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27 minutes ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

Hell, I'm not a Khorne player and when I saw this rules I thought: lots of bloodreavers.

depending on cost multiple units of the newly damage 2 khorgorath's would work as well. Good chance of finishing off enemy units and small enough wound count to die when they need to.

The blood sacrifice from the priest prayers list sounds fantastic for use on Khorgorath's since they can heal themselves.

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14 minutes ago, TrexPushups said:

depending on cost multiple units of the newly damage 2 khorgorath's would work as well. Good chance of finishing off enemy units and small enough wound count to die when they need to.

The blood sacrifice from the priest prayers list sounds fantastic for use on Khorgorath's since they can heal themselves.

It'll obviously depend on the new cost for Khorgoraths and Bloodreavers which will determine how viable these tactics will be...

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8 hours ago, Teletomas said:


I can see how Death could be a hard opponent for Khorne as Blood Tithe needs the Khorne player to eradicate units to give bonuses - Death with their ward save and regenerating units could actually be a viable answer to lock them down.

It's funny because I had the complete opposite reaction. Khorne has so many great buffers, and Death has no way to target them effectively. It seems like a bad matchup already, and these new rules provide a panoply of bonuses that didn't exist before (not just blood tithe but better artefacts, battalion bonuses, straight up buffed warscrolls, priest abilities, etc.)

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39 minutes ago, swarmofseals said:

It's funny because I had the complete opposite reaction. Khorne has so many great buffers, and Death has no way to target them effectively. It seems like a bad matchup already, and these new rules provide a panoply of bonuses that didn't exist before (not just blood tithe but better artefacts, battalion bonuses, straight up buffed warscrolls, priest abilities, etc.)

Screaming Skull Catapults + Arkhan boosting the range of mortal wound causing spells? I don't play Death, but I don't see how they're any worse equipped to snipe 5 wound heroes than any other grand alliance or popular faction.

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1 hour ago, swarmofseals said:

It's funny because I had the complete opposite reaction. Khorne has so many great buffers, and Death has no way to target them effectively. It seems like a bad matchup already, and these new rules provide a panoply of bonuses that didn't exist before (not just blood tithe but better artefacts, battalion bonuses, straight up buffed warscrolls, priest abilities, etc.)

If you're implying that death is severely hindered by the fact that it is the/one of the factions most in need of a new battle tome, I would definitely agree. 

But looking at how it seems it was meant to be played and the general gist of it; regenerating units and buffed ward saves giving you a 1/3 chance of saving any wounds, I would definitely say that it seem it would be a natural negation to a khorne army out for blood. That's how I think Death was meant to be played, and that's how I think you could play death already- though I agree that the more time that passes without that sorely needed battle tome, the harder it will get, as other factions, khorne, get new battle tomes and new ways to play that make them better. -This is not me complaining, as I fully expect this to be rectified, and am hoping GW has decided to spam us with battle tomes. (i.e. every second to third month or so)

But once we get that tome, and even now, throwing units of 60 zombies or 40 skeletons with with kings banner plus ward save plus regen and closing down khorne maneuverability through numbers (and merging summoned units) seems like a good way to throw a spanner into the khorne blood tithe mechanic needing killed units to gain extras. I think death and khorne will make for strategic games of slow grind.

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46 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

Screaming Skull Catapults + Arkhan boosting the range of mortal wound causing spells? I don't play Death, but I don't see how they're any worse equipped to snipe 5 wound heroes than any other grand alliance or popular faction.

One horde is all buffed up to kill and gets bonuses for killing. The other horde is all buffed up to survive (plus some extra attacks) and gets bonuses for that = grind.

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8 hours ago, bottle said:

Reading through this month's White Dwarf I notice "Grotbag Scutterlers" are referenced 3 or 4 times. Do we think the ST gribbles are getting a full release in the not too distant future?

The half-arachnid Grot Scuttlings from Silver Tower aren't the Grotbag Scuttlers mentioned in this month's WD I'm afraid! I think the latter are some form of Grot sky-pirates from what I gathered reading online from others.

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16 minutes ago, Circus of Paint said:

The half-arachnid Grot Scuttlings from Silver Tower aren't the Grotbag Scuttlers mentioned in this month's WD I'm afraid! I think the latter are some form of Grot sky-pirates from what I gathered reading online from others.

I think GW may be playing with homonyms!

To scuttle is to shuffle or walk furtively (matches scuttling models)

To scuttle is to deliberately sink a ship (matching a potential piratey grot faction)

The more you know!

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The Blood Tithe mechanism looks quite interesting, like a lesser version of the w40k Eldar Ynari thing. Could encourage MSU armies which is quite cool.

I also hope for sky pirate goblins, sounds like a helluva fun concept! but please dont make them w40k looking like the kharadron dwarves, thnx.

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As we had no aelves announced at Adepticon when or where would you expect it to happen? If I were to guess I'd say Warhammer Fest. Until then I think we might get some repacks or/and a new battletome. It would be nice to release a new nurgle battletome. 

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From bell of lost souls, should I say this is more slaanesh hints? Heh :D GW can't seem to not help themselves mentioning slaanesh in recent publications involving chaos. DOT, Warhammer quest hammerhal and now this snippet. Think in context if you read my lore posts slaanesh is out of the lime light and it's highly likely he/she is still playing the great game. Now slaanesh is most like currently surrounded by a lot of aelves and chaos being a thing of pure corruption I am quite sure keeping a chaos god in the mortal realms is not going to be healthy for one's mind. Just my theory I suspect corrupted aelves joining the humans. 

From end times khaine

Morathi opens up the vortex to let the hand of slaanesh through I mean his/her literal hand

"Morathi saw the eye too, but in hermadness did not care. Indeed, she invited its gaze, casting ever wilder magics to tempt it nearer. She no longer feared oblivion in slaanesh's gullet. not if it would exhort the thirsting god to lay waste to all of Ulthuan. This would be her vegenace, perhaps even her apotheosis, for could not slaanesh's favour could be courted?

As the vortext shrank in on itself, so too did the rift at its heart, and a great ululating howl split the air as slaanesh realised he had been cheated on his feast. The vast, taloned hand groped frantically as the rift contracted, desperate to seize some vibrant morsel, Morathi at last realising her folly, backed away. She did not see Caledor approach. The mage held Morathi fast as the giant hand drew near. The sorceress shrieked, and tore at Caledor with nails and teeth. Blood ran as rivers down the mage's face, but still he held on, drawing her into the last embrace that either would ever know. Your race is run, child he said. Meet your end with the dignity of your heritage. Something in those words at last pierced Mortahi's madness, and she fell limp in caledor's arms. As the claws closed around them both, she screamed one last time and then there was silence.

Then in AOS she was not liberated from slaanesh's gullet, Malerion/Malekith actually found her again in ulgu. Yes he found her and all they noted that he noticed she was "changed" somehow. I personally think this is slaanesh's gambit or him playing the game. Also the picture who's crown does that look like? Also how would tyrion and malerion along with teclis imprison a god? I personally believe Morathi is the prison and might explain why slaaneshi followers still get marked and gain mutations even though slaanesh is "missing."




More lore. 



Why would khorne still get angry about a missing god? He should be happy his enemy is finally gone plus according to the tzeentch tome how slaanesh vanished and how he/she was captured seems to be a closely guarded secret. Only one cult out of all of tzeentch's cults knows the details. (Most likely to prepare just in case slaanesh does come back and to prevent slaanesh from entering the great game again. I think slaanesh is still playing due to a slaaneshi lord noting that slaanesh might of allowed himself to be captured.) Also the seraphon have a vested interest in preventing the followers of slaanesh getting to him/her. 

Also do you find it strange that somehow all the followers somehow decided that it's highly likely that slaanesh is in ulgu? I mean it was tyrion who made the plan to capture slaanesh and approached Malekith/malerion why not go to the realm of light?




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1 hour ago, Double Misfire said:

There's your point. ;)

Ha! True he is now angry that his main rival went missing. xD Honestly I do think Mortahi is involved reading the first campaign book again Morathi was in ulgu before even Malekith/Malerion respawned. Maybe she was "placed" there I mean GW does things in advance also I recall bob on atia's blog said this. Also predicated the book as well. A black library editor said that slaanesh is a huge plot point. 


This was 11 months ago. 

future models

-in the general's handbook, there looks to be new sylvaneth models shown. i would take this with a grain of salt, as they could be very well done conversions, but from what i heard, there are models of aelfs whose limbs are turning into branches and plants, and new updated treemen (not treelords, the treemen who are bigger than branchwraiths but smaller than treelords) 
-concept art shown of allariel riding what looks to be a giant rhino beetle? sounds interesting, possible future model? only time will tell 

-Slaanesh is not dead. Models are supposedly finished and they're waiting to get things ready (box art, artwork for future books, production, finding a time to include in the story, etc.) studios rarely release models the second they are done, there's a lot of prep work behind the scenes.



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Khorne is always angry, I think part of his devine trial to become a Dark God included that every day for Khorne is like a monday. He never gets his skulls in time and meanwhile a lot of his warriors are more concerned in wearing Khorne's symbol on their heads instead of waging war.As if that wasn't enough, he also has to deal with Bloodthirsters wanting their own new sets of equipment because Axes and Whips where out of fasion...

Because of all that wasted time Slaanesh will certainly return, but as menionted different. The upcomming Emperor's Children will more or less ensure that Slaanesh remains to have a place but I do think that the term Dark Prince will now lead to a different kind of Slaanesh representation, less lust, sexual and drug concepts overall. Very likely more noise and sound based like Emperor's Children, by large because for WFB Slaanesh always also had 'too much' overlap with Dark Elves. To the point where they started out together, split, sometimes went back for Storm of Chaos and likely to the point where GW saw their common design as more of a boon as an advantage.

A lot of this re-design comming from GW also aims to make even the sub-factions within a great alliance more unique. If Dark Aelfs go their sky pirate ways with some knive machines and torture design I think it wouldn't be impossible to have Slaanesh go a fast, big and noisey. 

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I dont buy this theory that Slaanesh is being toned down, they already did that years ago when the Diaz daemonettes were replaced with the plastic ones. The Keepers that have appeared in recent art are waybmore sexualised than the cowhead/squidhead model still on sale.

I reckon Slaanesh was side-lined for both narrative and product release reasons. Not only will it be the last of the 4 to get a big release, but there will also be some sort of rationalisatin between Slaanesh getting his butt kicked by Tyrion/Malerion in AoS and his upcoming buttkicking my Ynnead in 40k.

With a new Keeper and Daemon Primarch Fulgrim on the cards I think Slaanesh is being set up for a big return, just not any time soon, which I am happy with as we need some time to focus on Tzeentch and I guess Nurgle if we assume an AoS release alongside the Death Guard.

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5 hours ago, Killax said:

Khorne is always angry, I think part of his devine trial to become a Dark God included that every day for Khorne is like a monday. He never gets his skulls in time and meanwhile a lot of his warriors are more concerned in wearing Khorne's symbol on their heads instead of waging war.As if that wasn't enough, he also has to deal with Bloodthirsters wanting their own new sets of equipment because Axes and Whips where out of fasion...

Because of all that wasted time Slaanesh will certainly return, but as menionted different. The upcomming Emperor's Children will more or less ensure that Slaanesh remains to have a place but I do think that the term Dark Prince will now lead to a different kind of Slaanesh representation, less lust, sexual and drug concepts overall. Very likely more noise and sound based like Emperor's Children, by large because for WFB Slaanesh always also had 'too much' overlap with Dark Elves. To the point where they started out together, split, sometimes went back for Storm of Chaos and likely to the point where GW saw their common design as more of a boon as an advantage.

A lot of this re-design comming from GW also aims to make even the sub-factions within a great alliance more unique. If Dark Aelfs go their sky pirate ways with some knive machines and torture design I think it wouldn't be impossible to have Slaanesh go a fast, big and noisey. 

Slaanesh is not getting toned down considering in most novels they still act the same as always also as Marius said GW have already done the toning down. Also slaanesh does not really represent sexual aspects that is only a small part of the pie and as a slaanesh fan it's more the fact that the fan base has memed slaanesh into that corner. Since if you read most publications dealing with slaanesh they talk about people falling through pride, envy, gluttony, sloth and greed.

Yes lust is there but you are not going to become a prince by just having relations and doing drugs all day. Slaanesh will just grow bored and spawn you. Why do you think slaaneshi's involve themselves in war? Their senses majority of the time are so blasted they call only feel joy in the cruelty and pain of war.

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@shinros well, there is a lore reason as to why Slaanesh isn't that much present at war involvement. Then we also have this small sliver of lore that confirms that Slaanesh inspires decadence and wallows in the cacophony of it's own decadence. In addition to all of this, Slaanesh got curb stomped in a fatter non-warlike form ;).

My moral remains that Slaanesh is most certainly up for a large change, to the point where I certainly think he will return but much more in the form also seen in 40K, which most certainly differs a lot to what was Slaaneshi in WFB (in the later editions of WFB). 

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