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Everything posted by Mohojoe

  1. I recently bought the slaves to darkness battleforce, got carried away and then realised I was not enjoying painting them. Looking to get some ogres (my first love) instead. Because I have cracked into the box, the contents are a bit bizarre. Included is: Converted hero Converted demon prince 16xChaos Warriors 10xChaos Knights (horses assembled, riders on sprue) Gorebeast chariot (assembled) Shrine of chaos (partassembled, ogres base coated and washed) Converted manticore and chaos lord I shall add more pictures shortly. Looking to trade for most ogre kingdoms items, ideally unpainted but will consider anything, or PayPal so I can buy some ogres! Thanks for your time converted chaos lord Converted demon prince Chaos warriors
  2. I dream of option 3. Splitting gutbusters and BCR never sat right with me anyway.
  3. Long time no see! Essays and dissertations have been kicking my butt but I am working on this guy for May
  4. Hey guys, I have a tournament coming soon, its a doubles event. My partner is running Bloodbound and I have decided on StD. I have just bought the godsworn battleforce box and am wondering what you all think would be a good little list for my 1000 points. Ive not really played 2.0 (i know, I'm awful) so im at a bit of a loss on how to build. I'm guessing dispelling and hordes? I appreciate I'm not giving much to go on here but any help is appreciated!
  5. Glad you have started this, was thinking of something similar myself but I'm lazy. As for what I'm doing, I'm going full trolls to start with. Get a good feel for the army and then I may add in some more competitive ****** units to up the win rate. I'm super excited for the release. Been wanting a good looking elite monstermash army for a while.
  6. I'm going full trolls. "Well actually you will find it's stronger to take a unit of gobl..." *SLAP* , I said, I'm going full trolls.
  7. Hey all, trying to get a functioning Army together to play some games. Currently have a star drake, relictor, 2 fulminators and 10 sequitors. I'm thinking of splitting sequitors into two groups of five and adding a Lord arcanum on foot and a unit of judicators, a heralding and a castellant. Anyone got any better suggestions?
  8. Skywarden and Endrinriggers being th same price is ridiculous. Endrinriggers are flat out the better choice. Now there is no reason to take skywardens at all. It’s punishing variety in the list.
  9. I’m taking a Thryng list based on sniping basically while taking advantage of maximum grudges. yet to finalise troop choices but I do feel two navigators are a decent choice to allow you to unbind. An argument could be made fir taking Barak-Nar but to be honest i don’t like relying on a one dimensional list when you might not play against a magic army. Im kinda wanting to try the Lord magnate but I am a little concerned at his high point cost.
  10. Anyone usin Lord magnate in any lists?
  11. To be honest some of the nerfs are understandable. The bit I don’t like is how now you need to be reading from 4 different places to work out what your army does. I understand that we aren’t the flashy new army and we aren’t thevdesperately in need of dusting off old army, but I really think we need an updated Battletome. Even if it’s a digital only release to remove the cost of printing for GW. As someone fresh to playing KO it’s incredibly difficult to keep up with the FAQs , updated warscrolls point changes and online warscrolls. If I had just bought the Battletome I would be demanding a refund as it nigh on useless at this point
  12. Apparently the thunderers thing is a mistake. Im also liking the look of Thryng at the minute. Been toying with a few ideas for it. On a side note. The first time I got into KO thunderers got nerfed. When the new edition was announced I bought a load and they got nerfed again. Last week I bought an ordinator and he just got nerfed. Anyone want to pay me to buy a load of Nighthaunt and daughters of khaine and see if we can get them nerfed? ?
  13. I assume because they can be hit by more enemies in CC bud but I’m not certain
  14. Here’s to hoping for a new Battletome at some point
  15. At least they had fun at the top haha!
  16. I’m coming from ogors so I’m still positive haha!
  17. Updated KO FAQ here: https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/age_of_sigmar_kharadron_overlords_errata_en.pdf
  18. Anyone had any luck running Barak-Thryng lists? Also do painting rules apply to Baraks or was that ignored in the end? Currently hashing out some theoretical lists but I am still rather new to KO
  19. Lord ordinator is basically an autopick for us at this point right? Are there any other "Order Warmachine" buffs that we have access to, from ironweald arsenal for example etc.
  20. I’m just excited to smack things with a steam powered hammer-drill
  21. It baffles me that they have been ignored when they are so popular, and compared to a lot of the armies, have a pretty wide model range! To most players starting the game, elite armies are very attractive. Quick to paint and with a fairly cheap entry price they are the perfect way to get into the game! At this point I’m almost ready for them to be swallowed up by BCR just to have them survive! On a slight side note, is it just worth playing mixed Destruction and using the units for their strengths? And with the new artefacts has any one found any cool combos yet? In case you can’t tell I’m desperate for someone to throw us a bone! I don’t mind being the underdog competitively but I would like to at least be relevant!
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