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Yeah I don't think TK are coming back they got rid of em for a reason. TK does not fit the aesthetic GW are going for in AOS in my opinion I made a separate topic about this.

No matter how much GW improved they don't kill a whole line for no reason considering how bright in style TK were they don't fit they seems to be aiming for a more "grim" look.

I could see the newer plastics coming back and that's about it.

Edited by shinros
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36 minutes ago, shinros said:

Yeah I don't think TK are coming back they got rid of em for a reason. TK does not fit the aesthetic GW are going for in AOS in my opinion I made a separate topic about this.

No matter how much GW improved they don't kill a whole line for no reason considering how bright in style TK were they don't fit they seems to be aiming for a more "grim" look.

I could see the newer plastics coming back and that's about it.

I dont think they will come back. But i think we will see elements of them crossed with the Aesthetic we saw in Nagash and the deathlords.


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2 minutes ago, Nico said:

Is that a gold snake (Asaph? Khalida reference?) on the head of one of the Skeletons on the left?

Yea I noticed that as well, it certainly seems to be. Reminds me of the ornamentation on the current tomb king Skeletons. 

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GW adding those TK units to the GA:death tells me they want to make them somewhat relevant again. if you look at the sculpts of some of them, they still look amazing, and completely on pair with even the latest releases: necro/warsphinx, necropolis. Screaming skull catapult is a wierd addition tho, since the model looks like a bad joke. Settra is basically a finnancial treasure waiting to be exploited by GW. The model is old ofc, but they can easely make a new updated version of him, and essentially add a new "god" for Death. Or he becomes one of Nagash´s underlings tho quite unlikely since he doesnt kneel and stuff but yeah..
Tomb Kings as we knew them will never be back (probably), just like most other races just arent the same as in WHFB. But the concept of undead egyptians still sells, and death just happens to be in quite a need of some sort of expansion. Plus the demand of well TK is still here, alot of people want them back or remade. I honestly think the signs are too clear to ignore, something for death is in the making, and i pray its atleast 1% reminiscent of what TK was

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For Tzeentch (and I assume the upcoming Khorne) is there anything at all to differentiate all-daemon armies (e.g. sexier battleline, etc.)?

I had a feeling each God would become a faction rather than two or three, but I tend to prefer daemons to mortals.

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I doubt GW will throw away their conception of Sphinxes and Ushabti, those where one of the very few unique takes GW has ever had in its Undead/Death factions. On the other hand, throwing out the specific realisations of those concepts makes sense, since they where so heavily tied to Tomb Kings and their less than unique undead ancient egypt vibe. We won't see a return of the Khemrian Warsphynx and Nekrosphynx, but we may eventually see some new Sphynxes of Shysh.

Really, I think ultimately will leave almost the entirety of currently existing Death units and models to the dust and tackle the entire concept of Undeath anew, since most of the VC line has the same issues TK had (a dearth of unique ideas and realisation, weak iconography compared to all other factions, conceptually all over the place). I just think they nixed TK first since offered less variety and could be more easily replaced.

This is what really excites me so about GA:Death and why I do not mind waiting to see it at the same time, GW will really have cut loose and put in a lot of work on the Grand Alliance and as Kharadron Overlords show, we can expect great things when GW goes all out.

That, and the combination of design elements we have seen used for the newest Death models so far happen to have a surprisingly large common share with some 1920s styles, which I find amusing and awesome.


p.s.: To illustrate what I mean by my last comment, for example, there was a huge ancient egypt craze in 1920s, resulting in a trend for faux-pharaonic jewelry. So where many may see Toomb Kings in the new Skeleton illustration, I also see a bunch of Skeleton Flappers.

Edited by Rogue Explorator
added p.s.
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Just now, redbeardboss said:

Everyone forgets nobody bought or played Tomb Kings. The only reason people all the sudden like them now is because they have loose compendium rules that were written before GHB and they got good abilities.

Ehh.  They have a really enjoyable aesthetic and cool fluff.  There were plenty of players prior to their squatting and it isn't very easy to find a whole army on ebay years after they stopped being up for sale.

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36 minutes ago, redbeardboss said:

Everyone forgets nobody bought or played Tomb Kings. The only reason people all the sudden like them now is because they have loose compendium rules that were written before GHB and they got good abilities.

Nobody bought them because the models were old and crappy (apart from the 3 newer plastic kits). They'd have sold more if they'd updated the old skeletons. 

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1 hour ago, redbeardboss said:

Everyone forgets nobody bought or played Tomb Kings. The only reason people all the sudden like them now is because they have loose compendium rules that were written before GHB and they got good abilities.


The problem is that this argument cuts both ways. One could argue that nobody bought TK before because they were under-updated. TK were split off from VC in 5th edition and didn't get their own book until four years after VC did, and then they didn't get another update for 8 years! I'm not really sure how competitive they were in 6th edition when they got their first real army book, but I'm pretty confident they were considered bottom tier if not the literal worst in 8th edition even after their 8th edition book. 


This is the fundamental flaw in the way GW designs and releases products -- it creates a vicious cycle for less popular factions that is very hard to overcome. 


Imagine if Wizards of the Coast used GW's release strategy with Magic. For much of Magic's early existence, Blue had a substantial advantage in frequency of use. Meanwhile, Green was heavily underplayed. This imbalance was largely due to structural factors in the game design. Under GW's approach, Wizards would have identified the popularity of Blue and then decided to print more Blue cards in each set to give the players more of what they want. This would likely result in Blue becoming even more heavily played over time and so on. Instead, Wizards tried to identify and address the structural factors that gave Blue so many advantages and disadvantaged Green. If anything, things have now tipped a bit too far in the other direction but the game increased its health dramatically in that time span. It's the difference between a company tending to the short term interest vs. the long term. 

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Yeah, just like Ogre Kingdoms become more popular in 8th edition than in 7th. Thats because in 7th they were a little bad and in 8th they were actually strong if well used. 

As a narrative player I have to accept reality: Stronger armys sell better. And if they are updated by GW in a regular basis, they sell even better.

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Like @swarmofseals has said (quite rightly) tomb kings had been disadvantaged for quite some time before AoS. The rules were always the problem with tomb kings, the models were the only thing keeping the army from being squatted.

Now that tomb kings have the rules that they always should have, of course people are calling for the models to be updated and "unsquatted". Just like Brettonia, tomb kings suffered for years because they were never updated properly, suffering from "codex creep" and neglect from GW.

Have a look at some of the TK models, they are dynamic and unique especially considering their age.

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Khalida has one of the best sculpted faces of a female GW has ever done.

And its just half a mask!


Oh Khalida how I mourn your loss... I had never the oportunity to paint you white and use you in the top of my wedding cake with a black tuxedo Krell :( 

Edited by Galas
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