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Everything posted by EthanolMuffins

  1. The store page for BoC is empty except for tzaangors, chaos spawn, and chaos gargants so I don't think they will be getting one
  2. With faction focuses beginning next week, who do yall want to see first (beside stormcast because we know they are first) I'm hoping to see the Seraphon and Ossiarch stuff this week, especially Seraphon. I'm curious if they will keep the Cosmic Power Point summoning for the starborn in 4th and if they do, how different it will be from 3rd
  3. Spearhead stuff def gives me hope, I am still somewhat wary due to getting burnt by 10th ed 40k but I have a lot more hope from everything they have shown so far.
  4. Excited for the faction focuses, hope they give us flavorful rules for each army
  5. The ruination chamber models might actually get me to do a stormcast army Hate the 1st ed and 2nd ed looks, these and the 3rd ed models look great
  6. Said Jags owner also wants to move them to England so thats something
  7. Dream AOS game would be a stormcast focused roguelike, each of the realms as a different level and with different themed bosses for them Classes could be the different types of stormcast and unlock cosmetics to make them look like leaders/named characters of their type of model AOS has so much potential for games
  8. Great stuff, yea this is 99% likely to be what happens i think Should have specified in my post that I dont expect there to be any huge quarters like this one was with 40k having 5 codexes
  9. With how backed up and messed up their production lines are rn, I think they will still release a roadmap still but it wont be anywhere near as aggressive. Maybe 2 battletomes per quarter max, wouldnt be surprised to see a quarter with only 1 dropping.
  10. Agreed on more death and destruction factions Gimme cannibal halflings who act like the tyranids in 40k and devour everything like a swarm and work with ogors sometimes
  11. Oh yeah Dawnbringers 6, I ate it, was hungry sorry
  12. Seraphon aren't the hardest to paint, so they could be stuck in a box
  13. White Dwarf 500 comes out in a few weeks and I’m sure it will have some info on the Skaven’s activity as well
  14. I hope they keep the big hats and the cool beards for the chaos duardin, I loved that design choice
  15. Wonder how seraphon index is gonna work, since they only got 4 factions in 3rd: 2 constellations each for starborn and coalesced Really hoping they keep the CPP system in 4th, the idea of summoning big magic space dinos in the opponents backline never fails to fill me with joy
  16. Yay 4 sub factions with the index, so much better than 40k 10th
  17. Forgot about Tyrion being phoenix stuff, was thinking on the CoS of Pheonicium or whatever it is called. I wouldnt be surprised to see the 2nd wave be human focused and like you said after that just be one or two units here and there, possibly using that for the elves and dwarves in CoS.
  18. I think they will likely flesh out the diversity after the human stuff and the factions for the non humans in it are fleshed out For example, with lumineth being a thing now, I wouldn’t be surprised if wave 2 or later wave included phoenix guard or other high elf themed units
  19. Looks fun, cant wait til 4th drops so I can get my first AoS game under my belt
  20. Beasts of Chaos, yes, bonesplitterz, no BoC can easily be reworked into something like Children of Morghur and be all about mutation and chaotic creation ooze type stuff, lots of unique potential there and AOS loves doing their own unique thing. If anything does happen for them it’ll likely be in 6th or 7th ed Bonesplitterz are just too similar to TOW orks, so I dont foresee them coming back in any form with Gork and Mork covered in warclans with Ironjawz and Kruleboyz If anything happens with destruction it’ll probably be a new faction
  21. Was planning on doing Ossiarch as my next army but with all those lovely warcry bands going looks like its slaves to darkness instead, ill just proxy them for other things
  22. Maybe the city that will fall in the dawnbringers series could be a successor to mordheim?
  23. 100% agreed, 40k’s focus on the competitive scene and making everything about balance kinda ruined it for me
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