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23 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Am I the only one that think that that we don't need more armies appart from Malerion elves? 

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with new armies, but we are getting close to 10 years AoS anniversary and some armies are still micro-armies or most of their models are not even from AoS.

I agree i would love to see every army get a well rounded list of updated models. But GW also does a great job teasing for potential next ones. Im also not sure if Malerion elves/Chorfs/Glareface gitz/Drogrukh will become their own thing. They could get their own tomes, but i think they could also go the Kurnothi route and join an existing tome. 

I think it would be great to see at least one new death army thats not related to nagash. Something like silent people would be great.

Destruction also has some space for creative ideas imho. Could go with an heavy machinery style army. An army focussing on primal stuff and elements would also be great space for the Drogrukh to fill? Could even combo Bonesplitterz into that.

I am also still not forgetting about what lies beneath the Gnarlwood. Morghur? Spidergod? 

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7 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:


BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA THAT IS THE MOST BRETONNIAN NEHEKHARAN I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!! I get that this is Ushoran's own personal delusion regarding himself, but my god man where is your pride? that beard is so bloody basic even Gotrek would tell you to shave.

Maybe is not his delusion but how it was Ushoran during the Myths period?

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2 hours ago, Beliman said:

Am I the only one that think that that we don't need more armies appart from Malerion elves? 

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with new armies, but we are getting close to 10 years AoS anniversary and some armies are still micro-armies or most of their models are not even from AoS.

I think the problem here is that the most rumored "missing" armies are a super hyped oned (talking about Malerion and Chorfs). And this for me shouldn't be a problem. Malerion would take a spot with Daughters, so it would be just 1 more "faction" in the end. Imo, after that, we would only see a new faction after many editions.

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1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

Is it just me or are these releases too rapid fire as of late?


When has been that a problem? xD

Don't know the average armies count here in TGA, but the more stuff we get in shorter time, the more players that are not super big collectors get some love.

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Maybe the last army, will be darkoath?

If dwabringers V will be chaos, maybe it comes with lady of ruin and some khorne heroes, but first, a box with new marauders and marauders horseman, some "heavy" infanty or small monsters, and other heroe for darkoaths.


And what you are talking  about the next edition of warcry will be focused on cities, Is it speculation or are there rumors?

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7 minutes ago, Deakz28 said:

Or even old world period, either way I’m looking forward to knowing when the battletome comes, I bet this image will be on his lore page if true 

By the Old World period, Ushoran was already well into his ghoulish decline. His unfortunately incomplete Warhammer Legends “trilogy” shows his descent in the centuries just after Nagash was defeated in Nehekhara.

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2 hours ago, Beliman said:

Am I the only one that think that that we don't need more armies appart from Malerion elves? 

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with new armies, but we are getting close to 10 years AoS anniversary and some armies are still micro-armies or most of their models are not even from AoS.

It would be wise to not add too many further armies. We don‘t even need Malerion‘s forces as its own army, they could very well be folded into/merged with daughters of khaine. I believe new players/collectors have more than enough cool stuff to pick from for a new or additional army at this point. I‘d rather see Skaven and Beastmen get nice updates than say Silent People(perhaps a couple of bug-people could become part of sylvaneth to appease those 15 guys that scream for those). The roster should be done after Chaos Dwarfs and Umbraneth (I‘d add them to DoK though personally) and they could expand lots of forces with cool new subfactions but I‘m pretty sure that players in general would prefer to see GW update old models or expand certain ranges before adding more completely new whole armies.

If I had unlimited hobby time, there are already a couple of very cool factions I‘d start collecting as it is… not sure if any other TT game has as many factions as AoS, outside of 40k. And half of those are space marines.

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3 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

Is it just me or are these releases too rapid fire as of late?


I have a hunch that there was a fairly significant disruption of the AoS release schedule during year 1 and 2 of 3rd edition. Nothing concrete, of course, but I think Cities was supposed to come a lot earlier (their pre-release periode was super long for no discernable reason) and I think that at least one more Season of War with another Incarnate was planned for Gallet. Plus there was the long content draught in the beginning of the edition.

I think that is part of the reason why we are now seeing a lot of fairly significant releases very close to each other.

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1 hour ago, MitGas said:

Il serait sage de ne pas ajouter trop d’armées supplémentaires. Nous n'avons même pas besoin des forces de Malerion comme propre armée, elles pourraient très bien être intégrées/fusionnées avec les filles de Khaine. Je pense que les nouveaux joueurs/collectionneurs ont plus qu'assez de trucs sympas parmi lesquels choisir pour une armée nouvelle ou supplémentaire à ce stade. Je préférerais voir Skaven et Beastmen recevoir de belles mises à jour plutôt que de dire Silent People (peut-être que quelques bug-people pourraient faire partie de Sylvaneth pour apaiser ces 15 gars qui crient pour ceux-là). La liste devrait être faite après Chaos Dwarfs et Umbraneth (je les ajouterais personnellement à DoK) et ils pourraient étendre de nombreuses forces avec de nouvelles sous-factions sympas, mais je suis presque sûr que les joueurs en général préféreraient voir GW mettre à jour les anciens modèles. ou étendez certaines portées avant d'ajouter des armées entières plus complètement nouvelles.

Si j'avais un temps de loisir illimité, il y a déjà quelques factions très sympas que je commencerais à collectionner telles quelles… je ne sais pas si un autre jeu TT a autant de factions qu'AoS, en dehors de 40 000. Et la moitié d’entre eux sont des Space Marines.

Once time again, we have talk a long moment about refresh for armies how really need it and i absolutely agree to this. But this will be sad to not have Malerion's Aelves (i agree too the idea to include him and his servants to DoK), Kurnothi for Sylvaneth and Chorfs for appears nearly.

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I think the development of both Malerion's Aelves and Grungni's Dispossessed (and the potential reunification of the Khazalid Empire) both depend on what we see happen with the Cities of Sigmar and the realm in which the launch box is located.

Ideally, CoS will receive a sizeable second wave (things currently point towards a Wheel-based religious fanatic-based addition) resulting in the removal of the Dark Elf models from the line and for Malerion to step out from the shadows with a range of emo-Aelves. If the location is Ulgu then this becomes all the more likely and I think it may mean the Dispossessed models sticking with Cities for another edition. (which would be a shame IMO

If on the other hand, the location is Chamon (which I think I would prefer) then the Dwarves might be up for some long-overdue love. AoS launched with Fyreslayers and Kharadon are cool but both remain relatively small. Aelves on the other hand have received a lot of love with both Lumineth and Indoneth Deepkin. (and the rumoured Kurnothi on the way

I know that the location of the realms on the Realm map doesn't mean much, due to the ability for transportation through realm gates, but the location of Blight City under Chamon on the map and the concept of the Forge God Grungi's new forge deep within Chamon's mountains being assailed by the Skaven and the reunification of the Dispossessed (with lots of new Dwarven models) would be really cool. 

Of course, in an ideal world, we would get both! 

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4 minutes ago, papary said:

Do we have the price list yet? Wanna know how much the box is and those Heresy Marines!

Seems it is taking longer than usual. No one shared them on the usual places where I see them.

EDIT: One of the store owners have said that looks like GW is having technical difficulties.


Edited by Ejecutor
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1 hour ago, Danaork said:

Once time again, we have talk a long moment about refresh for armies how really need it and i absolutely agree to this. But this will be sad to not have Malerion's Aelves (i agree too the idea to include him and his servants to DoK), Kurnothi for Sylvaneth and Chorfs for appears nearly.

I think there‘s zero chance that we won‘t get Malerion‘s forces. 👍 Dark Elfs were quite popular back then and when I look at this forum, it seems a given that there‘s still a huuuuge interest in them. Evil elfs is such a classic trope, and Malerion has been teased for so long AND even Morathi got a whole army, I think it‘s extremely likely that Malerion will at least get a wave with multiple units, a centerpiece and some surprises. So at the very least they‘ll expand DoK by a wave akin to the latest Flesh-Eaters, CoS or Seraphon! If not even I would be disappointed and I won‘t collect them (back when I started the teo guys I played collected Dark Aelf and O&G, so I‘m very nostalgic…. And Dark Eldar in 40k popped off too, so why wouldn‘t AoS DE not become a huge success). 

TLDR; I‘m very optimistic about Malerion getting a very lovely army in the not so distant future. The fans have been patient enough! 

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9 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I wonder how much of it is them trying to catch up with the Covid 'backlog' - the rapid fire of Votann, Guard refresh and World Eaters over on 40k would certainly point to that too.

I think it's a combination of delays (we had like a year and a half of 3E where barely anything came out) and the very real factor that everything that was originally meant to release for an edition HAS to be released before the new edition is out. It was much the same for the end of 2E, a massive glut of releases that had to be released into the wild no matter what before Dominion came out and reset all the rules, the packaging style, etc etc.

As for new armies vs supporting old armies, obviously I want my Fyreslayers and other neglected armies to get new toys. At the same time, I don't think it's realistic to expect GW is never going to release any new armies, or that they'll wait until every other army is perfectly updated first. Even 40K, as venerable a setting as it is, sees new army releases with reasonable frequency.

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6 hours ago, Beliman said:

Am I the only one that think that that we don't need more armies appart from Malerion elves? 

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with new armies, but we are getting close to 10 years AoS anniversary and some armies are still micro-armies or most of their models are not even from AoS.

Grungni/Valaya Dwarves have got to come at some point.

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