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2 hours ago, Dez said:


New Age of Sigmar Starter Box. Comes with the existing Starter Set contents minus some heroes (Dracoth, Lord of Khorne, not sure what else). Comes with Gold and Red sprues, which looks like it would be easy to hit with a wash and call it tabletop. Comes with a vinyl 2 sided mat based on the Realm of Battle Board, and the box turns into a big terrain piece

Shadow War: Armageddon is the spiritual successor to Necromunda and due out VERY SOON. Comes in a MASSIVE (stressed a lot) box full of multilevel terrain, Space Marines, Orks and of course rules. The rules cover 16-17 different factions, so most/all 40k armies are covered.

Blood Bowl is going really strong, like crazy strong. Lots of stuff in the works for it, and I think they are probably redesigning stuff they had planned to cast instead as plastic (my guess). 

Can wait to hear more about the multi level terrain!

Also that box sounds like a good way to get an additional bloodsecrator hopefully!

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I'm hoping they are new sculpts in the Shadow War box. Note that there is no shoota like the one the Ork Boy is holding, and GW doesn't like to have art without a model. Remember that 'Belt Buckle' we saw a long time ago?

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2 hours ago, Turgol said:

But is this the "big news" to be revealed this week. Another dwarven heartbreak? 


2 hours ago, DantePQ said:

Meh another SE box ?

No Aelves info ?

No Dwarfs announcement ?


The text says

"We’ll have more news for you on this game, as well as other new releases, over the next several hours, so stay posted!"

So don't let this release take all hope out of you, there's still plenty of possibilities for letting your hopes be squashed again by other lesser GW announcements before Adepticon! (come on guys, Adepticon gets the big releases, duardin and dark elves - while Death gets a battle tome and three new war scrolls this week! Here's to hope! )

Edited by Teletomas
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4 hours ago, DantePQ said:

Meh another SE box ?

No Aelves info ?

No Dwarfs announcement ?


It is the same box just repackaged to appeal to new gamers. If you are already posting on here, it is probably not for you. I am guessing they are aiming for the £50 price range. This is small enough news that it has not even merited a post on the community website yet.

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