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They'll need something significant to become competitive, especially if they don't do anything to address the warscrolls' innate lack of Rend or MW output in addition to mobility. Khorne are in competitive lists now only by the grace of Sayl and Warp Lightning Cannons.

GW have not done much to existing warscrolls in SCE and Disciples so I'd be surprised to see any noticeable changes there besides limiting the unbind of the LoK and Slaughterpriest.

The Blood Tide (or whatever it's called) mechanic in 40k Khorne Daemonkin I wouldn't be surprised to see make an appearance. It gives you points when stuff dies that you can spend on buffs and summoning.

Edited by Bjarni St.
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I think it is a good decision to bring mortals and demons together for each chaos god. That separation felt a bit artificial to me. And that way we can expect forces of Nurgle to be updated soon. On the other hand I like they kept Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords seperate as the only thing they have in common is they are duardin. Everything else is so much different. 

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2 hours ago, Bjarni St. said:

They'll need something significant to become competitive, especially if they don't do anything to address the warscrolls' innate lack of Rend or MW output in addition to mobility.

I was wondering here until I saw 'Sayl' and now I get it. Yeah, as far as I know (no Chaos expert) a good chunk of non-Tzeentch lists are Sayl and/or Belakor and friends.

I'd love for all chaos to get nice allegiance bonuses to contend with the auto-included named characters.

It's just more flavourful.

Edited by Turragor
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I think the more interesting aspect here is GW's seeming commitment to the new army book style. This will be the second full book which is mostly rework of existing stuff. Updating older books to a new style. It tells me that they are very much enjoying the allegiance ability mechanic and that the new direction is working for them. You can practically feel the designers having fun when reading Tzeench/Stormcast. It's nailing the narrative and mechanical integration in a way that AoS couldn't at release, yet without restricting players from their Grand Alliance armies.


Aelfs are obviously waiting for a proper model release, possibly the Adepticon reveal. So any updates there will have to wait.


Death too seems to be waiting for something. Deathrattle could have been its own tome ala Bonesplitterz. Deathlords could have gotten an Archaon treatment (plus bonus formations).


But it's not easy to speculate on GW's internal workings. The guys working there obviously can't comment on it. And you'd very quickly go from "informed speculation" to outright guesswork and wishlisting.

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I expect they will "only" reveal Shadowspire at Adepticon. It seems to be a big thing for them, with planned expansions and they will give all the spotlight to that new game, without any distractions. Aelfs will be shown further in the year in my opinion. It is also to close to Duardin release. 

Edited by Aryann
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I'm pretty stoked for the new Khorne Battletome - it makes perfect sense and should hopefully bring people who play a pure Khorne list back into the fold.  I had a game yesterday against Stormcast and they're able to do quite a few nice new things, so keeping my fingers crossed that we'll get the same treatment.  I'm hoping we might get more warscroll changes than Stormcast did as I think there are more units that need clarifying or improving than the Stormcast did - hopefully we won't need to wait long to find out :)

I think the only thing that I went "oh" on was that there are no new models - I'm not meaning new units but more the models only in the starter set such as the Khorgorath and Bloodsecrator.  However GW have surprised us before and given us odd surprise releases.

Fully expect to see Nurgle out in the next few months as they could also be done using existing models.

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I think Nurgle is coming soon anyway. Haven't multiple sources talked about Nurgle Beastmen? Although not an AoS source per se, the latest Gathering Storm book really foreshadowed Mortarion having some new plans which were almost complete. Hopefully AoS wouldn't be left out of a general plague release!

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4 hours ago, Aryann said:

I expect they will "only" reveal Shadowspire at Adepticon. It seems to be a big thing for them, with planned expansions and they will give all the spotlight to that new game, without any distractions. Aelfs will be shown further in the year in my opinion. It is also to close to Duardin release. 

Oh I doubt that, I don't know what they will show but they've been making huge deal about Adepticon so I doubt it's only Shadowspire I think it will be huge and in line with old GW policy to show new minis and snippets for unreleased armies (back when Alessio and Andy Chambers still worked in GW) wild guess :

- showing Shadowspire - how core set work along with new minis for expansions

- showing new AoS faction (wild guess Aelves), maybe info about some kind of Battletome only release as well

- some wk40k stuff (maybe 8ed edition announcement) 

- new game (there is huge number of options - Talisman, Mordheim etc, etc)

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7 hours ago, Bjarni St. said:

They'll need something significant to become competitive, especially if they don't do anything to address the warscrolls' innate lack of Rend or MW output in addition to mobility. Khorne are in competitive lists now only by the grace of Sayl and Warp Lightning Cannons.

I expect battalions and artefacts to fill the gap a bit.  There is also the potential for a points decrease.

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I'm chuffed with the new Khorne book, I'm glad theyve just got on with it got the two core factions sorted before they plough on with all the crazy new stuff!

I wouldnt bet on Nurgle until the end of the year and Slaanesh end of next year though. GW have no reason to rush through the Big Four when there is plenty of other sfuff to explore. 

I do like having no idea what theyll come out with next, who would have guessed that April would have a brand new faction range with NO old models in it, AND an update for a book less than 20 months old with no accompanying minis!

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As for Adepticon: we "know" a new faction will be revealed, because they teased it with a picture. Looks like aelven mask, although not that shadowy. As we also know that shadowkin are next (Hastings), they could potentially reveal both new aelven faction. I would not bet on two, but one for sure.

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I think - and yeah, kinda hope - that they are buffing the armies that already have had a battletome, but had it before the GHB was released (and thus have some disadvantages because they rely heavily on rules that were changed afterwards by the GHB such as summoning), up to the power level / complexity level that they have established with the armies that had their battletomes released after the GHB.

So now after the Stormcast and Khorne Demons are done I assume (and yes, hope, since I play Lizards) we will see Seraphon, Skaven and perhaps Fyreslayers pretty quickly. And then IMO the other factions should get some love, especially those that don't have a battletome at all. I think Ironjawz, Sylvaneth and later won't get new ones since those releases came short-ish before the release of the GHB so they probably had those rules in mind already, and they have all the fancy stuff (allegiance abilities, artefacts, special spells and so on) already. They are also established on the new power level already IMO (debatable for Ironjawz I guess, but for Sylvaneth I'd say they are).

As for Death: I wonder if it would be better to have a Deathrattle and Zombie Horde and Tomb Kings Battletome seperately or a huge cool one for the whole grand alliance... I think the former plus a few models to make each Death army competitive on its own would be preferable. But again, that's a personal opinion, I'd like to start a pure Deathrattle army with tons of Skeletons but they seem quite weak to me.

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20 minutes ago, Aginor said:

I think Ironjawz, Sylvaneth and later won't get new ones since those releases came short-ish before the release of the GHB so they probably had those rules in mind already,

I think Ironjawz needs one, Sylvaneth is what I'd call the first of the 'second' generation books. Which I define by having their own spell lists, the 'multi-part' battalions (wargoves) and full artefact lists. 

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11 minutes ago, Aginor said:

I think - and yeah, kinda hope - that they are buffing the armies that already have had a battletome, but had it before the GHB was released (and thus have some disadvantages because they rely heavily on rules that were changed afterwards by the GHB such as summoning), up to the power level / complexity level that they have established with the armies that had their battletomes released after the GHB.

So now after the Stormcast and Khorne Demons are done I assume (and yes, hope, since I play Lizards) we will see Seraphon, Skaven and perhaps Fyreslayers pretty quickly. And then IMO the other factions should get some love, especially those that don't have a battletome at all. I think Ironjawz, Sylvaneth and later won't get new ones since those releases came short-ish before the release of the GHB so they probably had those rules in mind already, and they have all the fancy stuff (allegiance abilities, artefacts, special spells and so on) already. They are also established on the new power level already IMO (debatable for Ironjawz I guess, but for Sylvaneth I'd say they are).

As for Death: I wonder if it would be better to have a Deathrattle and Zombie Horde and Tomb Kings Battletome seperately or a huge cool one for the whole grand alliance... I think the former plus a few models to make each Death army competitive on its own would be preferable. But again, that's a personal opinion, I'd like to start a pure Deathrattle army with tons of Skeletons but they seem quite weak to me.

I think that after the release of the Generals handbook, the feedback that followed, and the apparent success of matched play GW needed to re think the style of their battletombs. It makes sense that they would re-do some of the first factions to bring them up todate rather than leaving them be until the cycle come round again i am of the oppinion that i would rather GW "get it right" (as much as can be reasonably expected anyway) with what they have before moving on to the next big thing.

As for death. You here so much complaining about them that GW cant be ignorant of the fact and they will likely play up to all of this and turn it into hype. I think its important for people to not be so Grand alliance orientated. The presence of these very specif battle tombs (Along with the fluff itself) make it clear that this whole grand alliance thing isent a flawless relationship and we are just as likely to see the order factions fighting each other as any of the others (Just like in WHFB) I like to treat all releases in factions not GA. GW can only effectivly bring one new faction in at a time and any way they do it someone is going to be annoyed (I doubt Dwarf fans gave a monkeys when Sylvaneth was released just because it was part of order).

And im am a death player so i do know how it feels. honestly am happy to just wait our turn.

As for what i think death should look like. I think a "Hordes of Nagash" incorporating Deathlords as the (High faction) with the others as minor ones with various links within similar to the knew battletombs to allow synergy between the "micro factions" (Deathmages) rather than trying to flesh out each faction into a new thing.

With Skellie buffs and awesome alligiance traits i really dont know how people can see death as disadvantaged

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In my opinion death works better as a grand alliance than single dedicated factions, the issue if we go that route you run into problems where you can't take the mortarch's since it would break the army allegiance. Imagine nagash, neferata or manny decided to take some skeleton's or zombies suddenly they have forgotten all their spells. 

The necromancer cannot take skeletons in the army anymore without breaking the book and you will miss out on his nice synergistic spell hence why dedicated faction tomes won't work in my opinion. 

Just like chaos or even dedicated they work well by picking things from the various forces, hence why I believe the new style of tome would work for them best. Since it would make all death players happy. As Haunts said I would prefer a "hordes of nagash" style of book as he said. 

Since fluff wise death has a somewhat clear hierarchy and leadership compared to the other factions, being death and all that. 

Edited by shinros
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Ah, I see where you are coming from, and I think I can agree with that.

For me it would feel kinda silly if zombies or skeletons broke allegiance for any Death army.
..and now that I think about it, the same applies to other factions as well, up to a certain point. Aleguzzlers in an Ironjawz army come to mind. They are single dudes that got recruited. They will never be a proper army I guess. Let any Destruction player take them without breaking allegiance, I wouldn't care.


12 minutes ago, Jorthax said:

I think Ironjawz needs one, Sylvaneth is what I'd call the first of the 'second' generation books. Which I define by having their own spell lists, the 'multi-part' battalions (wargoves) and full artefact lists. 

uhh... really? I was pretty sure Ironjawz have artefacts and allegiance abilities and multi-part battailons, don't they?

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2 minutes ago, Aginor said:

Ah, I see where you are coming from, and I think I can agree with that.

For me it would feel kinda silly if zombies or skeletons broke allegiance for any Death army.
..and now that I think about it, the same applies to other factions as well, up to a certain point. Aleguzzlers in an Ironjawz army come to mind. They are single dudes that got recruited. They will never be a proper army I guess. Let any Destruction player take them without breaking allegiance, I wouldn't care.


uhh... really? I was pretty sure Ironjawz have artefacts and allegiance abilities and multi-part battailons, don't they?

They dont have artefacts or allegience abilities.  They use the generic ones from the GHB.  They have battalions but not "wargrove" or "warrior chamber" types.  Also, going with the "new generation" of battletome they should have their own spell lists.  

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