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8 minutes ago, novakai said:

Well looking at past release for brand new ranges (OBR, LRL, Freeguild) what I think most likely will happen for Malerion release will be. (Or the core units of the release)I'm thinking the size of the release will be somewhere between Lumineth full range and Kruleboys 

Malerion centerpiece model (probably is a shadow dragon creature basing on old AoS artwork) will he have two modes like Morathi?

basic shadow aelf battleline infantry like Warden or Steelheim (most likely replacing dreadspear/bleakswords) I think this is something similar to shadestalkers. Maybe just drop the Khainite!

5 man cavalry unit (similar to cold one riders but AoSify and edgier then other basic cav units) flying dark lizard mounts 

maybe a ten man range unit that probably use something similar to repeater crossbow ( dark shard replacement) 

A smaller named foot hero like the light of Eltherion (the Shadow of Darkblade?)

your assortment of foot heroes including something similar to a dreadlord, sorceress, and assassin equivalent.

If they have room for the initial release a mounted aelf hero (on an even edgier creature) like the Marshal or lord regent

anything else would be extra like an Artillery piece or new Blackguard looking elite infantry


I'm of the opinion they will soup the DoK with them but I'm hoping they don't.

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4 minutes ago, CDM said:

I'm of the opinion they will soup the DoK with them but I'm hoping they don't.

I can see malerion v tyrion being a big future storyline so would expect a big lumineth and new malerion faction to match. 

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Dark Riders are in an interesting place: They can't be reasonably removed, unless DoK lose warlocks in the process and if the remaining dark elves are to be removed from the Cities at some point, they will need  a place to go. And they, lorewise, work for Malerion anyway. They look decidedly modern, so quality is not a problem, but if they were moved to Malerion's faction they sort of dictate the faction's aestethic (or not, looking at Hexwraiths who don't really gel with Nighthaunt all that well).

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45 minutes ago, novakai said:

Well looking at past release for brand new ranges (OBR, LRL, Freeguild) what I think most likely will happen for Malerion release will be. (Or the core units of the release)

Malerion centerpiece model (probably is a shadow dragon creature basing on old AoS artwork)

basic shadow aelf battleline infantry like Warden or Steelheim (most likely replacing dreadspear/bleakswords) 

5 man cavalry unit (similar to cold one riders but AoSify and edgier then other basic cav units) 

maybe a ten man range unit that probably use something similar to repeater crossbow ( dark shard replacement)

A smaller named foot hero like the light of Eltherion (the Shadow of Darkblade?)

your assortment of foot heroes including something similar to a dreadlord, sorceress, and assassin equivalent.

If they have room for the initial release a mounted aelf hero (on an even edgier creature) like the Marshal or lord regent

anything else would be extra like an Artillery piece or new Blackguard looking elite infantry

And just like OBR/LRL/Freeguild, it will feel like a first wave of a wider release window constituted by multiple waves. 

I would also add a Warcry band to the release. And tbf, I think an elite infantry makes more sense than a war machine, and "darkshards replacements" will definitely be there. 

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Sincerely impressed by the amount of work GW put into the Cities of Sigmar lore and its attention to details and general coherence. 

I've listed a few opinions and IMO interesting points from the book related to potential new releases or the Dawnbringers Series (related to various armies, hence the post here and not in the Mortal Redesign thread) : 


  • As we know the city of Phoenicium is refered as "doomed" and will probably get destroyed during the event of the Dawnbringers Series. Perhaps the city's doom is related to "Her Highness of Ruin" mentioned in Harbingers.
  • 11 main cities are explored. As Sigmar's sacred number is 12, IMO we should get another one, and it should be Azyrheim. Maybe will get rules for the celestial city one day, with a map of Azyr (BTW the Ghur collectible store Coin is identical to the Azyr one - but the rune of course - meaning its surrounding isn't a pre-map of the Realm of Heaven, alas, @KingBrodd ...)
  • Gholemkind are directed referred as mercenaries working for the Cities of Sigmar. IMO they will be this season third Warcry Order warband after Wildercorps (confirmed) and Kurnothi (rumored).
  • Grombrindal (and Gotrek) get some mentions in the fluff too.
  • It is openly discussed that the (Dark) Aelves could be expelled from the Cities if their duplicity is revealed. To me it is heralding the release of the Malerion faction (we know the Gladitorium is a spying device, and Morathi is already in open rebellion).

In the future, GW should IMO expand (with proper AOS kits) the Aelves by focusing on their Corsairs and Rangers themes (1-3 characters, 2-4 kits of monster, cavalry and infantry) and the Duardin by focusing on their Elite infantry and Warmachine themes (1-3 characters, 2-4 kits of shooty and melee elite troops and cannon / flyers).

Overall, I really like the order put in the range. Even if it means a little less flexibility in the rules, the new look of Freeguild, Dark Aelves (working as potential Proxy) and Dispossessed just works better, is more coherent. I'll get the Battletome, Wildercorp and Command corp for sure :P

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19 hours ago, CDM said:

After seeing this I went to lexicanum to find out more! Unfortunately there's a giant advert for meg 2 covering up the info so I didn't learn much 🤣

I saw they've divided them into Kurnothi Aelf, Kurnothi humans are mentioned as are Fawn and Centaurs! I didn't know it was a cult I assumed a new race!

Are we getting a Kurnothi warcry warband?

In the case that laxicanum doesn't have much info, maybe is worth to try the Spanish version being translated with something like Chat GPT. Is not the best, but I learnt recently that the Sigmaroteca has 3 to 4 times more info than the Lexicanum, so it could be worth the shot.

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6 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:


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  • Gholemkind are directed referred as mercenaries working for the Cities of Sigmar. IMO they will be this season third Warcry Order warband after Wildercorps (confirmed) and Kurnothi (rumored).
  • Grombrindal (and Gotrek) get some mentions in the fluff too.
  • It is openly discussed that the (Dark) Aelves could be expelled from the Cities if their duplicity is revealed. To me it is heralding the release of the Malerion faction (we know the Gladitorium is a spying device, and Morathi is already in open rebellion).


In the future, GW should IMO expand (with proper AOS kits) the Aelves by focusing on their Corsairs and Rangers themes (1-3 characters, 2-4 kits of monster, cavalry and infantry) and the Duardin by focusing on their Elite infantry and Warmachine themes (1-3 characters, 2-4 kits of shooty and melee elite troops and cannon / flyers).

  • Gholems were already mentioned in the Kharadron BT. Apparently the Kharadrons grant them some sort of asylum in their Sky-Ports. Could this mean we could get a rare Order multi-faction (Cities/Kharadron) Warcry band/unit if we see Gholems in miniature form ?
  • That "Highness of Ruin" will get a miniature in the campaign. I am sure of it.
  • To me it's not if the (Dark) Aelves could be expelled from the Cities, it's when they're going to get booted out. It's a golden opportunity to do some cleaning up and get rid of WFB Dark Elves kits, while teasing/confirming Malerion comes sooner. 

I have no clue if Dispossessed could get some new kits under the Cities umbrella, the current ones hold very well, but a warmachine could be nice (that, and better rules). Aelves, I hope the Corsairs stay and they do something with them. Maybe a new kit like they did with their Eldar counterparts. I'd like to see more "settled" Cities elves though. 1-2 characters, 2-3 units. What I felt the Freeguild upgrade lacked was double kits. I'd like to see Cities get some later down the line. 

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21 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

the current ones hold very well

They do, brillant models, but they are still WFB kits (and featured in TOW) ! Also, when Dark Elves are retired (for TOW or Malerion's Ulgurothi), Cities of Sigmar should get a few AOSified "Cities Aelves" kits. 

Agree with everything else. Gholemkind were first mentioned in the 3rd edition Core Book and in greater details in the Kharadron Battletome indeed. Looking forward to see if the HoR is Valkia or Dechala or someone else !

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1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Sincerely impressed by the amount of work GW put into the Cities of Sigmar lore and its attention to details and general coherence. 

I've listed a few opinions and IMO interesting points from the book related to potential new releases or the Dawnbringers Series (related to various armies, hence the post here and not in the Mortal Redesign thread) : 

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  • As we know the city of Phoenicium is refered as "doomed" and will probably get destroyed during the event of the Dawnbringers Series. Perhaps the city's doom is related to "Her Highness of Ruin" mentioned in Harbingers.
  • 11 main cities are explored. As Sigmar's sacred number is 12, IMO we should get another one, and it should be Azyrheim. Maybe will get rules for the celestial city one day, with a map of Azyr (BTW the Ghur collectible store Coin is identical to the Azyr one - but the rune of course - meaning its surrounding isn't a pre-map of the Realm of Heaven, alas, @KingBrodd ...)
  • Gholemkind are directed referred as mercenaries working for the Cities of Sigmar. IMO they will be this season third Warcry Order warband after Wildercorps (confirmed) and Kurnothi (rumored).
  • Grombrindal (and Gotrek) get some mentions in the fluff too.
  • It is openly discussed that the (Dark) Aelves could be expelled from the Cities if their duplicity is revealed. To me it is heralding the release of the Malerion faction (we know the Gladitorium is a spying device, and Morathi is already in open rebellion).


In the future, GW should IMO expand (with proper AOS kits) the Aelves by focusing on their Corsairs and Rangers themes (1-3 characters, 2-4 kits of monster, cavalry and infantry) and the Duardin by focusing on their Elite infantry and Warmachine themes (1-3 characters, 2-4 kits of shooty and melee elite troops and cannon / flyers).

Overall, I really like the order put in the range. Even if it means a little less flexibility in the rules, the new look of Freeguild, Dark Aelves (working as potential Proxy) and Dispossessed just works better, is more coherent. I'll get the Battletome, Wildercorp and Command corp for sure :P

I think you've got the nail on the head here.

Wave two = cities aelves, darkling covens expelled in the lore. Models to TOW not Umbraneth. I'd vote to keep scourge privateers & fleetmaster and order draconis, cold one knights and chariot. But I could see them retiring all to TOW not Malerians faction.

Wave 3= city dwarves retiring current kits, big emphasis on ironweld and cog stuff! 

Sprinkle in a Warcry Devoted set with new war preists and flagellants and another warcry set with a witch hunter warband and we're golden !

The big thing missing is the speculated war alter replacement.

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4 hours ago, Cronotekk said:

My only wins have been from buffed beatstick black dragon with drakescale cloak and shield to be durable while doing decent damage, and then vitriolic spray on a unit followed by 30 Darkshards shooting.

Then they removed drakescale cloak, made the dragon shield worthless, removed the +1 wound aura command, and reduced its damage. And then they removed vitriolic spray too


And strangely they did give an extra attack to the basic infantry but got rid of their east horde bonus hit buff. I guess 2 3+ 4+ - 1d attacks would’ve been too much lol

Time to break out the 3d printer for the arbitrarily good units this edition

yes the black dragon have got huge nerfs with this book,also for no reason the gryfon mage got upgraded to save 4 but sorcerer on dragon remain with save 5.


this book have some use for the dragon tho,one put him the warlord trait that failled hit against him do one mortal to the enemy that against bad units with hit4 gonna be good, and second use is for the reroll chargues aura for the build of cavalry and carriots dark elfs.


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10 hours ago, EntMan said:

Speaking as a Kin Space Dwarf fan, I'd advise against holding your breath for any 'dead cert, definitely coming soon, second waves'!

Yeah- im just painting mine and playing Nids ..

5 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Playable Grombrindal for AOS/TOW with special access codes for TWW DLC.

Really surprised he hasn't had a new plastic model yet!

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2 hours ago, CDM said:

Really disappointed if they destroy Phoenicium. Just because the models have gone they don't need to destroy them all in the lore 

Got to set up lore reasons for why the units are getting removed from the faction. A soft retcon to the lore without blowing anything up.

High elves- Main city gets destroyed. 

Dark elves- Kicked from the cities for all their BS.

Wood elves- Lore had that they were pretty racist and kept their distance from humans.

Dwarfs- Hard one to justify since they are so closely tied to both humans and stormcast, but from the lore I read they live away from humans......

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31 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

Dwarfs- Hard one to justify since they are so closely tied to both humans and stormcast, but from the lore I read they live away from humans......

As soon as Grungni calls, most will follow, simple as that. And the Grombrindal storyline might be leading up to that. They will remain on good terms with humans, but yearning for thieir old holds is a big parts of their identity, so they don't really need extra reasons to leave the cities when the time is right.

Edited by dekay
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38 minutes ago, dekay said:

As soon as Grungni calls, most will follow, simple as that. And the Grombrindal storyline might be leading up to that. They will remain on good terms with humans, but yearning for thieir old holds is a big parts of their identity, so they don't really need extra reasons to leave the cities when the time is right.

It would be pretty cool if the second wave of cities was Dwarf focused, with a Grugni avatar, remaking the dawrf units and maybe even a golemkin unit. There is very little reason the two dwarf factions (KO and fyres) would follow him by what we have so far.

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1 hour ago, RyantheFett said:

Got to set up lore reasons for why the units are getting removed from the faction.

They haven't even set up lore for why the Wood Elves have vanished.

More likely they'd just stop mentioning them and pretend they never existed in Cities in the first place. 

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18 hours ago, dekay said:

Dark Riders are in an interesting place: They can't be reasonably removed, unless DoK lose warlocks in the process and if the remaining dark elves are to be removed from the Cities at some point, they will need  a place to go. And they, lorewise, work for Malerion anyway. They look decidedly modern, so quality is not a problem, but if they were moved to Malerion's faction they sort of dictate the faction's aestethic (or not, looking at Hexwraiths who don't really gel with Nighthaunt all that well).

maybe warlocks should've gone into cities too? They'd have more of a role there I think.

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