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I know a lot of you play Age of Sigmar, and have good fun with it. But as very much just a collector and modeller- These Rules articles are as interesting as my Toasters user manual. 

Tease me The new box GW. And If you Don’t wanna show me whole miniatures. Then do a massive jigsaw puzzle of all the miniatures. A Ruination chamber head one day, a rat ogre paw another. 

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Everything else is covered in the Spearhead battlepack, the Warscroll cards, and the unique cards that Spearhead uses.

Would they release a new "pack" just to play Spearhead? Is it the same way for Combat Patrols?

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

Would they release a new "pack" just to play Spearhead? Is it the same way for Combat Patrols?

I have the impression that, unlike 40k, spearhead will use exactly the same core rules as basic AoS. Where combat patrol has different datasheets to the main 40k.

But I could be wrong.

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The modular system seems a nice step for the future. In the tech industry developing in modules is a nice trend actually and I would say it is a pretty nice indicator. The modules would allow them, not only to change stuff during this edition, but also to build maintaining the same system during the upcoming editions.

Let's say the terrain module is perfect, then it can be maintained and change only other modules. Maybe for the 5th edition they only need to tweak a bit the core module. it is a clever system.

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2 minutes ago, Chikout said:

The fact that path to glory stops at 5 suddenly makes it much more appealing. I really hope battle tactics have had a complete rethink. They need to be much harder to achieve and require more interaction with the opponents army. 

Most likely they will just steal the mission deck from 40k. Give players options to go in with static missions or believe in the heart of the cards. But pretty sure most options would be better then battle tactics.

Outside of spells it seems like everything else revealed has been 10ed rules, which is not a bad thing.

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4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

The modular system seems a nice step for the future. In the tech industry developing in modules is a nice trend actually and I would say it is a pretty nice indicator. The modules would allow them, not only to change stuff during this edition, but also to build maintaining the same system during the upcoming editions.

Let's say the terrain module is perfect, then it can be maintained and change only other modules. Maybe for the 5th edition they only need to tweak a bit the core module. it is a clever system.

AoS: API Edition 😍

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Seems similar to One Page Rules design and I like it. 

We've heard that 6s will just be auto wounds so I really do wonder how much of an overhaul Kruleboyz are going to get as that's kind of a big one with them... 

Exciting times ahead. 

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14 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Would they release a new "pack" just to play Spearhead? Is it the same way for Combat Patrols?

Combat Patrol is just a slimmed down version of 40k. Same rules, but units are dumbed down somewhat. The faction ability are somewhat different as well. Overall its fine and it works pretty well in teaching new players how to play and games last about an hour.

Combat Patrol is crazy unbalanced tho and I don't remember when GW was showing it off if they pushed it the same way they are doing with AoS version.

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I'm curious about Army Composition and Command Models.

I suppose battalions are going to be part of the Army Composition pack, but I can't see Elite, Champions, Musics and Standard Bearers having a whole pack for themself.

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Having seasonal rules replace a chunk of rules entirely rather than add onto them is probably less confusing, so I don't mind that.  But in the end it's just a difference in framing.  I know June is still a few months away, but I'd still like to see some details in terms of what the actual rules actually look like.

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There are also other benefits, as Matt explains: “Say, for example, we find out during the course of a season of Matched Play that the economy of Command points isn’t quite right for competitive play. We don’t need to issue an errata online; instead, we could have a new General’s Handbook with a new Command Module that is both thematically resonant and helps evolve the internal balance. If we want to bring that Advanced Rule module back in the future, we can.”

How is this any better than an online errata?

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I love this ! This is the exact same structure as a school subject. With the modules representing different lessons/chapters.

Like : AoS class. Chapter 1 : core rules. Chapter 2 : commands, etc etc. Students and teachers who post here will definitely see why this is great for a pedagogy standpoint. It’s gonna be super easy to learn the rules, you would learn them “chapter by chapter” and if you have trouble with one aspect of the rules, it’s gonna be very easy to track down the section that’s causing you a problem with this “module” idea.

Btw class, first AoS lesson starts at 9am on Monday, we’ll begin with the movement phase, make sure you bring your ruling tape ! 

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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The downside of this modularity is that if they want to really commit to it then one module cannot reference another.  For example, if unit champions can still issue commands to their own units, then 'commands' and 'command models' can't really be fully distinct modules.  Same for 'command models' and 'magic' if Lumineth champions are still wizards. 

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24 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I'm curious about Army Composition and Command Models.

I suppose battalions are going to be part of the Army Composition pack, but I can't see Elite, Champions, Musics and Standard Bearers having a whole pack for themself.

If i had to take a guess, "Command Models" will probably encompass anyone who can issue a command, so including heroes - maybe warranting a larger section

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Modular system = Play how you want

I'm glad GW themselves are stating this intent. Perhaps it will be enough to convince a slice of the player base that they don't always have to strictly use all of the rules to play a "real game."

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