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4 hours ago, Garrac said:

Had a talk the other day on the Skaven AoS Whatssapp group

Bear in mind: this has huge "My uncle works at Nintendo" energies, but I considered interesting enough to share it.

So, there's this guy on the group who told us his friend tried to get a job on GW more than one year ago as a concept artist. He ended up being rejected, but told he was asigned to design skaven related units, and told him they were working on skaven models, but didn't tell if it was for a vs box. (bear in mind, people that work and design minis are completely separated from marketing at gw). Alltho, he also told us this could be more related with the Skabbik underworlds team.

Yeah, like I said, "My uncle works at Nintendo" energies.

Also, shall I supose from that whitefang emoji that there won't be any skavens shown this saturday?

Models are usually designed 3-4 years in advance. Definitely a Nintendo Uncle type person.

2 hours ago, Ogregut said:

Let's hope it's not leaked, I'll rather see it with everyone else on Saturday than potato cam pics before hand. 

I agree. Whilst the hype is there momentarily, revealing leaked images days before a Preview accomplishes nothing.

It ruins the hype, the forum isnt as exploding with energy and the number 1 thing? It doesnt make it release any sooner.

The STD leaks were annoying in that we knew they were coming but that meant we had to wait for them to release to get past them to the next release wave. It felt like 'Oh Slaves are coming in 2 months, so in 2 months once they release itll be another 2-3 before we see something new'.

So we end up waiting almost 4 months with nothing 'New'.

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29 minutes ago, madmac said:

Things aren't that bad, really.

Don't misread my post, i totally want a full release of kurnoth subfaction ! But this last years was not very AOS focused and we did not have a LOT of releases (biggest was seraphon and CoS if I don't miss another one).

But as you remind me, there were many big releases during Broken Realms, more than I remembered, so i guess the future is brighter than I expected ! 

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32 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I agree. Whilst the hype is there momentarily, revealing leaked images days before a Preview accomplishes nothing.

It ruins the hype, the forum isnt as exploding with energy and the number 1 thing? It doesnt make it release any sooner.

I also don't want potato cam spoilers that kill hype. But what I love is @Whitefang cryptic teases that to me at least actually increase the hype!


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1 hour ago, Vagard said:

A Kurnoth army of renown means a lots of new kits right? Like at least one battleline, one central hero and 2-3 other units and 1-2 side heroes. Is it something possible as we already have a big ironjaw wave and and the cos release, as we are also waiting for a big FeC release in few months?

Maybe I am missing something but creating an army of renown when you only have one UW unit existing now means too much releases at the same time regarding what we already had and what we are wainting for (but I would love sucha big release of course) 

Kurnothi is any Kurnothi worshipper. So technically they don't have only 1 UW. That reduces a lot the number of kits required for the army of renown.

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11 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Kurnothi is any Kurnothi worshipper. So technically they don't have only 1 UW. That reduces a lot the number of kits required for the army of renown.

Bring them back!



Edited by EntMan
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30 minutes ago, Aleser said:

I did and I AoSfied them 😁


These are so awesome! Now I'm even more annoyed I didn't get any before to he discontinuation.

At least they should eventually be back for the Old World.

Do you play them as Sisters/Wild Riders? Or as a proxy for something Sylvaneth? I'm guessing the latter due to the round bases?

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OMG! That Bretonnian BSB is incredible and hopefully we get to see some juicy box sets this weekend. 

Personally, I have no problems with heroes being resin while the bulk of the army is plastic, similar to what Conquest does and they have the best resin models I have worked with. 

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3 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Vulkyn wd article mentions that Vulcatrix essence got dispersed into anvil of apotheosis,firebellies fury  and the flame of HASHUT.


HASHUT LORE?!?! Where? Where? 
Once again jokes aside, I find it really interesting that duardin of all stripes are seeing lore and/or new models this edition. Perhaps it’s a sign that GE ha finally figured out how they want to take everyone’s favorite stout warriors and that they’ll play a major role in the upcoming edition?

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40 minutes ago, EntMan said:

These are so awesome! Now I'm even more annoyed I didn't get any before to he discontinuation.

At least they should eventually be back for the Old World.

Do you play them as Sisters/Wild Riders? Or as a proxy for something Sylvaneth? I'm guessing the latter due to the round bases?

I play them as spiterider lancers 😄

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