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I hope that Chaos Duardin keep the old look. I also hope that Nurgle, Ogors, Fyreslayers and Khorne get big updates next edition. If that happens I be able to focus on running a Skaven army without being tempted by any other factions. They can save Malerion to be my 5th edition army. 

Edited by Chikout
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1 hour ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Something I always thought was a bit odd about the Chaos Dwarfs is that they're not very chaotic. They were all about industry and organisation. I wonder if that will change... 

Lawful Evil for sure.

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4 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Something I always thought was a bit odd about the Chaos Dwarfs is that they're not very chaotic. They were all about industry and organisation. I wonder if that will change... 

It's probably because of a mixture of the god they worship - Hashut being a god of tyranny and domination, rather than murder, lust and such - and also just being organised and industrious is just kinda in the makeup of Dwarfs. Dwarfs build things and have codes, if they "turn bad" I don't think becoming a barbarian horde really makes sense as something they would do. Slayers are the only classic example of that and that is a self imposed punishment that is essentially an extended death sentence, not a "way of life".

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2 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

It's probably because of a mixture of the god they worship - Hashut being a god of tyranny and domination, rather than murder, lust and such - and also just being organised and industrious is just kinda in the makeup of Dwarfs. Dwarfs build things and have codes, if they "turn bad" I don't think becoming a barbarian horde really makes sense as something they would do. Slayers are the only classic example of that and that is a self imposed punishment that is essentially an extended death sentence, not a "way of life".

IIRC Chaos Dwarfs were designed less to be "Chaos, but Dwarfs" and more "Dwarfs that have given in to the evil side of Dwarfish nature". Chaos Dwarfs are essentially the greed and spitefulness of regular Dwarfs turned up to eleven. 

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26 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

IIRC Chaos Dwarfs were designed less to be "Chaos, but Dwarfs" and more "Dwarfs that have given in to the evil side of Dwarfish nature". Chaos Dwarfs are essentially the greed and spitefulness of regular Dwarfs turned up to eleven. 

Their background from the White Dwarf Presents days was they turned to Chaos out of desperation because their own gods failed them, and became twisted by it.

Turning to Chaos to avoid extinction has become a bit of a tired trope and covered by Ogroids and Dragon Ogors ( if they survive the Beastcull) in AoS, so I’d like them to go further down the notion you’ve said. Have the new Duardin be motivated by greed and spite, have them embrace Chaos not to survive but because it gets the more stuff than following Sigmar’s little Pantheon.

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10 hours ago, Pizzaprez said:

Skaven are set to be gorgeous! Id love to see plague monks in the new style; nurglitch is cool

I could see this being true *if* the Old World Chaos Dwarfs on the table was them bringing back the Forgeworld line, which would require a few new resin moulds because iirc two(?) of them broke. 

If GW was looking at putting out something like what came out of TWW for their plastics, there *would* be a lot of toe-stepping there in the Infernal Guard, characters, and "big cow" mount. 

If they go with the staple cannon/mortar/missile options with "something else" (train theme, siege tower, whirlwind, skullcracker) for AoS, it *would* be pretty similar except one is a train

I'm hoping to see stuff that looks closer to the TWW bighats; I like blunderbusses more than fireglaives. Honestly this could be completely true and not have a huge impact on what comes from AoS chorfs

If it is going to be released for AoS I hardly doubt they will bring back forge stuff when they are removing that kind of minis for the rest of the ranges.

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7 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Honestly we already know from the Horns of Hashut's design and lore that the Chaos Duardin are going to stick very close to their original themes; fire, slavery, industry, bulls, its all there. 

Appart from the hats.

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My suspicion is we'll see something like how FW approached the hats, like below. Still there (albeit perhaps not everywhere in the faction), still elaborate, broadly similar shapes, but more like 1-2 feet tall instead the towering things you saw in the WHFB 4th ed range.

For a comparison, think here of how they took the old 40k squat bikers, one of the most comically OTT (and internally disliked in parts of GW) aspects of the range and updated them to fit the spirit of the new Leagues of Votann: bikes become hover bikes, harley davidson culture becomes sci-fi frontier explorers... but they still have their Hulk Hogan sunglasses and horseshoe moustaches.

Forge World - Legion of Azgorh, all miniatures | Miniset.net - Miniatures  Collectors Guide

Incidentally, I'd never noticed that for Total War, Creative Assembly took the design for FW Drazhoath the Ashen and actually doubled the size of his hat!

Edited by sandlemad
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9 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

My suspicion is we'll see something like how FW approached the hats, like below. Still there (albeit perhaps not everywhere in the faction), still elaborate, broadly similar shapes, but more like 1-2 feet tall instead the towering things you saw in the WHFB 4th ed range.

For a comparison, think here of how they took the old 40k squat bikers, one of the most comically OTT (and internally disliked in parts of GW) aspects of the range and updated them to fit the spirit of the new Leagues of Votann: bikes become hover bikes, harley davidson culture becomes sci-fi frontier explorers... but they still have their Hulk Hogan sunglasses and horseshoe moustaches.

Forge World - Legion of Azgorh, all miniatures | Miniset.net - Miniatures  Collectors Guide

Incidentally, I'd never noticed that for Total War, Creative Assembly took the design for FW Drazhoath the Ashen and actually doubled the size of his hat!

Those FW hats look pretty AoS indeed. Good point.

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Whith all the Chaos Dwarfs lore and things said I always think on fyreslayers...
- Chaos Dwarfs greed. Fyreslayers only work searching for the ur-gold or the pieces of their god
- Chaos Dwarfs fire, cannons, forge, fire elementals... everything on fyreslayers
- Bulls, Ogors, slaves.... well, magma dragons are a bit cooler.

 For sure maybe I'm wrong, I dont know well the Chaos Dwarfs lore and only a bit of fyreslayers but I see Fyreslayers on a point similar when Sylvaneth only had driads, revenants and kurnoth and needed more units to improve the army, now they are very well only adding a few heroes and units. Same as other 1st edition armys (ironjawz for example). Someone said that maybe Fyreslayers should go to other faction as they are like mercenarys, and I saw the rumour of them dissapearing but I dont think so... Just give them mini magma mounts, a huge cannon and maybe a unit of fire elementals or dogs like the warcry band, paint them on black carbon skin and there you have chaos dwarfs

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3 minutes ago, Hoseman said:

Whith all the Chaos Dwarfs lore and things said I always think on fyreslayers...

The design, aesthetic and technology are their main diference. Imho, it should be enough

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I'm curious to see where they'll take Chaos Duardin. I hope they don't have too much design overlap with Fyreslayers. I'd like Fyreslayers to get more creatures, fire elementals, etc.

I think they can easily make a distinction between the two though. Chuardin will have the bull-theme going for them, and I can see them going the Daemonsmith baelfire-look route rather than the hellfire fire elemental route.

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2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I'm curious to see where they'll take Chaos Duardin. I hope they don't have too much design overlap with Fyreslayers.

I think there's no worry to have about that. Chaos Duardins are all about destructive industry, Fyreslayers are more like mercenary (animist) barbarians. Just having the first wearing armors is a big difference in itself.

They're actually nothing alike, background or design. The only things in common they have is that they're dwarves, they have blacksmiths and they like fire.

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3 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

I think there's no worry to have about that. Chaos Duardins are all about destructive industry, Fyreslayers are more like mercenary (animist) barbarians. Just having the first wearing armors is a big difference in itself.

They're actually nothing alike, background or design. The only things in common they have is that they're dwarves, they have blacksmiths and they like fire.


It's not that I expect them to look too similar, it's that I'm scared if they keep Chuardin as they originally were that they will limit each other in design space. I can't imagine both armies getting Fire Elementals for example.

I have complete faith that they can make 2 distinct duardin factions, there already are 3 in AoS. I'm just a little worried that them being too close in theme might limit design opportunities for both. Mostly curious to see what they'll do with both when they'll get expanded/released. I'm personally hoping for a fresh take on Chaos Duardin with more of a focus on the non-fire aspects.


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5 minutes ago, Snarff said:


It's not that I expect them to look too similar, it's that I'm scared if they keep Chuardin as they originally were that they will limit each other in design space. I can't imagine both armies getting Fire Elementals for example.

I have complete faith that they can make 2 distinct duardin factions, there already are 3 in AoS. I'm just a little worried that them being too close in theme might limit design opportunities for both. Mostly curious to see what they'll do with both when they'll get expanded/released. I'm personally hoping for a fresh take on Chaos Duardin with more of a focus on the non-fire aspects.

Chaos Duardins were always more about shooting and using slaves / horrible war machines than charging in close combat like the Fyreslayers do.

IF they both use fire elemental-like beings, they have a very fundamental difference in how they handle them. Chaos Duardins enslave them, Fyreslayers tend to be more respectfull to the elemental nature - like how their relation is with the magmadroths, some clans actually worshipping them. Chaos Duardins will never do that, they think they're at the top of everything and see other species as slaves - mere ressources to spend as fit, without any care for what they will become or how long they'll last.

Edited by Sarouan
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