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2 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

I read an interesting comment recently mentioning how you can draw a lot of parallels between the treatment of Beast of Chaos and Fyreslayers in recent times. Both are neglected in terms of range updates and narrative inclusion. Kind of alarming considering BOC's ultimate fate :(

Did you just...not read Dawnbringers??? Fyreslayers are heavily featured there, first as a Harbringer hero with RoR rules who save Hammerhall from a GG attack, and then a second time as an AoR built around the new warcry band and dedicated Dawnbringer fiction teasing developments with their faction leader after he beats the snot out of Trugg.

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31 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

I'm liking the Valkyire/ Ancient greek vibe with them, with the "Grimdark" chainmail and tassles. They look miles better then the old chunky ones and don't look like they will fall over when placed on a slight incline. 

going off this and the last few boxes that means the tormcast side of the box will be. 
The lord of big bird (as the centre piece model) 
1 0r 2 foot heroes 
10 Liberators 
3 of those dudes with shields 
3 prosecutors 
"MAYBE" some ranged unit of 5. 

Skaven will probaly be 
Claw lord on the rat monster
the big Rat Ogre 
the leaked heavy weapon
Warlock engineer with Rife
Warplock Jezzails 
40 Clanrats 
Another unkown hero.

40 clanrats seem too many : either 20 clanrats + 10 (not seen in trailer) stormvermin or just 20 clanrats

Skryre acolytes (former globardiers) seem likely too





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10 minutes ago, Asbestress said:



Really hope the scenery in the box will also be ruined 3rd edition Dawnbringer structures. Maybe I'll finally have enough structures to make a competent besieged city table :D

Hopefully that means we will get proper seige rules to go with it. 

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9 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Really hope the scenery in the box will also be ruined 3rd edition Dawnbringer structures

When @Whitefang back me up said the Intact Dawnbringers buildings were scraped, it was one of my saddest (hobby) day :( I was hoping they'd come alongside CoS Battletome or by the end of the Dawnbringers series, coping past that to have them released as the 3rd edition new scenery range, but I see I'm in for disapointment again...

(Well, having to finish my Age of Myth Chaos ruins for Warcry I refrained from buying the WIP Dawnbringers buidlings, so getting some in the 4th Launch Box would be very sweet indeed :P).

Who would sign with me an online petition for GW to release Intact City Of Sigmar - Stormcast Buildings / Fortress, like in pic rel (from Realms Of Ruin) ??? matthias-kimpe-mp-1v1-city02-03-min.jpg.62391f72cff1baf3129aaa89ff49c18b.jpg

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I like the New Prosecutors a lot, the old ones were some of my least favorite models in the SC range but I'll happily take these new ones. I also really like seeing an open helmet for SC, I might not use these ones but it's really nice to have something between full death mask and completely bare head.

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I think I prefer the old "sunburst" wings to these firey ones, but the rest is an all-around improvement over their current sculpts. They're nice.

(I also can't help but think it looks like someone nailed that piece of parchment into their groin, though.)

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1 hour ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

Oh damn, this image is extremely rad! (I say this as a non-dwarf fan)


Ofh could at least put any other Fyreslayer models like the Flameseeker warband

1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:


I love them the whole psudo-roman angels that biblical angel are depicted during early christianity (most obvious being st Michael depcitions)



But it still in keeping with the stormcast whole twchno magic as it still a jet pack wings. Love it love it all will update list later but man these are great

@Ejecutor and you said they abandoning the roman aesthetic:p


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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

No, the stuff in GW trailers is usually pretty strongly on-model. There is probably an alternate build with masks, if I had to guess.

* In fact, these guys can be built with classic closed helms or with a new-style open face.

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1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

You just said your rumors were for Summer 2025 (so new edition time, not midway. New edition means opportunity for new rules and new setting). 

So, Mordheimized rules for Warcry is possible, but as GW is trying to separate the Fantasy setting (WFB-Mordheim-TOW-TWW etc.) from AOS in terms of rules and visuals (even if they are still officialy linked in the fluff of course), I really don't see it. But in a few years we could see Mordheim coming along like we have Necromunda (it's aequivalent) and Kill Team (our Warcry) both in the general 40k universe.

If you talk about a Mordheimized setting for Warcry 3rd edition in summer 2025, well I don't see it either. We already have "ruined city" theme in Warcry 1 (and a whole range). They tried the whole Old-Worldy style with Cursed City (it was quite nice for sure). And, again, now they are differenciating their IP's.

Lol. No. Someone asked when the new Warcry edition would be and I said Summer 2025, which is also where I personally see a change of the setting into something closer to Mordheim. Also, they are not my rumours either. Just the classic stuff floating around.

Edited by Ejecutor
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1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Those new versions really are beautiful but I do hope we get closed helmet like in the trailer !

BTW, the "tactical columns" are from Dawnbringers Buildings.... Maybe a hint from the Launch Box / New Edition scenery range ???

Maybe they reuse the unreleased buildings from the Gallet box?

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12 minutes ago, madmac said:

Did you just...not read Dawnbringers??? Fyreslayers are heavily featured there, first as a Harbringer hero with RoR rules who save Hammerhall from a GG attack, and then a second time as an AoR built around the new warcry band and dedicated Dawnbringer fiction teasing developments with their faction leader after he beats the snot out of Trugg.

Ok so i'm just referring to a comment I read so i'm not gonna die on a hill defending it, but I don't personally consider recent inclusion in Dawnbringers enough to offset the neglect fyreslayers have experienced in 2.0 and 3.0 as a whole. But hey maybe this one dude is gonna turn the whole faction/range around! I don't play fyreslayers (or really see them on the table much) so I don't really care either way.

But I also wouldn't consider a single hero and a Warcry band to be particularly substantial updates to the range. Especially considering we now know that Warcry units have a limited lifespan. (RIP my 2 year old Horns of Hashut)

Also of note, BOC were featured in the Thondian story line (along with a new hero) and Dawnbringers includes short stories about Kurnothi models which aren't even a thing yet outside of underworlds. So I wouldn't necessarily put my hope in narrative inclusion as a sign of a range refresh.  

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22 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I personally see a change of the setting into something closer to Mordheim

Thanks for the clarification !

If, against the odd, GW indeed does a Sigmarite City Setting for Warcry 3 next year, then I (and probably @Asbestress) would be pretty interested in something like Dave Ghallager's concept for Hammerhal Aqsha : 


(Nice Piranesi influence there)


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1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

? Re-read your quote, I mention "Catacombs" by name.  It is a discontinued Warcry 1st ed. set, and I'm calling for a reintroduction of the concept in Warcry 2n edition (for example in the form of a Seraphon Space Ship Board). 

I clearly misread it. I thought you were referring to a similar concept in other games for warcry. My bad.

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3 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Thanks for the clarification !

If, against the odd, GW indeed does a Sigmarite City Setting for Warcry 3 next year, then I (and probably @Asbestress) would be pretty interested in something like Dave Ghallager's concept for Hammerhal Aqsha : 


(Nice Piranesi influence there)


This would rock.

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