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Everything posted by EthanolMuffins

  1. Great stuff, yea this is 99% likely to be what happens i think Should have specified in my post that I dont expect there to be any huge quarters like this one was with 40k having 5 codexes
  2. With how backed up and messed up their production lines are rn, I think they will still release a roadmap still but it wont be anywhere near as aggressive. Maybe 2 battletomes per quarter max, wouldnt be surprised to see a quarter with only 1 dropping.
  3. Agreed on more death and destruction factions Gimme cannibal halflings who act like the tyranids in 40k and devour everything like a swarm and work with ogors sometimes
  4. Seraphon aren't the hardest to paint, so they could be stuck in a box
  5. White Dwarf 500 comes out in a few weeks and I’m sure it will have some info on the Skaven’s activity as well
  6. I hope they keep the big hats and the cool beards for the chaos duardin, I loved that design choice
  7. Wonder how seraphon index is gonna work, since they only got 4 factions in 3rd: 2 constellations each for starborn and coalesced Really hoping they keep the CPP system in 4th, the idea of summoning big magic space dinos in the opponents backline never fails to fill me with joy
  8. Yay 4 sub factions with the index, so much better than 40k 10th
  9. Forgot about Tyrion being phoenix stuff, was thinking on the CoS of Pheonicium or whatever it is called. I wouldnt be surprised to see the 2nd wave be human focused and like you said after that just be one or two units here and there, possibly using that for the elves and dwarves in CoS.
  10. I think they will likely flesh out the diversity after the human stuff and the factions for the non humans in it are fleshed out For example, with lumineth being a thing now, I wouldn’t be surprised if wave 2 or later wave included phoenix guard or other high elf themed units
  11. Looks fun, cant wait til 4th drops so I can get my first AoS game under my belt
  12. Beasts of Chaos, yes, bonesplitterz, no BoC can easily be reworked into something like Children of Morghur and be all about mutation and chaotic creation ooze type stuff, lots of unique potential there and AOS loves doing their own unique thing. If anything does happen for them it’ll likely be in 6th or 7th ed Bonesplitterz are just too similar to TOW orks, so I dont foresee them coming back in any form with Gork and Mork covered in warclans with Ironjawz and Kruleboyz If anything happens with destruction it’ll probably be a new faction
  13. Was planning on doing Ossiarch as my next army but with all those lovely warcry bands going looks like its slaves to darkness instead, ill just proxy them for other things
  14. Maybe the city that will fall in the dawnbringers series could be a successor to mordheim?
  15. 100% agreed, 40k’s focus on the competitive scene and making everything about balance kinda ruined it for me
  16. Read the stuff posted in the article and rewatched the portion of the stream where they talked about the rules. The bit about the Yndrasta spearhead having special rules and being flavorful gives me hope that they are gonna keep the flavor of the game and I just trust AOS's balance team more than 40k's. 40k seemed to focus their rewrite on making things easier to balance (which removing flavor makes much easier) while AOS is pushing it as quicker and easier to understand.
  17. That's a good bet for it, if its set in Aqshy I bet the edition overall will be called The Fires of Ruin or something like that
  18. Thanks a ton for helping with those guidelines for the battletomes! I love lore and art so I will probably get them after all then.
  19. I only got into AoS a couple months ago, I really hope they reveal whether they index or not because I want to know if it is safe to buy the battletome for my faction or to wait.
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