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1 minute ago, Garrac said:

Skavens, the council of 13, the great clans, and Pestilens included, were invented in 1986. As you've been told, Pestilens follow the whole "rats spread diseases" thing, whith the Black Plague being mentioned and all. Back at the first days of warhammer only Nurgle and Khorne appeared on the WFRP 1rst edition book, with Malak being the first. I mean, on that same number you had first skavens appearing, fighting on the Malak comic, lol.

I dunno when the whole 4 chaos gods began being a thing or if Tzeentch and Slaanesh existed as well, but I think it was all later when 3rd edition started being cooked.

the big realm of chaos books were 3rd ed whfb yeah, not sure how much of the chaos pantheon lore existed before then?

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7 minutes ago, Luperci said:

the big realm of chaos books were 3rd ed whfb yeah, not sure how much of the chaos pantheon lore existed before then?

i know that back in WFRP 1rst edition there were just Khorne, Nurgle, and Malak as the Chaos Gods, oposed to the Gods of Law. Im more uncertain about if Tzeentch, Slaanesh, and the concept of the "Four Chaos Gods" were introduced or not on second edition, tho.

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13 minutes ago, MitGas said:

While I absolutely agree that many aspects of various forces got expanded on in a great way (whether it‘s Chaos or Aelfs) that we would‘ve never gotten in TOW, I‘ll always miss mixed Orruks and Goblin/Gitz forces! 😇

I feel in general that AoS forces should be able to be mixed up without compromising the army in a bad way. With the current rules, you‘re usually shooting your own foot if you decide to use „impure“ lists. That‘s a darn shame in quite a few cases. I‘m not sure how to remedy that but if I was responsible for the rules, I‘d make the basic rules simple like in AoS 2nd ed, would add more customization options to heroes and rely on the warscrolls for units themselves to be effective instead of boosting them via army-wide special rules, so that mixing forces would be more viable. Even at the cost of some thematic flavor. 

That's why GW revives The Old World 😉 To satisfy nostalgia AoS can't.

Mixed lists probably would be to much of a burden in terms of balance but friend can turn a blind eye. My gaming group usually plays with a "no double turn" house rule so maybe yours can allow more mixing 😉

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Going back to second edition for any rule is a huge step back. That edition was a complete mess.

As @Aeryennsaid, if you don’t like how AoS works in the competitive enviorment, you can play with house rules, path to glory, core pack…

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13 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

All this Malerion and Dark Aelf talk has me giddy at what an AOS Hydra model would look like!!

I'd be hoping for something like this but green/blue/purple, I want an absolutely massive hydra model GW


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3 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

To be honest I'm not a fan of Slaves to Darkness to start with. In my opinion they should have stayed with 4 chaos armies, Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh and work with them each in different direction. StD was created probably due to large wfb fanbase. Currently I own some minis from each of the 4 Chaos gods and don't see any way how StD would fill any holes in my Chaos collection.

Again, this is only my opinion but I would leave StD just in the lore remaining minis as reinforcements for 4 remaining Chaos armies.

Cities of Sigmar on the other hand was needed because Stormcast alone don't represent humanity well enough in this universe. 

StD outsold all other WHFB forces by a laaaarge margin from what I‘ve heard, putting even High Elves to shame. They were way above any other faction in terms of sales apparently, mirroring the SM situation in 40k almost.  It would be like GW not bringing Space Mahreens back in an Age of Roboute reboot. 

With them being the missing link between the 4 weirdos, I figure it would be weird not have them lore-wise too. While I would‘ve gladly traded all of StD for armored Tzeentch warriors, I think it would‘ve been one of the dumbest decisions GW could‘ve done if they scrapped Chaos „Undecided“.  

I think they‘ve got so much now though that after updating Darkoath/Barbarians, they won‘t really need much anyways. The whole Warcry thing put way too much unwanted fat into them too, to a point that most of those units are absolutely useless. It would‘ve been waaay smarter for WarCry to not be so chaos-centric for so long. Would‘ve been more interesting on its own and in regards to AoS if they went for a setting similar to Mordheim and they used warbands to fill more gaps in other forces instead of flooding Chaos with units they can‘t really use. 5 kind of Chaos humans would’ve been enough and then like 10 armies could’ve gotten cool stuff by now. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 

I do hope that the forces that got healthy rosters will get little to nothing and the ones that need it will get boosted but we all know that‘s unrealistic. We‘ll get StD, Stormcast, Lumineth and the like and other forces will get nothing or too little. I really hope I‘m wrong but I wouldn‘t bet against my gut feeling. At least Skaven will finally get a decent release… that leaves Ogors, Beastmen and Chaos Dwarves and Umbraneth. And then we get the bald or red-headed(bearded) dyslexic stepkids like Fyreslayers and IDK. Ideally all those factions should get to a healthy level before the usual suspects get a single kit.

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In a reply to a comment on Facebook, GW said that "Old world stock will be replenished as soon as possible! We will also have news on the next faction to make a return this Saturday."

They have a big preview on Thursday/Friday, but they still keep the ToW for Saturday. I hope it means they have a LOT to announce.

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5 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

"They just need all of that to not be neglected in favour of another Stormcast army."

Fixed that for you 😉

Stormcast only have one army and there's not been any indication of being "Chaptered" like Marines, no need to snipe. i don't see why Skaven and ulgu aelves can't both show up, especially when GW is building a new factory.

i could see Pestilens becoming Nurgle but outside that, i expect Skaven to have multiple kits from different clans like WHF had.

I'd love to see some lesser used/known clans from the Council show up in AOS.

4 hours ago, Luperci said:

Imo there should be competitive restrictions for 'souping' but in casual and narrative they should encourage it more and have fun cross faction synergies

really hoping we get at least one, one-off campaign book that allows this! it'd be super cool to have some kind of listbuilding that gives unique synergies based on your mashup.



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16 minutes ago, Raviv said:

In a reply to a comment on Facebook, GW said that "Old world stock will be replenished as soon as possible! We will also have news on the next faction to make a return this Saturday."

They have a big preview on Thursday/Friday, but they still keep the ToW for Saturday. I hope it means they have a LOT to announce.

They've previously noted that they'll be showing off the next ToW faction for re-release at the ToW launch event (at Warhammer World, on Saturday).

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7 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Lore question. Why Nurgle Skaven and not Khorne or any of the others?

Skaven are too cowardly to get on with Khorne.

Tricksy scheming Tzeentch could be a match. But maybe the Bird dude and the Rats are a bit too alike and realise they cannot trust each other?

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38 minutes ago, LordSolarMach said:

They've previously noted that they'll be showing off the next ToW faction for re-release at the ToW launch event (at Warhammer World, on Saturday).

Interesting. This would give some credit to what Whitefang the second have said.

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12 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

And the less said about Slaanesh Skaven, the better. 

Slaanesh is already involved, why do you think there’s so many skaven around?

Edited by Glutos
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5 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

All these Whitefangs popping up like Spartacus around here 😂

Yeah, if in the end it is a reliable leaker it would be hard to differentiate when you talk about one or another!

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2 hours ago, MitGas said:

It would‘ve been waaay smarter for WarCry to not be so chaos-centric for so long

It might be a smart move to make some old Warcry Warbands mercenaries, since they don’t necessarily look like chaos anyways, they’re just tribal people of the realms.

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3 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

It might be a smart move to make some old Warcry Warbands mercenaries, since they don’t necessarily look like chaos anyways, they’re just tribal people of the realms.

With the Chaos Age in the end most, or all, of those tribal people were chaos followers anyway. So it makes sense. They cannot look like classic chaos to us, but In The Not 41st Millennium, There Is Only Chaos!

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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

Stormcast only have one army and there's not been any indication of being "Chaptered" like Marines, no need to snipe. i don't see why Skaven and ulgu aelves can't both show up, especially when GW is building a new factory.

i could see Pestilens becoming Nurgle but outside that, i expect Skaven to have multiple kits from different clans like WHF had.

I'd love to see some lesser used/known clans from the Council show up in AOS.

really hoping we get at least one, one-off campaign book that allows this! it'd be super cool to have some kind of listbuilding that gives unique synergies based on your mashup.



But aren't the Stormhosts supposed to be the Stromcast equivalent to Chapters?

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2 hours ago, Raviv said:

In a reply to a comment on Facebook, GW said that "Old world stock will be replenished as soon as possible! We will also have news on the next faction to make a return this Saturday."

They have a big preview on Thursday/Friday, but they still keep the ToW for Saturday. I hope it means they have a LOT to announce.

It's nothing to do with volume of previews, the Thursday/Friday show is at a gaming event covering lots of games where they normally go into detail about upcoming releases for those games. TOW meanwhile has it's own event at Warhammer World on Saturday where the next army will be revealed as part of the event there, they'll just be posting the news to the website as it happens hopefully with one or two new kits revealed alongside it.

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27 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

But aren't the Stormhosts supposed to be the Stromcast equivalent to Chapters?

yes, in the same way all factions have distinct subfactions. but only Space Marines (loyalist or traitor) get separate Chapter books for the subfaction differences.

i don't speak for all SCE fans, but most of us just want more non-Hammers characters in-text. I haven't met anyone who wants separate books for Stormhosts, cos that'd be a- horrible money/rules wise and b- retreading the same mistake 40k made. we don't want Chapter books we just want Hammers to not be the main subfaction that always shows up.

Edited by CommissarRotke
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You see, this problem of having so much miniatures in need to get an update so hardly that some of you want more battletomes wouldn't even exist if they didn't hold on it for so much long.

Also: more than Iron Hands.

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