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27 minutes ago, DantePQ said:

And why is that ? With End Times it was established that Malerion is against Chaos and now those Shadowelves are presented in the fluff very Eldar alike they are not evil but interested only in their own agenda. And they don't belong to any other alliance also when they chips are down they will fight against Chaos

Again. comes down to people confusing "order" with "good"

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Dammit. I've just spent the last 3 years painting dark elves with strong marine/nautical/Cthulhu theme rebasing them for AOS, adding more units, adding Skink Thralls and a Bastardised Bastiladon. My worries are two fold:

1. My current dark elves might look stupid compared to the new stuff and/or wont go together either aesthetically or fluff wise.

2. The new stuff will be so good I will want to start a new army with it anyway, and I could do with starting something completely new and non skinny and pointy (My head had been turned by the Kharadron Overlords)


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3 minutes ago, Percivael said:

Certainly plausible isn't it?! 

surely does.

Me? Im just a simple man with simple tastes. I really happy for all elf player, now i just want them to unleash the new elfs and death, and then go on to what matters most - ironjawz skyships.

Edited by Sadysaneto
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50 minutes ago, Thomas Lyons said:

My cohost for Warhammer Weekly will be at the Adepticon event this evening and we'll do our weekly show immediately after he gets out of the event.  I doubt they'll allow cameras but I've told him to take copious notes.

What time does the event start?

23 minutes ago, Percivael said:

Dammit. I've just spent the last 3 years painting dark elves with strong marine/nautical/Cthulhu theme rebasing them for AOS, adding more units, adding Skink Thralls and a Bastardised Bastiladon. My worries are two fold:

1. My current dark elves might look stupid compared to the new stuff and/or wont go together either aesthetically or fluff wise.

2. The new stuff will be so good I will want to start a new army with it anyway, and I could do with starting something completely new and non skinny and pointy (My head had been turned by the Kharadron Overlords)


It will be #2.  You know this to be true. ;)

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I'm all about Dark Aelves, especially Slaaneshi ones, I really am. That was my deal for the longest of times. It's why I see any possible release with a mixture of sheer excitement and dread. I am all happy to bandwagon on someone else's army, but everyone on mine? Nooooooo!! :P 

Hypocrites are the worst, I know.

All this said, I am really not sure what to think of that teaser pic. The level of sculpt detail and paint seems more Mantic than GW (unless very small scale). Honestly would not have said that was a GW photo. Will be interesting to see who that arm belongs to, that's for sure!!

Sorry I've not been able to read previous pages so unsure if duplicating thoughts etc.

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The image made me think of the cold one champion, exactly the same idea:




Quite excited to see new elves minis in AoS, could have a break of so many new minis being dwarves, SC or chaos... 


Edited by VBS
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Shadow kin is my bet. But if they mix slaneesh in to this I'll be mad. I mean slaneesh is elves worst nightmare. He feeds of their souls for Christ sake. Aelves and slaneesh should be each other's worst enemy. 

So I hope that this is a self faction from the realm of shadow. That creature looks a little bit like a dragonette from WOW

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1 hour ago, Dez said:

Ok another thought! Looking at the sculpting...I think it's a Blood Bowl mini. Think about the Referees, hairless Rat Ogre...


34 minutes ago, Chris Tomlin said:

All this said, I am really not sure what to think of that teaser pic. The level of sculpt detail and paint seems more Mantic than GW (unless very small scale). Honestly would not have said that was a GW photo. Will be interesting to see who that arm belongs to, that's for sure!!

I'm no expert, but these two theories chimed with me. The sculpt looks very unlike the new hugely detailed minis that have come out of late, unless it is indeed really small. I also think it's really unlikely that GW would tease another huge new faction release, and it surely would be, without having actually released the last one.

That said, come on Shadow Elves!

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2 hours ago, Dez said:

Ok another thought! Looking at the sculpting...I think it's a Blood Bowl mini. Think about the Referees, hairless Rat Ogre...

The more I look at it, the more I think you're right. The slightly cartoonish vibe to it, and the hand really looks like a leather glove now that I think of it. Think it could very well be some sort of Undead or Dark Elves Blood Bowl team.

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