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3 hours ago, Grungnisson said:

Whatever it means for the hobby, we're yet to see. But GW seems to be heading the way of the certain Megadeth's song.

Article about the factory expansion

Actual financial report pdf

not sure about megadeth's songs but wowee, James got a 69.4% gross margin this year..... this means GW is selling their kits at around a 69% profit. so much for those increases in logistics' costs eh? there's an allusion to wider changes, but that got them an *extra* 5% this year.

"Gross profit margin (sometimes referred to as “gross margin” or “gross margin ratio”) is one of the primary metrics used to evaluate a business’ health and competitiveness within its industry. Measured as a percentage, gross profit margin will tell you how much revenue your products and services generate per dollar after subtracting your cost of goods sold."


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1 hour ago, Garrac said:

Ive seen this post in dakkadakka, and aparently someone has extrapolated that GW spent 10 millions on the new website, which is just nuts.

This might, however, refer to the whole overhaul of the ordering and stock management system and the website just being a part of it.

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2 hours ago, Sabush said:

As a person who plays maybe 10 games per year, having one year seasons is much better. But, they could add a couple battleplans every six months to spice things up.

Yeah, and I understand your thoughts, but GHB is supposed to be the "competitive" side of the game and six month season helps to not feel the game stalled for people that plays those 10 games in a pair of weeks.

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1 hour ago, Ragest said:

Yeah, and I understand your thoughts, but GHB is supposed to be the "competitive" side of the game and six month season helps to not feel the game stalled for people that plays those 10 games in a pair of weeks.

Most competitive players I know hated 6 month seasons here in the US. I’d agree that adding battleplans to make 18 battleplans at the 6 month mark is the way to go. Heard this idea on Warhammer Weekly. 


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13 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Do we know if this arena "battle" is the first time that it has happened? Looks like, right?

Arena of Death Finals – Meet the Undisputed Champion of the 41st Millennium - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

I would love something similar with the AoS models.

They did it with AoS back in 2020: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/05/20/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-death-match-gods-and-daemonsgw-homepage-post-4/


note: they have links to the other 2 “weight classes “ in the beginning. One for infantry and one for mounted.

i hope they do one again though. They are just fun

Edited by Red Bull
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1 hour ago, Red Bull said:

They did it with AoS back in 2020: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/05/20/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-death-match-gods-and-daemonsgw-homepage-post-4/


note: they have links to the other 2 “weight classes “ in the beginning. One for infantry and one for mounted.

i hope they do one again though. They are just fun

Not gonna lie.  Warhammer battle reports is what makes plus worth it those guys are so good

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17 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

For something that isn't talking about the Old World, the Warhammer + Loremasters video on Ushoran goes into detail onto what happens in Dawnbringers IV. I won't spoil it here, but I do note they describe a battle scene against the Ossiarch Bonereapers but there is no mention of new Ossiarch units anywhere. The main Bonereapers character seems to just be a Liege. 

D4+Ushoran was planned to be launched before but something happened again. The Loremaster of this week bothers me, they spoiled D4 like if the W+ department is isolated from the releases changes

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6 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

D4+Ushoran was planned to be launched before but something happened again. The Loremaster of this week bothers me, they spoiled D4 like if the W+ department is isolated from the releases changes

Anything about kragnos and Kb in D4 ?

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Just checked on valrak channel and can't find even a single video where he talks about AoS (safe for the christmas boxes), I don't really know from where come these "valrak confirms skavens vs stormcasts starter box" rumours.

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2 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Just checked on valrak channel and can't find even a single video where he talks about AoS (safe for the christmas boxes), I don't really know from where come these "valrak confirms skavens vs stormcasts starter box" rumours.

I expect it'll be a dismissive off hand comment in the middle of a Space Marines video.

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4 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Just checked on valrak channel and can't find even a single video where he talks about AoS (safe for the christmas boxes), I don't really know from where come these "valrak confirms skavens vs stormcasts starter box" rumours.

It is usually a spare comment in between a Space Marines discussion.

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1 hour ago, Vagard said:

We're not going to lanch another debate about GW absurd prices but ... well ... we could 

Considering they're about to invest it into expanding their production capacity, I'm not sure how much is there to discuss in the first place. A company makes profit, a company invests that profit into growing bigger.

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22 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

Considering they're about to invest it into expanding their production capacity, I'm not sure how much is there to discuss in the first place. A company makes profit, a company invests that profit into growing bigger.

it is of course not so simple (increasing dividends paid to shareholders, management bonuses and so on), and there's the matter of how ineffective or badly planned/forecasted were previous investment in production capacity, but still probably beyond our ability to meaningfully discuss here

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34 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

Considering they're about to invest it into expanding their production capacity, I'm not sure how much is there to discuss in the first place. A company makes profit, a company invests that profit into growing bigger.

Last year was 64% this year is 70%, I will not be very surprised if past years were aroud the same. I'm not even sure that covid or brexit impacted them that much given that people had more free time to paint during lockdowns. 

A strong turnover is the result of investment, so if you say that they're about ton invest even more, we will maybe see a 72-73% turnover next year, which is insane. These turnover rates are more likely to be seen in luxury companies financial reports. 

Once again of course why would they stop rising price if people still buy it (and maybe even more from years to years) but then there's always the ethical question about which you and GW don't seems very sensible to. (yes you have the magical argument : if you're not happy then don't buy it but it did not really work here as we don't talk about clothes or food, they are the only one on the market able to do what they do ; that's why people continue to buy regardless the price -> price elasticity which I already elaborate in a previous post) 

Anyways we are not agree on this subject and it's ok not to be ok, both point of view have reasons but we, the pastic crack addicts are more on one side that the other. 

Last post, if you want to debate in private i'll be happy to discuss further :) 

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5 minutes ago, Vagard said:

A strong turnover is the result of investment, so if you say that they're about ton invest even more, we will maybe see a 72-73% turnover next year, which is insane. These turnover rates are more likely to be seen in luxury companies financial reports. 


And as I've been arguing here for a while, Citadel products ARE luxury goods. Many people still look at them through their 90s' nostalgia 'blister pack for pocket money' goggles, but everything about the hobby is different now. The company, the product, and the customer.

And as I've nothing more to add, also happy to leave it there ;)

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39 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

And as I've been arguing here for a while, Citadel products ARE luxury goods. Many people still look at them through their 90s' nostalgia 'blister pack for pocket money' goggles, but everything about the hobby is different now. The company, the product, and the customer.

And as I've nothing more to add, also happy to leave it there ;)

Perhaps GW just made good of the fact that nerds usually have decent enough income and thus they can milk us dry without too many customers abandoning ship. In general it seems that people are more willing to pay premium prices for their interests. I‘m just thinking about pc components there. 20 years ago, almost no one would‘ve bought a terribly expensive graphics card, now they‘re sold out for months after release. 


2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

I was checking the LRL Stone Mage from one of the responses I got from my questions for The Great Interview and came to my mind that this could be part of the base for the River Temple minis from the rumoured warband:


It‘s AoS‘s version of an olive branch to appease me for them throwing Lumineth at us once again! 😤 Lumineth, new Stormcast in 4th… maybe a couple of new space marines are in order too!

Thank God there will be Skaven! 😋

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22 hours ago, Tonhel said:

Scrapping seems impossible. It would only cause outrage and angry players and for what gain. The most that can happen is that all the BoC miniatures moves to TOW and AoS gets all the new shining stuff. Honestly I don't see the problem at all. :D 

Just look at Squats. They got scrapped what, nearly 30 years ago and people were still clamouring for them up until LoV was released. My guess is most people who wanted Squats to return had never owned any of the original Squats, had probably never even seen one in the wild, and in many cases weren't even born when Squats were squatted. I think GW had probably learnt the lesson not to Squat things since then.

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