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7 hours ago, MacDuff said:

I expect zombies to be ugly myself. 

Killagore say it before, but yes. I was referring to the quality of the sculpt. GW zombies, I think, are one of the worst miniature zombies out there. Even some game tokens like the Black Plague ones in PVC are better!

But I'll stop the zombie theme here because its offtopic, sorry!

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19 hours ago, Sete said:

Yeah but the old ones are no longer available. 

I doubt the (assumption coming) new skellies will have these monopose included. They are clearly meant for shadespire like the AoS and Khorne.

Could it be a reboxing?


There's always the chance they'll go the Silver Tower Kairic Acolyte/ Tzaangor route and release mono pose for the side game and similarly designed multi pose kits afterwards

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If the question refers to new AoS armies, almost certain it is Shadowkin. But you have Death Guard, other 40k stuff and maybe other AoS/40k not so new releases in between. Id say it is pretty safe to assume no new AoS released until late june at the least. 

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So being pretty new, based on the Khorne changes if we see a Nurgle battletome soon, will it change much?  

I've been reading the Wardens of the Everqueen novel and I've noticed there and in other stories, there are loads of mortals and beastmen that are definitely devoted to a single chaos god.  Though sadly I don't think the new Khorne book included much in the way of adding Khorne keywords to general chaos units.

Not being really interested in match play, I'm totally fine using some parts from nurgle kits to make some pestigors and just giving them the nurgle keyword so they match the descriptions in the novels of being unmistakably blighted, but it would be cool for options for all three modes of play of making the more undivided stuff lean towards a specific god.

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4 hours ago, Turgol said:

If the question refers to new AoS armies, almost certain it is Shadowkin. 

I wonder if they will incorporate some of the existing "Dark Elf" models in the new range... for example I recently bought 30 Witch Aelves and a Cauldron of Blood.

It seems to me that they have great agile and wild poses and look much better in the round bases than the old square ones. I also compared them with the two Silver Tower aelven heroes and thei design shared similarities with both the Tenebrae Shard and the Mistweaver Saih. On top of that they have the exact same scale size-wise.

They are really excellent models and I believe they would fit perfectly with a new release wave of Shadowkin... :)

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I would say, going by the Tzeentch release, there will be new Beasts of Nurgle and the Plague Zombies from the new Death Guard release, would be a "dual" kit like the Tzaangors. 

There could also be a plastic Epidemius, the same way there is a new Changling.

Of course, there could be a new unit as well, Plague Zombies riding Drones or Beasts perhaps.

And of course the new plastic Great Unclean One

just a thought

Edited by Russ
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Since they have not teased any other releases other than Death Guard for 40k, you can safely assume from a business point of view that a Nurgle Battletome (Plague Hosts or something like that) is next. It makes sense to do a 40k followed by an AOS release to keep everyone happy and make lots of money.


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If Nurgle gets a new battletome it would have to be accompanied by a major model release. Both Khorne and Tzeentch have a decent selection of mortal units. Nurgle Rotbringers? Not so much.

The faction has lots of character models, but in terms of units they've got... Blightkings. That's literally it! :o

So a Nurgle tome would pretty much have to include 4-5 new mortal units just to be on par with the other new books, and a new GUO to fit with the new plastic greater daemons. Possibly new Beasts of Nurgle too, if not a few other things as well.

That puts it well into big release territory - so probably not something we're likely to see for a while yet...

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