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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Glad to see they've not forgotten about Bael. Might be a good sign he's finally getting a unique model, if not in Dawnbringers then 4.0?

Or his daughter takes over the lodge and gets the model. Flamespitter still seems to be up and running, so she can take her father's magmadroth over too.

Edited by Snarff
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14 minutes ago, Hawke said:

Anyone read the new white dwarf yet? There's a short story called "the call of the hunt: in the depths of Ghyran, the old stag stirs once more..." seems like a heavy hint towards more Kurnoth in the future to me

Yeah dawnbringer book 3 basically has some info on this. It's now a matter of when rather then if. 

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48 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Trugg is basically a Terminator and i love him.

Wow thank you, I love you too big guy :$

36 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I would love this. Bael deserves a model for sure.

When I ended the story, I thought Dreadnoght Fyreslayers as Gold Golems (Ur-Goldems?) instantly, and Bael-Grimnir as the first of them, forged for Grugni with the essence of Grimnir himself.

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25 minutes ago, Trugg the Troggoth King said:

Wow thank you, I love you too big guy :$

When I ended the story, I thought Dreadnoght Fyreslayers as Gold Golems (Ur-Goldems?) instantly, and Bael-Grimnir as the first of them, forged for Grugni with the essence of Grimnir himself.

I expect to see gholemkind alongside kharadron in their next release wave, considering they've been mentioned in the past 2 battletomes iirc? If so idk if they'll also give FS gholems or something too similar. Maybe Grungni makes Bael into a dwarf stormcast though I suppose, not sure if I'd love that but it'd depend on the execution

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2 minutes ago, Someravella said:

Gobbsprak for Realms of Ruin is a 5 eur DLC.

I was wondering if I should buy this game, but now I have decided not to. I hate this P2W and paid DLC business model.

Yndrasta added as well, but you don't need to buy them to play. You can opt between different heroes. They won't be an extension of the roster.

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3 minutes ago, Someravella said:

Gobbsprak for Realms of Ruin is a 5 eur DLC.

I was wondering if I should buy this game, but now I have decided not to. I hate this P2W and paid DLC business model.

is it that much just for an army character and nothing else? you don't get a campaign for him or any other units? Idk how important heroes are in RoR

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3 minutes ago, Someravella said:


Only the heroes, if I am not wrong, but their DLCs are included in some bundles of the game.

yeah I had a look on the website, honestly I think that's a fairer price than a lot of games ask for bonus characters. I'm not really into moba/RTS games though so I don't have a stake in it really. I do think the army painter feature and all the unit animations are neat

Edited by Luperci
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2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

I also cant stand the new Gamesworkshop page. I cannot see anything on Mobile.

Yeah, it sucks. They put zero thought into usability. The better (visual) design doesn‘t save it from being a dud when nothing works and navigation is a nightmare. :( 

It‘s clear they‘ll rework it soon though as currently it‘s so bad, I bet it affects sales. 

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He tipped off the side of the creature – right through the gold-glowing monolith...
Gold magic burned at the stumps where his limbs used to be. In their place, pools of quicksilver were rapidly cooling beneath him. As unconsciousness finally washed over him, he let his eyes drift shut. He was alive, and the beast was dead. That would have to be enough.

Re-reading the end of the story, it's actually more clear to me what happens. Bael-Grimnyr passes through Truggs portal while it's channeling the magic of chamon, this burns off his limbs and already starts to replace them with metal. So it's a done deal really, he will be back and he'll have cool metal limbs to show for it, 100%

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7 minutes ago, madmac said:

Re-reading the end of the story, it's actually more clear to me what happens. Bael-Grimnyr passes through Truggs portal while it's channeling the magic of chamon, this burns off his limbs and already starts to replace them with metal. So it's a done deal really, he will be back and he'll have cool metal limbs to show for it, 100%

Thats how I interpreted it as well.

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22 minutes ago, madmac said:

Re-reading the end of the story, it's actually more clear to me what happens. Bael-Grimnyr passes through Truggs portal while it's channeling the magic of chamon, this burns off his limbs and already starts to replace them with metal. So it's a done deal really, he will be back and he'll have cool metal limbs to show for it, 100%

They ended in uglu or chamon? Can’t understand exactly 

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10 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

They ended in uglu or chamon? Can’t understand exactly 

Neither. It basically goes:

1. Dwarf jumps on Truggs back and lands a deathblow on his neck

2. Slips and falls into the portal while it's channeling gold magic

3. Afterwards he hits the ground and hears Truggs body impact immediately after, so it seems he wasn't transported anywhere, just his body was transmuted. He passes out, confident that he's alive and Trugg is not.

4.  Much later, after Ulgu (Night) has fallen, the portal channels jade magic into Trugg and brings him back to life. He gets up and wanders off, not seeing any living creature around him, which suggests Bael has already left at that point.

17 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

It reads more to me like the flesh of his limbs was transmuted into hot quicksilver, hence why they're cooling pools beneath him rather than anything more solid or functional.

Maybe, but it also talks about the gold magic burning at his stumps, you don't have to read too far into that to understand where this is going. Keep in mind, if they wanted to just replace Bael-Grimnyr it would have been easy to write this story in such a way to kill him off. Having him being transmuted by the magic of Chamon instead only makes sense if they are going somewhere with all this and that direction is definitely a new model. He's always been the Fyreslayer's faction leader in the fluff but he didn't have his own model, (or rules, except for a very short lived WD writeup) much like our boy Ionus used to just be a generic Lord-Relictor until dawnbringers 3 now where he has a sweet new dragon model.

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2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Thanks everyone, this talk of RoboRunefather has convinced me not to try and buy the Ossiarch Battleforce tomorrow.

I have given in and will probably get it, after a friend mentioned to me that since I have Nagash, that box will take me straight to 2000 points.... Damn him! 😂

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The webstore is an accessibility disaster. Tiny text, Light grey on white everywhere... It takes more clicking to get to just about everything and the core systems which used to all be listed at the top are now buried in unreadable menus. Plus changing all the URLs right before x-mas when I was compiling a list of gift suggestions was unhelpful in the extreme!

I didn't buy much direct from GW anyway, but it used to be a good reference to check product info. Now it's an unusable mess.

Good job I have a great flgs near me. I'd rather support them than GW anyway!

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