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On 9/2/2023 at 3:57 AM, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

I think they'll be some pretty big differences, the speed and damage might be the same but ogres will have the capture weight of 10 and maw-gruntas will most likely be 5 unless they have a stegadon/warparty rule. Defensively I imagine the stonehorns still take it and I think the pigs will be around about 240 each (not the character version)


Edited by dmorley21
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Trying to make sense of all of these rumours and hints and whatever about Chorfs.

  • The AoS roadmap ends in winter 2023-2024 with Dawnbringers 4 and FEC.
  • The 40k roadmap extends into spring 2024 with 5 codexes. But there can't be whole 3 months without anything from AoS... there has to be an AoS release in spring 2024. But by then Dawnbringers will be ended and all current BTs will be updated. If something happens for AoS, it's either a 2.0 version of a BT (not gonna happen if a new edition is around the corner) or a brand new army.
  • GW has been dropping lore hints at Chorfs. Hobgrots, Horns of Hashut, Trugg in the Adamantine Chain...
  • There's 2 precedents of armies that launched right at the end of an edition : Idoneth in AoS1, Soulblight in AoS2. Both in may of the last year of their respective editions.

If I were to make a prognosis, I'd bet Chaos Dwarfs will arrive to AoS in May 2024.

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Trying to make sense of all of these rumours and hints and whatever about Chorfs.

  • The AoS roadmap ends in winter 2023-2024 with Dawnbringers 4 and FEC.
  • The 40k roadmap extends into spring 2024 with 5 codexes. But there can't be whole 3 months without anything from AoS... there has to be an AoS release in spring 2024. But by then Dawnbringers will be ended and all current BTs will be updated. If something happens for AoS, it's either a 2.0 version of a BT (not gonna happen if a new edition is around the corner) or a brand new army.
  • GW has been dropping lore hints at Chorfs. Hobgrots, Horns of Hashut, Trugg in the Adamantine Chain...
  • There's 2 precedents of armies that launched right at the end of an edition : Idoneth in AoS1, Soulblight in AoS2. Both in may of the last year of their respective editions.

If I were to make a prognosis, I'd bet Chaos Dwarfs will arrive to AoS in May 2024.

Idoneth was revealed in march . So maybe chorf earlier than may in 2024

rumor engine started in September of the previous year of the release for both armies . 


Edited by Grunbag
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I think chaos dwarfs during 3rd is just hopium at this point.

assuming FEC is released in Jan/Feb and new edition is July I think it’s more likely that we’d get a Dawnbringers book V with either the rumours Fyreslayers wave or a second cities/lumiineth wave.

incidentally the cities book changed the map of Aqshy and turns the Forge Anathema from a chaos dwarf forge to a fyreslayers lodge 

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2 hours ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

I think chaos dwarfs during 3rd is just hopium at this point.

assuming FEC is released in Jan/Feb and new edition is July I think it’s more likely that we’d get a Dawnbringers book V with either the rumours Fyreslayers wave or a second cities/lumiineth wave.

incidentally the cities book changed the map of Aqshy and turns the Forge Anathema from a chaos dwarf forge to a fyreslayers lodge 

it's about time Lumineth got something new! /s


What about Kurnothi?

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8 hours ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

I think chaos dwarfs during 3rd is just hopium at this point.

assuming FEC is released in Jan/Feb and new edition is July I think it’s more likely that we’d get a Dawnbringers book V with either the rumours Fyreslayers wave or a second cities/lumiineth wave.

incidentally the cities book changed the map of Aqshy and turns the Forge Anathema from a chaos dwarf forge to a fyreslayers lodge 

- Fyreslayer or more Cities/Lumineth wave is hopium too.

- The number of Kurnothi/FeC kits are hopium too.

- The possibility that we get nothing because Epic/Old World are getting all our release space after FeC could be true too.

That's the point about desires and reality, we don't know nothing about what could happen next Spring. We all have our opinion about what could happen but the only point I'm pretty sure is that we all are wrong (except Whitefang).

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8 hours ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

I think chaos dwarfs during 3rd is just hopium at this point.


I think we will see updates like the Ironjaws now for a few armies. I think it’s unlikely for anything else as it looks like a run for 4th edition now.

As much as I would love to see Chaos Dwarfs in AOS I don’t think they will appear unless it’s for something like Underworlds or Blood Bowl at moment. Maybe for 4th edition and even maybe in the box set but I don’t think it will be before. 

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I don't think there will be Chaos Dwarves anytime soon. People hoped for a return of CD from the moment they were scrapped with the arrival of Warhammer 6th edition? They came semi back through forgeworld and with an armylist in Tamurkhan and than they vanished again.

The mention of it in fluff is a moot point as the Warhammer fluff was filled with snippets of possible new units and that also didn't result in new mini's / factions. I.e Weren't here a lot of posts about a new insectoids AoS army? Because it was mentioned in AoS fluff?

I think there is a bigger possibilty that the Malerion Aelves and Tyrion Lumineth faction will be the new thing early - mid 4th edition.

Anyway I believe GW should first release a big second wave for Fyreslayers, Kruelboys, Ogres, Idoneth and Bonereapers before adding a new army.


Edited by Tonhel
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1 hour ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

Yeaaaaah I doubt they'll be 180. Monsters are always overpriced, ghorgons, cygors, soul grinders, stegadons of all types. Its most likely in the 200 range. It won't be priced like a man crusher or slaughterbrute.

Maybe it's not a monster...

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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

- Fyreslayer or more Cities/Lumineth wave is hopium too.

- The number of Kurnothi/FeC kits are hopium too.

- The possibility that we get nothing because Epic/Old World are getting all our release space after FeC could be true too.

That's the point about desires and reality, we don't know nothing about what could happen next Spring. We all have our opinion about what could happen but the only point I'm pretty sure is that we all are wrong (except Whitefang).

Obviously everything is hopium but it's more than highly unlikely that FEC is the last release before 4th edition. I think that term is a little dismissive. New minis ARE coming for AoS and not just for Stormcast. That's simply a fact.  GW will update old factions. They have directly said that they will continue to introduce new factions. It's fun to speculate what those might be and it's only natural if a few of our own biases shine through.

2022 is the quietest first half of the year AoS has had since launch and even then we still got three battleboxes, 6 battletomes, thondia with the scenery and incarnate and 10 miniature kits. 

I'd be willing to bet that there is at least one update of three or more kits between FeC and 4th edition. I'd also be willing to bet that we see at least one new book in that timeframe. Along with that we will get several warcry kits and several Underworlds warbands. 

The million dollar question is what that will be. 

I think the unannounced release that has the highest chance of coming about from the all but confirmed Skaven is the Kurnothi. The rite of life has been a major part of the third edition narrative. One of the Dawnbringer crusades is going into Gyran which is the home turf of the Kurnothi and they've been teased by Whitefang.

That doesn't necessarily mean I think they are coming this year. Gw still hasn't confirmed that the Dawnbringers series is 4 books. We could see Kurnothi alongside book 3,4 or a potential book 5 next year. 

Obviously nothing is certain but if I was a betting man that's were I'd put my money. 


As for other factions that could get a pre 4th update, I don't think anything destruction is coming after book 2, death doesn't really fit with the Dawnbringers narrative so that leaves order or Chaos. I don't think cities, Seraphon or slaves are getting anything else apart from Callis and Toll who will probably be announced at the next black library preview. 

Nurgle are a possibility. They could be getting something new to go along with their Harbinger. Fyreslayers are another possibility as Dawnbringers are in their home town and Whitefang hinted we might see more for them. KO are getting a bit of narrative in book 2 which unfortunately means they probably won't be getting any new minis. Valli's for Khorne is a definite possibility. Tzeentch and Slaanesh are possibilities too

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1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

I don't think there will be Chaos Dwarves anytime soon. People hoped for a return of CD from the moment they were scrapped with the arrival of Warhammer 6th edition? They came semi back through forgeworld and with an armylist in Tamurkhan and than they vanished again.

The mention of it in fluff is a moot point as the Warhammer fluff was filled with snippets of possible new units and that also didn't result in new mini's / factions. I.e Weren't here a lot of posts about a new insectoids AoS army? Because it was mentioned in AoS fluff?

I think there is a bigger possibilty that the Malerion Aelves and Tyrion Lumineth faction will be the new thing early - mid 4th edition.

Anyway I believe GW should first release a big second wave for Fyreslayers, Kruelboys, Ogres, Idoneth and Bonereapers before adding a new army.


AoS insectoids were only mentioned on a Underworlds season meanwhile Chaos Duardin were mentioned during the new Lore at the start of the edition with the Kruleboyz. The difference is noticiable, with the insectoids being an isolated faction and the other being part of the events and a real active faction.

Being objective, Chaos Duardin were more active or named on battletomes this edition than Malerion or Ushoran.

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10 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Obviously everything is hopium but it's more than highly unlikely that FEC is the last release before 4th edition. I think that term is a little dismissive. New minis ARE coming for AoS and not just for Stormcast. That's simply a fact.  GW will update old factions. They have directly said that they will continue to introduce new factions. It's fun to speculate what those might be and it's only natural if a few of our own biases shine through.

2022 is the quietest first half of the year AoS has had since launch and even then we still got three battleboxes, 6 battletomes, thondia with the scenery and incarnate and 10 miniature kits. 

I'd be willing to bet that there is at least one update of three or more kits between FeC and 4th edition. I'd also be willing to bet that we see at least one new book in that timeframe. Along with that we will get several warcry kits and several Underworlds warbands. 

The million dollar question is what that will be. 

I think the unannounced release that has the highest chance of coming about from the all but confirmed Skaven is the Kurnothi. The rite of life has been a major part of the third edition narrative. One of the Dawnbringer crusades is going into Gyran which is the home turf of the Kurnothi and they've been teased by Whitefang.

That doesn't necessarily mean I think they are coming this year. Gw still hasn't confirmed that the Dawnbringers series is 4 books. We could see Kurnothi alongside book 3,4 or a potential book 5 next year. 

Obviously nothing is certain but if I was a betting man that's were I'd put my money. 


As for other factions that could get a pre 4th update, I don't think anything destruction is coming after book 2, death doesn't really fit with the Dawnbringers narrative so that leaves order or Chaos. I don't think cities, Seraphon or slaves are getting anything else apart from Callis and Toll who will probably be announced at the next black library preview. 

Nurgle are a possibility. They could be getting something new to go along with their Harbinger. Fyreslayers are another possibility as Dawnbringers are in their home town and Whitefang hinted we might see more for them. KO are getting a bit of narrative in book 2 which unfortunately means they probably won't be getting any new minis. Valli's for Khorne is a definite possibility. Tzeentch and Slaanesh are possibilities too

I'm with you that I think that FeC is not the last release. I think I was one of the first on this forum than claimed that the roadmap was incomplete because we always have a big release on Spring before the new edition starts. My point is that claiming that CD release is hopium is at the same level that other rumours because we have truly references of them on recent official content.

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