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Everything posted by Bowlzee

  1. I've re-added link to the original topic. It's still all there and working here
  2. Added both. Is there a way to contact the club? I can add that in the details
  3. Sorry it took a while. My First Child was born shortly after you posted added added
  4. Added. Where would you like the PIN for CNY Age of Sigmar? Or is it the AoS Facebook group for the Comix Zone store? added added
  5. Added yourself, and your gaming group. Let me know when you get a regular location for the group and I will put it as the location for the Group. Good luck setting up you scene!
  6. South London Legion Team C - South London Leftovers Team consists off: Craig @Bowlzee John @Gitli Dec @BeardedBaller Alex @Earthtremor All Paid up!
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