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8 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I agree, factions that are legacy in TOW don't have to worry about being removed from AoS.

The path for legacy factions to graduate to core faction status is by having their old kits re-released instead, which I think is very possible for Vampire Counts. They have a bunch of old models that some people might want.

Yeah this. AoS SBGL are almost entirely new sculpts now, with they're own somewhat distinct theme. Vampire Counts could be released in TOW with old sculpts and keep the two ranges separate once the last few are reculpted or retired (most notably Graveguard).

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7 hours ago, Luperci said:

I also do not buy that the TOW/specialist games studio team strongarmed the main studio into giving up all this minis for exclusive use in TOW. 

My best guess would be that BoC were slated for a big remaster eventually but due to some change of priorities within GW(maybe a new chaos faction like chaos duardin being focused on) caused them to completely axe any future plans, and the TOW release is just fortunate timing for them

I think this is more or less the most plausible explanation right here.

GW plans their releases pretty far in advance, but not decades in advance. The decision to remove Beasts from AoS was probably made before the announcement of the TOW core factions in May last year, but probably not long before that. This is conjecture, but I think Beasts were in the same boat as every other old WHFB faction for most of the lifespan of AoS: The plan was probably to update them eventually, but there was no clear time line beyond the current and next edition at any time.

TOW getting greenlit made it a necessity to divide factions/model lines between the two games, due to the GW-internal separate profit sheets. I imagine it was at the meeting where this was discussed that the AoS/Citadel team decided that they'd rather give away the BoC line and focus on building another original faction in the future, or something like that. I don't think there is a long running conspiracy and re-distribution of BoC models to other factions or anything like that.

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49 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Again, if GW will continue with support for TOW and that the sentence "the scope of the project has changed" has some substance, than it is perfectly possible that Vampire Counts, Daemons and Dark Elves will become a core faction sooner than later.

And have the same Daemon models used in three different games? 

Why not. They're worth it. 

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1 hour ago, Stormy1486 said:

Wonder it we'll get a decent road map at some point, or will be an only 2023 road map. Feels AoS is desperate for som clarity.

I doubt we will see road maps for a while. The issue I think they had was tying themselves into a commitment to customers and then for whatever issues behind the scenes (I suspect manufacturing) they struggle to get stuff out. 

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49 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Not for eternity, but with time enough to release their refreshes in AoS. I wouldn't expect Legacy factions to be released in at least 2-3 years being generous.

Releasing the following core factions could take up to another year easily, and then we would have some campaign books and maybe more new minis, presumably. Meanwhile, AoS cleans all the fantasy remaining stuff and opens the door for the legacy factions to be able to move into TOW.

Very true.

The only way that the legacy faction will not become core is if GW decides to stop with TOW, otherwise it will come. But ofcourse not before everything that was already planned with the initial schedule is released.

38 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I agree, factions that are legacy in TOW don't have to worry about being removed from AoS.

The path for legacy factions to graduate to core faction status is by having their old kits re-released instead, which I think is very possible for Vampire Counts. They have a bunch of old models that some people might want.

The plastic skeletons that came before the Soublight skeletons and the graveguard (when AoS gets its proper AoS graveguard) are perfect to use again in TOW. A perfect range to come to TOW. But I think will see some Vampire Coast pirates before it. So still vampires, but less of a competition to Soulblight and easly trackable in sales.

I have a feeling they will explore this:Sartosan_Vampire_M01.jpg

And halflings, we will see halflings with TOW. The moot will come. 🙂

1 minute ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

And have the same Daemon models used in three different games? 

Why not. They're worth it. 

No need to re-invent the wheel. So these will come. But I expect to see Vampires first.

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1 minute ago, Tonhel said:

Very true.

The only way that the legacy faction will not become core is if GW decides to stop with TOW, otherwise it will come. But ofcourse not before everything that was already planned with the initial schedule is released.

The plastic skeletons that came before the Soublight skeletons and the graveguard (when AoS gets its proper AoS graveguard) are perfect to use again in TOW. A perfect range to come to TOW. But I think will see some Vampire Coast pirates before it. So still vampires, but less of a competition to Soulblight and easly trackable in sales.

I have a feeling they will explore this:Sartosan_Vampire_M01.jpg

And halflings, we will see halflings with TOW. The moot will come. 🙂

No need to re-invent the wheel. So these will come. But I expect to see Vampires first.

Why not both? Pirates being one of the ways to play it, maybe from the Arcanel journal, but not leaving aside the "normal" Vampire Counts.

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2 hours ago, Tonhel said:

Again, if GW will continue with support for TOW and that the sentence "the scope of the project has changed" has some substance, than it is perfectly possible that Vampire Counts, Daemons and Dark Elves will become a core faction sooner than later.

Even that, I don't think that the Legacy Factions are going to have any release in the next two years. To be honest, I expect a lot of Campaign Supplements (aka, Horus Heresy newBlack Books) for the existing Core Factions, maybe with a special guests (Kislev/Cathay maybe?). Whatever was "the scope of the project has changed" will start kicking hard in maybe 2 to 3 years.

I hope I'm wrong because all Vampire Coast posts from @Sception are a joy to read, and an Arcane Journal will be enough to start a new project.

Edited by Beliman
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6 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Even that, I don't think that the Legacy Factions are going to have any release in the next two years. To be honest, I expect a lot of Camapign Supplements (aka, Horus Heresy newBlack Books) for the existing Core Factions, maybe with new units or new factions (Kislev/Cathay maybe?). Whatever was "the scope of the project has changed" will start kicking hard in maybe 2 to 3 years.

I hope I'm wrong because all Vampire Coast posts from @Sception are a joy to read, and an Arcane Journal will be enough to start a new project.

Agreed. I feel like 3 years is the standard GW medium term time block, and that everything for TOW is set in stone for that period. They are probably in the planning stage for the next 3 years, but a lot of their plans will be contingent on sales at the moment.

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1 hour ago, Son Of Morghur said:

(Hopium) We might still have some surprises, and we don't really know to which extent they will ignore them in the lore. Maybe things got just shaken around because of Covid and Brexit and we might still get a successor to BoC in some ways or the other...

(Huffs hopium) Y’know, they could have resurrected renegades and heretics in 40k, they released kits that would actually fit the faction as it was in the Eye of Terror campaign, like for example the new cultists (normal and possessed), dark commune, traitor guard, chaos beastmen… but instead they lumped them together in CSM.

Now, STD is a bit like the AoS version of CSM as the Chaos undivided faction, so maybe they’ll lump beastmen in STD instead of resurrecting BoC just how they lumped corrupted humans in CSM instead of resurrecting R&H.

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I think this is more or less the most plausible explanation right here.

GW plans their releases pretty far in advance, but not decades in advance. The decision to remove Beasts from AoS was probably made before the announcement of the TOW core factions in May last year, but probably not long before that. This is conjecture, but I think Beasts were in the same boat as every other old WHFB faction for most of the lifespan of AoS: The plan was probably to update them eventually, but there was no clear time line beyond the current and next edition at any time.

TOW getting greenlit made it a necessity to divide factions/model lines between the two games, due to the GW-internal separate profit sheets. I imagine it was at the meeting where this was discussed that the AoS/Citadel team decided that they'd rather give away the BoC line and focus on building another original faction in the future, or something like that. I don't think there is a long running conspiracy and re-distribution of BoC models to other factions or anything like that.

The plan was other at the start, it was something more similar to new Empire, new Chaos, new Kislev,... Something more similar to Heresy
That was changed for "recover old molds", "recover old stuff", "zero compatibility".

We are talking about plans of 5 or 6 years ago that were changed dramatically for internal stuff.

Other points is the "legends factions", with the actual info that we have and the rumours, if only half is true that implies that Legends factions are not planned to go to ToW. They are squatted at this momment, who knows if in 8-10 years would come. But for now, to me, every rumour that implies a Legend factions is automatically fake without exception.

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6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:


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8 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:


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Looks like it won't be as annoying to assemble as the Kruleboyz in the starter set. Will be interesting to see what is shown off today (just a clanrat or more-more! :D )

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2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I agree, factions that are legacy in TOW don't have to worry about being removed from AoS.

The path for legacy factions to graduate to core faction status is by having their old kits re-released instead, which I think is very possible for Vampire Counts. They have a bunch of old models that some people might want.

That, I think, is the key issue for whether or not an army returning to TOW affects AoS factions. Soulblight have had new models for most of their core units, and said new models wouldn’t work ranked up on square bases and have their own design language distinct to AoS - a Soulblight Vampire doesn’t look like a Van Carstein of old - so even if Vampire Counts return to TOW they should be relatively safe bar Graveguard and Black Knights.

Compare that to our sadly departed armies, who never had an AoS refresh and so still had their WHFB aesthetic. If GW want to keep the two ranges from crossing over, then removing Beasts of Chaos was the only option. 

Seraphon are the faction my friends are currently discussing. They, and Gloomspite, differ from Soulblight because they have had new models but the WHFB aesthetic is pretty much unchanged from their Lizardmen and Night Goblin origins. If Lustria ever becomes part of the plans, i do wonder what their fate will be.

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8 minutes ago, Garrac said:



But not a team anymore?  It's possible there's a second sprue but I only see one Skaven here. 

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14 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:


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that's it, i'm staying up till 5am every day until all the new models are revealed.  can't risk missing one of these.

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1 hour ago, Son Of Morghur said:

Nothing has come out of it so far at least.

(Hopium) We might still have some surprises, and we don't really know to which extent they will ignore them in the lore. Maybe things got just shaken around because of Covid and Brexit and we might still get a successor to BoC in some ways or the other... Maybe Morghur will remain in the setting and be more prevalent than before! Maybe Kragnos will get an army of his own! Maybe the timing of Old World was just really bad and they would have wanted to push an overhaul through but it got delayed or other things got in the way! That is the problem with GW intransparence.

I would really just wish, that GW would dare to do things like the CoS announcement more often. I found it kinda cool to get some updates about it and to just know what they were working on and also to get some insights and snippets of the process! Nothing really prevents them from doing this (apart from themselves), and it does definitely not kill the hype when you see how well CoS were received (and how hyped and liked they still are now)!

Tbh I think there is some merit in a Kragnos-army theory. 

If we assume the design team was working on a revamped BoC line and as part of that discovery work realized that the updated line would fit more into Destruction, they would solve a number of things (which I believe would make the decision logical). A few observations:

- BoC lore of "destroying civilisation" kinda fits Destruction GA better than Chaos, and it would allow them to flesh out GA Destruction a bit more - so more balance between GAs 

- Removing current BoC from AoS, gives them the opportunity to place it in TOW, breathing more energy into that system which would make the Forgeworld profit center and stakeholders happy. A revamp within AoS and re-placing them into destruction would mean retcon the lore which is kinda bad

- Adding a "new" Kragnos lead line on top might have been too close to BoC look and feel to co-exist

- The different <ChaosGod>-gors would naturally fold into those battletomes respectively, Chaos monsters would have to be removed, replaced by new stuff probably along same lines in terms of visual identity but very different lore as not Chaos but Destruction instead


The good thing is if that would hold true, we would probably be looking at BoC descendant faction in a couple of years (although I suppose more like 4-5yrs than 1-2...)

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