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The Rumour Thread

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When they talked about 12 factions getting support they meant rules or models? If rules Ko gets it with 2nd book. So that gives us 7 armies in total. Khorne and sylvaneth will probably get models with 3rd book and skaven might get ko treatment as there are narrative rumors they will also appear in the book. That would leave 2 spots. One of those should be tzeenth since he might be behind the fires in Calis and Toll story.  With one spot left I hope we get something from Morathi since she just got a new city in Aqshi. 

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Hold on, we still don't know if he confirmed part of what I said, or everything. Cryptic as ever.

Even if I do hope everything I said was correct. 

He also reacted to a comment of mine that only referred to Darkoath, so that part should be on the money at least.

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9 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

I would actually predict Skaven (and Stormcast) to not get anything because the events now would lead into them being the starter factions for 4th edition. I also predict we wont be seeing more CoS because they just got a tome and huge refresh. I would like more Darkoath, do we have any strong rumours about those?


2 minutes ago, ArcLight said:

He also reacted to a comment of mine that only referred to Darkoath, so that part should be on the money at least.

I also got a like on this post. I guess more Darkoath is happening soonish.

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What do people think about Valkia's chances? She seems to have been waiting for a new model for ages but with Khorne being hinted at is this her time? I don't collect Khorne but I might be tempted to ally her in to my StD if she is just a pure melee beat stich as she should be! Even if that is positively heretical as I am painting my StD in a Slaanesh scheme to go with my Hedonites 🤣 Valkia is awesome though.

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15 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

What do people think about Valkia's chances? She seems to have been waiting for a new model for ages but with Khorne being hinted at is this her time? I don't collect Khorne but I might be tempted to ally her in to my StD if she is just a pure melee beat stich as she should be! Even if that is positively heretical as I am painting my StD in a Slaanesh scheme to go with my Hedonites 🤣 Valkia is awesome though.

I think your guess is as good as anyone else‘s - I don‘t think we had any real rumours regarding her or any other Khornate champion but since she‘s already in AoS it‘s bloody bound (hehe, don‘t kill me) to happen and could very well be part of the Dawnbringer-phase. Does Khorne lack anything outside of Khorngors? A small wave would be cool indeed…

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I think it's pretty neat that we're very nearly at the point where every faction in the game will be modernized. As someone who's been around since before the general's handbook was a thing, the days of dozens and dozens of microfactions of Fantasy leftovers* don't feel all that long ago. Given what we know is coming, the only ones that need big releases are the Skaven and Beasts of Chaos---toss in new waves for Fyreslayers and Idoneth and all we'd really have left are the occasional resin character or units like Grave and Temple Guard that can easily be taken care of in campaign releases or Warcry.

I don't really have a point here, but given how some of us were doomposting about GW's treatment of AoS not even a year ago, I feel like we're in a pretty great spot.


*I don't think every Fantasy model needs to be replaced and updated (and in the case of specific ones like ogre infantry I'd be disappointed if they were) but there seems to be a conscious effort to differentiate new AoS releases from them, especially given the (eventual) release of The Old World

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2 hours ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

I don't think I've seen anyone share this yet but I have on good authority that the next two underworlds warbands will be Kruelboyz and Vampires.

More vampires?  Don't get me wrong I love me some vampires but I think we're up to 11 vampires on foot not counting the warcry warband. That seems a little excessive. 

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Yeah, I’d be extremely annoyed as well. I’m pretty sure this would make 5 unique Soulblight warbands while the Ossiarchs, Kharadron, Flesh-Eaters, Lumineth, Fyreslayers, and at least a few others have only one. They already have more units than the FEC and either of the other Death factions combined, boasting just slightly less than if you combined the Ossiarch and Nighthaunt ranges. They don’t need yet more stuff! 

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3 hours ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

I don't think I've seen anyone share this yet but I have on good authority that the next two underworlds warbands will be Kruelboyz and Vampires.


I wonder what the Kruleboyz could be!!

An alternate swampcalla?

Something more hogrot / grot centric?

Tinfoil hat here but the mirebrute is roughly the same size as a dankhold and we did get Mollog sooo maybe a mirebrute hag!!?? 🤩

Big wootz either way!!

Edited by Vasshpit
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It's also possible that @Nighthaunt Noob might be being messed with. Nothing's confirmed until GW shows it off. We are due a destruction warband after the new core box though. 

On the Darkoath front Whitefang previously hinted that the hammer and bolter episode with Darkoath would tell what's coming for them. That basically means cavalry. Are gw finally going to replace the marauders?

A cavalry unit, a mounted hero and a regular foot unit would be good. I wouldn't be surprised to see another army of renown to go with them.

3 or 4 kit updates for Ironjawz, Darkoath, Kurnothi and Fyreslayers would be a pretty great way to finish the edition.

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11 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Well look who reacted lmao. More rumours for the rumour throne... 

...OMG OMG OMG he didn't reacted anything on FEC related post, omg, holy ******, desperate....

I really hope FEC with a Army Box then Summerking as cover for th4 book and multiple unit release... just like any other faction big update...

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On 9/17/2023 at 6:57 PM, Clan's Cynic said:

I was sick yesterday and I couldn't update the list but I'm fine right now!




Age of Sigmar
Cities Battletome + Infrantry + Cavalry + Foot Marshall + Mounted + the Not-Ogor + Alchemist + Manticore + Fusiliers + Pontifex + Command Group + Cannon
Mistery book Winter
Dawnbringer: 3
Dawnbringer: 4

Scenary outside
2 Warbands (Order vs Death)
2 Warbands (who knows)
Krule Monsta-hunta
Cities Doggy Hunters + Gorgers

Starter Set Again?!
Slaanesh vs Idoneth Core box
Destro Warband
Rival Deck 2

Horus Heresy
Two more Cerastus type Knights
Old Spaceship returns
MKIII Army box
Assault Squad
Mistery Army
Legion Command Squad
Lords of War
Horus weapons
Exemplary Book
Traitor Champion
Hero Space Wolf
Heads Spaces Wolves

Warhammer 40k
Space Marines Codex - Launch Complete army
Marines from Agastus
Votann Anniversary Model
Adeptus Mechanicus
Dark Angels
Adeptus Custodes
T'au Empire
Chaos Space Marines

Kill Team 


Old World
Bretonnian Paladin + Standard Bearer + Unicorn hero
Tomb Kings Hero

Blood Bowl
Grashnak Blackhoof    
Ivan the bones
Vampire Team + Cards + Spike
Count Luthor

Epic HH
The box
Dire wolfs
Support box (Deredeo, Leviathan, Tarantula & Rapier)
Support Auxilia
New terrain


Edited by Nezzhil
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