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42 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

You're kidding?! 5 loonsmashers for £8.99 sold out in seconds, and on ebay for double the price. Same with mollog, stabbas and stormcast chariot. Krondys for £60.

All incredible deals. 

I am not saying it is not a good thing. I am subscribed, but the rumours say there would be a price increase because it is not selling well enough.

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I’m not in love with the Lumineth warband. They look a little clunky or cartoonish somehow. It might be their proportions or their build or maybe just the photography. 

I AM in love with massive jade and gold frog face*. I shall order 5,000, make a shirt from them, and distribute the rest around town with pamphlets raising awareness for The Great Plan.

*As _The Idol of the Old Ones_, could it be giving us soft confirmation that the Old Ones might have closely resembled their creation the slann themselves? Could the Old Ones actually have just been immeasurably old slann spawned elsewhere in the cosmos in aeons past? Or the very slann we know and love from the far future of the setting when chaos has all but won, gone back in time at some point to spawn themselves, lay down their plaques, and set in motion the series of events that might one day stand a chance of changing fate?


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OK two questions I have about the LRL river unit.

Do you guys think that is the only river unit we will get for the faction or will this break the element rule of only having one unit, one solo mage, and one monster spirt for each  element. Be interesting if this means they go back and give us more earth and wind units.

What will the river monster look like? We got maybe a seahorse head, but will the body be like a traditional seahorse???? My guess it will it be more like a eastern dragon, but i really just want that myself lol.

Edited by RyantheFett
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12 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

I’m not in love with the Lumineth warband. They look a little clunky or cartoonish somehow. It might be their proportions or their build or maybe just the photography. 

That's what I thought too. I quite like a lot of the Lumineth models (considering my usual disdain for all things preachy-pansy-goody-goody), but these lot look... awkward. Something about the trousers....? 

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13 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

OK two questions I have about the LRL river unit.

Do you guys think that is the only river unit we will get for the faction or will this break the element rule of only having three units for each element. 

What will the river monster look like? We got seahorse head, but will the body like a traditional seahorse or will it be more like a eastern dragon?

Each temple needs a hero, spirit and names spirit, so expect those in 4th edition, we know the city (subfaction) too.

I think we are going to get another unit, because this one is trapped into a warcry box, and those have very low stock.

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3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

So here we go with the full RE solving list:








The almost resolved ones. These two look obviously Kroot related, but these particular ones don't look to be solved to me based on the painting and the runes. @RyantheFett


I have the same issue with this one. Looks Kroot, but looking closely I don't see their swords with those spikes. Maybe it is the pic.


I don't see this one either:


I think that's all.


Oh ya your right!! After more looking the sword is most likely a different kroot unit? Looks like he top indent for both cav are the same, but bottom is different lol

The tail is most likely for the shadow tease we got a while back. Makes me wonder if we are getting the kroot T-rex back?


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8 minutes ago, Ragest said:

Each temple needs a hero, spirit and names spirit, so expect those in 4th edition, we know the city (subfaction) too.

I think we are going to get another unit, because this one is trapped into a warcry box, and those have very low stock.

I suspect, as this warcry squad is exactly 10 models on identically sized bases as opposed to an odd number at a mixture of sizes, that they will be the main river unit for LRL and will be released separately down the line.  So they just need to kick out a wizard and spirit with the next tome to complete the river temple.

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52 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I am not saying it is not a good thing. I am subscribed, but the rumours say there would be a price increase because it is not selling well enough.

It’s almost sold out in France , ppl struggle to find magasine at some places . And Hachette have delay sending some issue because GW can’t follow their demand . Not sure where you heard this rumor

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43 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:


Oh ya your right!! After more looking the sword is most likely a different kroot unit? Looks like he top indent for both cav are the same, but bottom is different lol

The tail is most likely for the shadow tease we got a while back. Makes me wonder if we are getting the kroot T-rex back?


IIRC they said this is just "half" of the kroot stuff.




And the River Temple stuff would be a great start to my Cities Lumineth allies contingent. And the Solar Auxilia are incredible! And the kroot would fit well with my hypothetical T'au project I've been planning for like 4 years... Oh no.

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I'm guessing the rest of the Kroot will be:


-The teaser image- either a mounted hero or perhaps a scouting unit?

It would be amazing if they get a giant Knarloc. If they want to provide the option and incentive to field a Kroot only force, something to rival the Riptide and other big suits would be nice. 

Can't wait to see what else they have. 

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btw, Im seeing a bit of confusion, so


These guys aren't gnarloc riders. They're riding younger verssions of the krootox.

The image of the teaser however totally looks like a gnarloc, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's also a giant gnarloc in the way. All 40k armies need a big centerpiece for the bucks and to give some heavy support because now Imperial Knights are a thing and the kroot detachment would need something to counter it.

Also, btw, I hope those krootox riders come with some spetial part to help fix them on the bases because, lol, that can be a painful montage.

Edited by Garrac
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2 hours ago, HollowHills said:

Personally I don't count those as releases for AoS as they don't add anything to the army. 


IDK need some serious love or they risk becoming a forgotten army.

esactly this.

like others said, underworld bands are totally different from AOS. since they are really weird compositions and they arent sell anymore after some time. warcry ususally has sligthy weird composition too, but more normal, and they are sells like normal units on the faction. so despite they arent like new units, are cloose to that.

2 hours ago, Aleser said:

I think they are selling fine, from tournament results you can see they have pretty ok representation for one specific aelf faction. I really think they will get some love in 4th. Calling them forgoten is joke. They got 2 WU warbands and 2 single heroes, It is not nothing. And their range is really well rounded from start. I know there is so many ways to expand it but there is much more armies that need that before. Btw they are my favorite faction 😄

what is his second heroe?? idk only have had the thrallmaster since his release, and only because every book got a mandatory book in 3.0. if not im sure we would remain without anything.

and it is among the lowest selling factions 100% sure. there isnt any proof of this sure. but only has to see number of coments, in different forums. or pools etc. same as fireslayers. sure they have some average representation in tournament ( 2-3% ) but it dont means anything for sells.

i also expect a BIG wave on 4th, not only a single heroe or a warband.

and the "forgotten army" isnt a joke or a meme. is the total truth on numbers.


57 minutes ago, Ragest said:

Each temple needs a hero, spirit and names spirit, so expect those in 4th edition, we know the city (subfaction) too.

I think we are going to get another unit, because this one is trapped into a warcry box, and those have very low stock.

im fearing water temple wont get anything more. since in the article they said this band is on a quest to revive the spirit.

so knowing GW for lot of years, this means 90% water wont get anything more since they made an excuse on the lore for it.

and still could have a 10% they release something more on next lumineth book with new lore explaining how they revived the spirit, with the spirit miniature and mage. but i highly doubt it.


and the spirit is weird, seems a seahorse but also has a resemblance of easter dragons with those horns.


BTW am i the only one that thinks that armored ones are perfect but the non armored elves are waaaaaay worse, they are too bland for me, i would love to have the option to add armor and face helmet to the 10 members of the band.

the hero or captain is absolutly perfect, a 10 for me.

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As somebody who woke up and bleary-eyed checked their phone for the Preview roundup, when I saw the thumbnail for Krethusa I thought, for one mad moment, "wow they're really putting out a new Grombrindal model? Look at the length of that beard!"

Then my eyes properly focused.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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6 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

As somebody who woke up and bleary-eyed checked their phone for the Preview roundup, when I saw the thumbnail for Krethusa I thought, for one mad moment, "wow they're really putting out a new Grombrindal model? Look at the length of that beard!"

Then my eyes properly focused.

When I first saw the model it took me a few seconds to realise I wasn't looking at it from the rear. Weird how we get so used to focusing in on the face of a miniature. 

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The warcry warbands, as other have said, look to much like the regular stuff in their respective armies. Which makes perfect sense, of course, but I can't hardly find them exciting.


I only really liked the slann idon and the crone. The latest is great both in more and in miniature, if I had any faith about the future usability of the armies of renown I may even wait for that box with anticipation.

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27 minutes ago, alyra said:

esactly this.

like others said, underworld bands are totally different from AOS. since they are really weird compositions and they arent sell anymore after some time. warcry ususally has sligthy weird composition too, but more normal, and they are sells like normal units on the faction. so despite they arent like new units, are cloose to that.

what is his second heroe?? idk only have had the thrallmaster since his release, and only because every book got a mandatory book in 3.0. if not im sure we would remain without anything.

and it is among the lowest selling factions 100% sure. there isnt any proof of this sure. but only has to see number of coments, in different forums. or pools etc. same as fireslayers. sure they have some average representation in tournament ( 2-3% ) but it dont means anything for sells.

i also expect a BIG wave on 4th, not only a single heroe or a warband.

and the "forgotten army" isnt a joke or a meme. is the total truth on numbers.



Lorai, I know there is no rules but she is still IDK model. 2 whu warbands are amazing and great addition to any Deepkin collection. Look at IJ they got even less till the second wave and they are one of the popular armies outhere. I just want say we dont have to worry. IDK is proper AoS army and they at least have one more wave of models for it no matter how they sell also they seen with WU models that people want more sea creatures so I would expect more of that. In 4th I would be happy with even just warcry wearband with good rules and maybe mid sized hero on some cool monster. Akhelians on foots or perhaps that newer version of armoured thralls would be also nice maybe even as warcry warband.

Edited by Aleser
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What a show.

Loved every AOS and its worlds reveals.

After the Hydra talk the other day this Crone model is seriously making me consider Malerions Aelves when they release...

Also CALLIS AND TOLL YES!! They look incredible and cannot wait for their new novel.

@Whitefang confirming Book VI for Dawnbringers, a healthy updated to S2D AND Skaven? What a day indeed!!

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4 hours ago, Garrac said:

Ok, now I really seriously need to know if GW is doing skavens this year, because I've some money saved for a big release, kroots are confirmed to be coming in very sexy, there are no skavens in sight, and I have just the savings for one big gw thing in 2024. just a few likes from whitefang for posts I can't even seem to find don't seem enough to keep the copium. I need the posts, I need the sauce, I need some legitimacy, a camera potato or a leaker telling me to wait, ffs.

That's why Im allways pending on rumours, camera potatos and uncles working at nintendo, I want certainty and financial security for months ahead.

the kroot will be widely available outside of the launching fomo box


You are the skaven guy (or one of many at least) have patience, adepticon will be here sooner then you think and if they aren't the new starter army the kroot'll be there

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2 hours ago, Garrac said:

Whatever the next warcry band is: please let it be fighting against skavens.

I want rats, what can I say.

Honestly, there's a pretty decent chance imo - if the season's pattern is followed, the next box will be Order vs Chaos. Of the main chaos factions, all but 3 have had their warcry bands already. And of those three, Slaanesh and BoC don't seem to be in the spotlight ATM.

Now of course, the previous season's last boxset bucked the train of a god-chosen chaos warband vs X, so you'd be right to keep your hopes in check.

Personally, I'm going to hope for Eshin Skaven vs Kurnothi Sylvaneth - though I couldn't for the life of me predict the theme. Poison and Venom perhaps?

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