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Everything posted by bethebee

  1. too many things in this game named after storms!!! it's excessive
  2. very very interested to see what they'll do with rat ogres; they seem to come in squads of 3 like Stormvermin so i wonder if they'll just be more like basic melee troops that're harder to kill vs. swiss army knife semi-ranged dudes. edit: stormfiends. lmao.
  3. BoC will likely still get Spearhead rules considering that they are getting rules for the first year of 4.0, so it's likely only one more. side note, but did they show off the Warclans box with the new Spearhead design or no?
  4. looks to be one of the best starter sets, 20 unique clanrats with them all being 2 part kits is legitimately insane and extremely impressive. skaven look great all-together and the grimmer take on Stormcast is highly appreciated.
  5. it's been a long time coming for them, let them have their day
  6. that is partly what inspired it! i think it's a really cool system and is a perfect flavor match for stormcast.
  7. easiest way to make Stormcast compelling for a game like that is to make "reforges" a mechanic, where all of your deaths are canon and there are long-term consequences to them. maybe as you die more and more, you're forced to take perks with great upsides but even more dramatic downsides. you may deal monstrous melee damage and generally blend enemies, but you also enter fits of blind rage and crack like an egg. you might be able to cast massive spells, but you lose control as you cast them potentially harming friend and foe. you gain health whenever you damage or kill an enemy, but slowly lose it otherwise (potentially even forcing you to harm allies just to survive!). once you get enough deaths you might even unlock suicidal abilities like the airstriking-your-own-location tactic used by Celestent Prime, damning you to an even quicker downfall despite gaining an excellent finisher. it can effect more then just combat too. in dialogue you might find yourself saying things you didn't pick (generally being more callous and cruel), and you'd slowly lose your memory which could mean you'd lose track of which NPC is which, or even find yourself doing entirely incorrect objectives because your mind is so scrambled. this of course could have story implications as well. you could be unable to do certain actions such as utilize basic machinery, and take on more of a doom-guy "punch the stuff till it works" approach (with good and bad results). your ending would be at partially determined by how much of you there is left by the end of it, meaning that those who want the "good" ending would have to play with care to avoid a miserable fate. add in a variety of weapons, a compelling faction to fight, and that's a pretty good primer for the setting as a whole. edit: i also think that this would naturally lend itself to a very "personal" story; as big and fantastical as the realms are i really like the stories that tell you a lot about the people within it. going through the world as a lone stormcast and seeing the torment and dehumanization they go through on a personal level would only make the horror of it happening a billion-fold even stronger. it's something GW also seems to be focusing on more with the new line coming out, which i think is an excellent move since IMO it's basically their selling point.
  8. shoutout to this true warrior, best part by far.
  9. the female ogre in Bloodbowl (and the ogres in Bloodbowl as a whole) are the perfect way forward for the faction imo. goofy but still threatening with huge profiles, the only thing i'd want from AoS ones is for them to be a bit taller maybe.
  10. i honestly think that this is funny but a bit dis-earnest, it's more like this it's important to remember that these things are representational. wyldwoods aren't just three trees, but a representation of a thick patch of woods. flying creatures aren't just 3 inches off the ground, but are soaring high in the sky. ultimately these things have to be abstracted to make a fun game, so things behind the forest are too hard to shoot and things that have to go above it are out in the open and easy to shoot. if we want the game to get that realistic then the GUO is too small, the dragon is flying hundreds of feet too low, the forest is too thin short and small, the map and army size is criminally puny, and everyone has freaky anime eyes + gorilla hands. the wyldwood should've died from nurgle's rot and the grot should've overdosed by now. in terms of the squig hoppers, they're well known to jump dozens of feet high. if you don't think your army is skilled enough to headshot them as they peak above the leaves then maybe you should just be a better general
  11. ogors ain't ogors unless they got rolls. a skinny OMT update is a thing of nightmares.
  12. zero proof other than pure gut instinct: ogors will be fine and they will get a refresh. not now, but not never. if you want actual proof they're consistently top 10 in popularity at tournaments despite being a fantasy carryover with almost nothing new, it's clearly an untapped market.
  13. i just hope we get a Mông Đồng-like thing at one point. boat with a curved roof just speaks to me, man.
  14. i think one of the things that made Cities of Sigmar soup feel so appealing for me was that it wasn't just two incongruous armies put together, but there was such a massive variety of stuff to pull from that it really felt like a "do what you want, just put it on the right base size" army. that's not saying other armies can't do that of course, but it captured the feeling of the massive diversity you'd get across the cities of the realms. i doubt it'll happen, but i'd love for there to be a non-Sigmar Order human faction at some point. not just Bretonnians, of course, they could really be anything, i'd just like the insight into the "good" humans that don't worship the golden throne. maybe they could be a merchant group like that of the floating city in Aqshy; anything that isn't more "all humans are either Sigmar or Chaos".
  15. is anyone else considering buying a Vanguard box just for Spearhead? Vince's podcast got me riled up with the idea and i figure it'd be a good way get back into the groove of the hobby.
  16. that'd be the dream; if you're able to take a manifestation lore alongside an existing spell lore (as the article confusingly seems to hint towards) then you should at least be able to buy them.
  17. death tactic gets hard-countered by my list of 28 Webspinner Shamans + unit of emotional support spider riders, it's dogwater unfortunately
  18. i think it could go 3 ways. 1. is a general army expansion. maybe a new trogg, new stabbas, an armored grot knight unit. 2. is increase the gitmob stuff. more wolves and plains grots, give them a hero and a chariot. 3. is a spider refresh/expansion to make them fit into the army better. i think 2 is the most likely personally but i also would like it the least; GSG is one of the most thematically rich and congruent armies in the game (even with Spiderfang) and i think that the Gitmob stuff sticks out like a sore thumb. it's not bad, but i'd so much prefer if it was just it's own army without being forced to cross-pollinate with a completed army. 1 would be nice; GSG doesn't really need this but i mean i'll take it. 3 would be ideal, both by replacing old models but also working out the last few kinks in the army's aesthetic and really expanding on the insect theme of GSG which i think is wildly under-utilized.
  19. I don't think spiders are leaving; they already had the perfect chance to do it and already squatted one of the old models. What I think they'll do is likely refresh/expand them to better fit gitz in a medium-sized wave. This post is definitely not Whitefang like-bait.
  20. if models came pre-painted i'd quit the hobby right then and there lol. i don't get what the obsession is with replacing the human in art! why the hell would you want to engage with something that somebody couldn't even be bothered to make?
  21. to be honest i'd be surprised if they didn't speed it up soon, only so much time left before they reveal the boxset + core rules in May and then after that we'll likely know everything releasing at least a month out from the full release.
  22. makes me sad that a lot of that stuff probably can't really be canon anymore; i had a lot of fun with both of my Soulbound campaigns! it really did a lot for AoS proper too by helping flesh out the Great Parch as basically the place to be in the realms.
  23. in my opinon Slaanesh breaking free, without something equally or more interesting at play, would be one of the worst lore decisions they could make. pretenders is the coolest part of Slaanesh in every sense and it honestly feels like it'd just make him blend in with the others more. with the GHR rising as a fully fledged chaos god For Real this time i see no reason for the prince to make his return to the dinner table since that spot is already taken and he's arguably the most compelling of all the chaos gods where he's at right now.
  24. they probably just kept it generic in the meantime? it's hard to say; i once took those as a hint for the designs going forward but now it seems like the opposite. aka, (somewhat) generic human soldiery used as a stand-in because we have 0 clue what the next thing will look like and corporate won't let us see.
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