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15 minutes ago, Chikout said:

The cities release is absolutely the exception to this though. I'm buying the launch box for sure and probably at least one of every other cities kit they release. I think I'm so hyped for this release, I don't have space for anything else. 

I would say the same if Fyreslayers and KOs had something more than one heroe every few years!

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I mean that's where you want to be isn't it? Into the game but not dealing with a feeling of needing to buy stuff from every release and experiencing constant FOMO. Like I really liked all four of the Harbingers but I don't own Maggotkin or Fyreslayers, my Gloomspite army is largely coming from Stormbringer, and my Flesh Eater Courts are mostly unbuilt so I can wait to get any of them that I do pick up.

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2 hours ago, Grungnisson said:

This actually could all be one kit, you know. Probably on the expensive side, having all options in, but that's not something GW would shy away from, would they? So a centrepiece model for the Portaltrogg, and another smaller single or a unit of three perhaps?

I could definitely see the Portal Trogg and Rock Headed Trogg being a dual kit. With the other smaller Troggs have multiple build options.

If they are all as customisable as the Rockguts we could see Troggoths being the most versatile kit that GW does!!

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1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

I could definitely see the Portal Trogg and Rock Headed Trogg being a dual kit. With the other smaller Troggs have multiple build options.

If they are all as customisable as the Rockguts we could see Troggoths being the most versatile kit that GW does!!

I think It is not a portal. It is a magic absorb vortex and that explains some things that happens during the events of the first book.

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12 minutes ago, EonChao said:

I mean that's where you want to be isn't it? Into the game but not dealing with a feeling of needing to buy stuff from every release and experiencing constant FOMO. Like I really liked all four of the Harbingers but I don't own Maggotkin or Fyreslayers, my Gloomspite army is largely coming from Stormbringer, and my Flesh Eater Courts are mostly unbuilt so I can wait to get any of them that I do pick up.

Yeah, same here. I am really into the new CoS release. I plan to make some big purchases when that drops. But that doesn't mean I feel the need to spend a bunch of money before that just to keep up the hype. I'm just working on my backlog and terrain for the time being. In my opinion, that's not a sign that things are going wrong for GW.

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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

I would say the same if Fyreslayers and KOs had something more than one heroe every few years!

Same. Any new FS (and sometimes KO) are an instant buy, but the hype has been limited due to the only releases being heroes.

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14 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Speaking of hype, we are not guaranteed to see nothing today. Both Imperial Gaurd and Leagues of Votann had previews that weren’t mentioned in the Sunday article.

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

Still, it would be nice to see some artillery...

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Yeah, same here. I am really into the new CoS release. I plan to make some big purchases when that drops. But that doesn't mean I feel the need to spend a bunch of money before that just to keep up the hype. I'm just working on my backlog and terrain for the time being. In my opinion, that's not a sign that things are going wrong for GW.

Yeah GW aren't making bad miniatures, people are just getting to a point where they're being more self controlled (or to the point where they have no money for various reasons so have to be self controlled)

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2 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

That one has previously been announced. I remember because I was excited about the prospect of getting an updated Sepulchral Guard deck.

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2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

That one has previously been announced. I remember because I was excited about the prospect of getting an updated Sepulchral Guard deck.

Check the store, buy it if you want and return here to laugh with me. They changed the SCE warband to make a Starter Set 2023 2: Electro Bogaaloo

Edited by Nezzhil
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2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

That one has previously been announced. I remember because I was excited about the prospect of getting an updated Sepulchral Guard deck.

It's not the same though. The Stormcast warband is different. A very weird product. 

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2 minutes ago, Chikout said:

It's not the same though. The Stormcast warband is different. A very weird product. 

I'm kind of vaguely insulted that in the year of our lord 2023 GW still expects people to buy the same pushfit Sequitors that they've reboxed 50 times since 2018 and used to sell for like $15

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3 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Check the store, buy it if you want and return here to laugh with me. They changed the SCE warband to make a Starter Set 2023 2: Electro Bogaaloo


3 minutes ago, Chikout said:

It's not the same though. The Stormcast warband is different. A very weird product. 

Oh, yeah, I see what you guys are saying. That is a strange product then.

I guess GW just recognized that it would take more than just one Stormcast warband to take on the skeleton chads of the sepulchral guard and decided to try with a second one.

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22 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Anyway, King Brodd talked about this in the Harbringers spoilers thread, but apparently, big portal troll from the WarCom short story might not be the only Troggoth coming around the corner.

The narrative campaigns talkes about 4 over kinds of troggoth : Andtor frost trogg, moss trogg, armoured trogg, and "the rare Rock headed Trogg". 

5 Troll kits for 1 campaign might be a bit too much (even if I would love to see it happen) but I feel like they're not dropping out of nowhere. Maybe not all, but some of them could have kits. I'd be cool to see a moss covered troll.

IMO Moss troggoths are probably the most likely? We've got river, mountain, and cave trolls, forest trolls feel like a good extension. Frost trogg almost feels more like a paint scheme to me, and feels more region locked than the others.
Armored Troggs would be cool, but I feel like they'd be more likely to be a kruleboyz unit? Something for the breaka-boss to push around. They could do double duty if its just troggs with armor though.
We also had sulphurbreath troggoths which were mentioned in the trogg white dwarf.

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23 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

IMO Moss troggoths are probably the most likely? We've got river, mountain, and cave trolls, forest trolls feel like a good extension. Frost trogg almost feels more like a paint scheme to me, and feels more region locked than the others.
Armored Troggs would be cool, but I feel like they'd be more likely to be a kruleboyz unit? Something for the breaka-boss to push around. They could do double duty if its just troggs with armor though.
We also had sulphurbreath troggoths which were mentioned in the trogg white dwarf.

More Troggs is good for DA WAAAGH!!

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On 7/11/2023 at 8:36 AM, Ragnar72 said:

I think we must have seen nearly all the human things by now?. Dwarf and aelves are missing completely.

I can imagine getting a warcry box or similar unit like the old chaos warbands were it's mostly humans and a few extras, like how Spire Tyrants has a Chorf and a Beastman, and Iron Golem has a Chorf and a chaos ogre 

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4 hours ago, EonChao said:

Yeah GW aren't making bad miniatures, people are just getting to a point where they're being more self controlled (or to the point where they have no money for various reasons so have to be self controlled)

This generally happens when economic outlook look uncertain ( global recession fears) people tend to be tighter with money or spend it more efficiently.

consumer are probably more selective of their money right now either saving or weighting the cost and benifits (do I use my extra spending money on hobbies or going on vacation?) 

while GW probably did well during 2023 because of the small spending boon after lockdown lifted, it really 2024 that people are worried about

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