also said it won't matter because it's due for release right after the aliens come back and take us to heaven on their comet space ship.

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Now, I’m not a native English speaker but if we analize this statement:

The new edition of Age of Sigmar brought a lot of new tricks to the game, and soon, more armies than ever will be able to take full advantage of them – 2019 will see new battletomes for every Grand Alliance! Some brand-new armies will be joining the fray, as well as classic armies updated for the new edition.”

It’s telling us:

1) brand-new armies: that’s plural and does not include what was presented in the past or Slaanesh or StD as those are already existing! Super excited!

2) Classic armies updated for the new edition: again we have to ignore the past cause the 2019 was in the previous sentence and here it says “will” so that means at least 2 new. And that could be StD and Slaanesh, but then combined with:

3) new battletome for every grand alliance: Order is the only GA missing so far, it could be combined with point 1 above or could mean Sylvaneth, KO, etc...

All in all I’m saying that this year looks super exciting with something brewing this spring/summer plus a new skirmish game / set of rules! And we are only 40 days in the year! I doubt they even started teasing this winter as something always happens at the end of the year even if just a Beast of Chaos battletome!

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