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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

I agree for the most part. However I do think it's good to voice your opinion on a "product" design. Especially one as costly as this.

I don't disagree at all :)the entire model line is too overdesigned IMHO, and GW trends like one ankle connecting a model drive me bonkers. speaking from experience, it's far too easy to get sucked into the thermian arguments around models that end up killing our enjoyment. Does this model look dumb? a bit yeah! all I'm saying is imagine being the poor sod getting killed by this dumb contraption, rather than trying to grasp how it "works" instead.

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7 minutes ago, EntMan said:

It's an odd thing that I find all the weirdness and strangeness of the Mortal Realms and all that's going on in and around them far more 'believable' and easy to immerse than I do 40k. I so badly struggle to willingly suspend my disbelief with 40k but don't have that problem with the Realms.


I think why I struggle with the suspension of disbelief is because there's isn't anything fantastical about this model. It is a dude in a basket strapped to an ogre's back. Unless the new CoS has created a niche for using the arcane to create magical sniper buckets, ofc. 😆

What I'm saying is, a dude in a bucket doesn't quite stack up to the weirdness of the mortal realms or the fantastical magical things which many call "AoSifying" traits (as in what makes it different from WHFB or other fantasy settings). To me it just looks like something which breaks its own setting's rules (for the lack of a better term).

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42 minutes ago, EntMan said:

It's an odd thing that I find all the weirdness and strangeness of the Mortal Realms and all that's going on in and around them far more 'believable' and easy to immerse than I do 40k. I so badly struggle to willingly suspend my disbelief with 40k but don't have that problem with the Realms.




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1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

Destruction only received Kragnos the past campaign.

Well, maybe the will do the same again and leave Chaos or Death with little representation as one of them will be the opposing faction for the next edition.

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4 hours ago, The Red King said:

Yeah but look where the weight is? The difference between that and WAAAAAAY up above him is a big one. I'm alone in thinking this is even stupider than the cow head helmets of the lumineth guys. Imagine you have to animate/write that thing fighting. Your options are: The ogor barely moves his body, and I mean barely, no waist movement what so ever which just does not mesh with ... well fighting. Or the man up top is just being flung around with all the grace and care of one of those little door stopper spring things you see on walls.


It's not just "warhammer wacky" imo. It requires the same level of "idk magic" as skeletons moving without ligaments except that even if its magic anti grav wood it STILL would mean the guy at the top is getting shaken like a cat toy.


It's just dumb to me.

Lol well put 😂 and fully agree. They should have modelled this with two bases, a separate one with the crow nest being moved around and planted by the Ogre, but the backpack routine.. quite wonky 😂

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15 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

hey now, the humble basket is older than the Primarchs by at least 5000 years! show some respect :Phttps://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/05/170524141745.htm

AOS put sharks on land. now we've got a whole crow's nest on land. Maybe... the whole ship is next?

Showcase: Marienburg Landship » Tale of Painters

Look, all I'm sayin' is I have three Goblin Hewers. I'm ready to go.

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Would be wild if we got an ogor relaunch at the end of the edition. Similar to how we got Soulblight in May 2021 and then 3.0 came out in June 2021. 

While we know we have the dawnbringer series, COS then FEC in the winter.. It appears we still have like 6 months to start 2024 for something to be filled in. 

I can’t fathom nothing major drops during that time. 

Brand new armies aside, what else do we have to be modified/redone?

- Ogors

- Skaven (4th Editon)

- Beastmen

- Bonesplitazz 

Could still be the era of destruction. Gorkamorka still has time! 


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9 hours ago, EntMan said:

It's an odd thing that I find all the weirdness and strangeness of the Mortal Realms and all that's going on in and around them far more 'believable' and easy to immerse than I do 40k. I so badly struggle to willingly suspend my disbelief with 40k but don't have that problem with the Realms.

It might be that the "Everything is awful" theme is so pervasive in 40k.

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5 hours ago, Jetlife said:

Would be wild if we got an ogor relaunch at the end of the edition. Similar to how we got Soulblight in May 2021 and then 3.0 came out in June 2021. 

While we know we have the dawnbringer series, COS then FEC in the winter.. It appears we still have like 6 months to start 2024 for something to be filled in. 

I can’t fathom nothing major drops during that time. 

Brand new armies aside, what else do we have to be modified/redone?

- Ogors

- Skaven (4th Editon)

- Beastmen

- Bonesplitazz 

Could still be the era of destruction. Gorkamorka still has time! 


This possibility hadnt even crossed my mind till now!!

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19 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

We have not yet had any Dawnbringers rule previews, which I think will have to happen first. I think the GHB could plausibly drop any time now, though.

Rules can be previewed in the week before release. Now that the 40k relasee is out of the way and nothing on the 40k roadmap until Autumn, I think we will some juicy AOS releases. 

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I'm very curious if factions like Fyreslayers are going to get more than just the hero with Dawnbringers, or if the teased factions now are just a prelude to what's getting big updates next edition.


Broken Realms had:

Krulghast Cruciator > Small Nighthaunt expansion (Craventhrone Guard, Scriptor Mortis, Awlrach the Drowned)

Kroak > Sylvaneth update

Warsong Revenant > Seraphon expansion

Be'lakor > Slaves to Darkness update

Synessa and Dexcessa > Slaanesh had just had a major update

Galen and Dorelia > CoS update

Gardus > Thunderstrike Stormcast (though this one might not count)

Kragnos > Kruleboyz (might not count either)

Lumineth wave 2


Pretty much every faction which had a bigger update than 1 hero also had a model released with Broken Realms (the only exception I can think of being Sons of Behemat with King Brodd and the Beast-smasher).


So far with Dawnbringers we have:

Fyreslayers > They really need a wave of non-hero units

Nurgle > Mortals and Pestigors remain unexplored but obvious options

Gitz > Spiderfang, Sunclan, Grotbag could all use expansions/updates

Flesh Eater Courts > Already rumoured for a larger update with Ushoran

Ironjawz > Could really use some new models as well, haven't had a non-underworlds/non-exclusive/non-anniversary model for ages

Stormcast (rumoured with Neave) > Stormcast updates/expansions are as inevitable as the rising of the sun (not that it's a bad thing)


I don't know if I'm reading into it too much, but these seem to have no overlap (barring Stormcast) with Broken Realms' models, and it would make perfect sense for these factions to get an expansion sooner rather than later. I'm super excited for Dawnbringers and 4th ed already!


Edited by Snarff
fixed Seraphon to Sylvaneth
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1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

Yes, both are gonna be released at the same time and the GHB NDA's lifts the July 1

Awww we are gunna get the announcement this Sunday arent we!!

47 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I'm very curious if factions like Fyreslayers are going to get more than just the hero with Dawnbringers, or if the teased factions now are just a prelude to what's getting big updates next edition.


Broken Realms had:

Krulghast Cruciator > Small Nighthaunt expansion (Craventhrone Guard, Scriptor Mortis, Awlrach the Drowned)

Kroak > Seraphon update

Warsong Revenant > Seraphon expansion

Be'lakor > Slaves to Darkness update

Synessa and Dexcessa > Slaanesh had just had a major update

Galen and Dorelia > CoS update

Gardus > Thunderstrike Stormcast (though this one might not count)

Kragnos > Kruleboyz (might not count either)

Lumineth wave 2


Pretty much every faction which had a bigger update than 1 hero also had a model released with Broken Realms (the only exception I can think of being Sons of Behemat with King Brodd and the Beast-smasher).


So far with Dawnbringers we have:

Fyreslayers > They really need a wave of non-hero units

Nurgle > Mortals and Pestigors remain unexplored but obvious options

Gitz > Spiderfang, Sunclan, Grotbag could all use expansions/updates

Flesh Eater Courts > Already rumoured for a larger update with Ushoran

Ironjawz > Could really use some new models as well, haven't had a non-underworlds/non-exclusive/non-anniversary model for ages

Stormcast (rumoured with Neave) > Stormcast updates/expansions are as inevitable as the rising of the sun (not that it's a bad thing)


I don't know if I'm reading into it too much, but these seem to have no overlap (barring Stormcast) with Broken Realms' models, and it would make perfect sense for these factions to get an expansion sooner rather than later. I'm super excited for Dawnbringers and 4th ed already!


Mate I completely agree with this and hope it happens.

Of all the Order Factions I want to see more from Fyreslayers and Idoneth. Especially Fyreslayers. I think Harbingers could be the beginning of Factions such as Fyreslayers, FEC, Idoneth and Ogors taking centre stage.

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Small typo here, don't you mean the Warsong made way for a Sylvaneth expansion ? Lots of Ss in those faction names, I know I know 🙂

1 hour ago, Snarff said:

So far with Dawnbringers we have:

Fyreslayers > They really need a wave of non-hero units

Remember the playtester rumour about the FS units that apparently didn't make the cut in the 3rd ed battletome ? Maybe they're gonna resurface later. I find it strange that we get a FS hero in the campaign knowing this rumour is still around. And Whitefang said new Fyreslayer units were somwhere in the pipeline.

1 hour ago, Snarff said:

Nurgle > Mortals and Pestigors remain unexplored but obvious options

Funny that we've seen those in Blacktalon (which is canon which means so are the Pestigors, infected mortals and most importantly their art direction since GW likes to stay very faithful to the minis in their animations). I think the probability for a Nurgle expansion has increased. 

1 hour ago, Snarff said:

Ironjawz > Could really use some new models as well, haven't had a non-underworlds/non-exclusive/non-anniversary model for ages

I feel like GW thinks in terms of Warclans now, not in terms of Ironjawz/Kruleboyz/Bonesplitters. I think we should expect new IJ models... in Warclans releases. This is a wishlist, but I'd like to see new 100% AoS Arboyz. I feel like IJ have enough infantry/cavalry too, so I'd like to see wacky brutish creations like a chariot pulled (or pushed !) by gruntas, a Waaagh! contraption with wizards, etc... Though tbf I prefer to leave that to GW sculptors, who are more talented and creative than me, to come up with new mini concepts.

15 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Of all the Order Factions I want to see more from Fyreslayers and Idoneth. 

As long as marine animals (alive, or extinct !) exist Idoneth have potential for new units. And since the oceans have the biggest biodiversity on the planet... I just hope they don't pick a bland concept like a kraken or a sea dragon/mosasaur, but knowing GW is always very creative with AoS, I have no fears with that. Also remember the playtester rumour about the Deepkin units that apparently didn't make the cut in the BT ? This rumour is still floating (pun totally intended) around...
One reason I think new Deepkin are a definitive possibility is that Duinclaw is the most beloved AoS mini ever ! 

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

This possibility hadnt even crossed my mind till now!!

I just want to add that most RE take at least half a year to reveal itself. This could easily put a potential Ogor release in early 2024 before 4th edition and imho strengthening @Jetlife prediction. If they copy last years schedule that would indeed put FEC in the winter slot like STD and Ogors in Spring like Seraphon. 

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I feel like GW thinks in terms of Warclans now, not in terms of Ironjawz/Kruleboyz/Bonesplitters. I think we should expect new IJ models... in Warclans releases. This is a wishlist, but I'd like to see new 100% AoS Arboyz. I feel like IJ have enough infantry/cavalry too, so I'd like to see wacky brutish creations like a chariot pulled (or pushed !) by gruntas, a Waaagh! contraption with wizards, etc... Though tbf I prefer to leave that to GW sculptors, who are more talented and creative than me, to come up with new mini concepts.

They've already previewed the Maw Grunta, which sort of works as the wacky brutish chariot type unit:



The preview shows I think mentioned there might be other Orruk units as well, but I don't think they specified which flavour. 


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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Small typo here, don't you mean the Warsong made way for a Sylvaneth expansion ? Lots of Ss in those faction names, I know I know 🙂

Remember the playtester rumour about the FS units that apparently didn't make the cut in the 3rd ed battletome ? Maybe they're gonna resurface later. I find it strange that we get a FS hero in the campaign knowing this rumour is still around. And Whitefang said new Fyreslayer units were somwhere in the pipeline.

Funny that we've seen those in Blacktalon (which is canon which means so are the Pestigors, infected mortals and most importantly their art direction since GW likes to stay very faithful to the minis in their animations). I think the probability for a Nurgle expansion has increased. 

I feel like GW thinks in terms of Warclans now, not in terms of Ironjawz/Kruleboyz/Bonesplitters. I think we should expect new IJ models... in Warclans releases. This is a wishlist, but I'd like to see new 100% AoS Arboyz. I feel like IJ have enough infantry/cavalry too, so I'd like to see wacky brutish creations like a chariot pulled (or pushed !) by gruntas, a Waaagh! contraption with wizards, etc... Though tbf I prefer to leave that to GW sculptors, who are more talented and creative than me, to come up with new mini concepts.

As long as marine animals (alive, or extinct !) exist Idoneth have potential for new units. And since the oceans have the biggest biodiversity on the planet... I just hope they don't pick a bland concept like a kraken or a sea dragon/mosasaur, but knowing GW is always very creative with AoS, I have no fears with that. Also remember the playtester rumour about the Deepkin units that apparently didn't make the cut in the BT ? This rumour is still floating (pun totally intended) around...
One reason I think new Deepkin are a definitive possibility is that Duinclaw is the most beloved AoS mini ever ! 

Duinclaw is one of the most beloved even outside of AOS!! I would not be suprised if GW saw the love and went, well full steam ahead with Giant Crabs for Idoneth!! GW works, is it 3 years? In advance so Idoneth with Crabs for 4.0 is quite likely!!

53 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I just want to add that most RE take at least half a year to reveal itself. This could easily put a potential Ogor release in early 2024 before 4th edition and imho strengthening @Jetlife prediction. If they copy last years schedule that would indeed put FEC in the winter slot like STD and Ogors in Spring like Seraphon. 

An end of Edition revamp of Ogors next year? Be still my beating heart, the wallet will replenish!!

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