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1 hour ago, Draznak said:

I agree : window for COS reveals seems to be opening wide again (since apart from Cities we already know about, there'e no more AoS reveals waiting to be released). I'm hoping for something in early July...

Well there is still the other dawnbringer book ( the destruction one) comming in the same period as Cities. And it is imply that the Maw Grunta isn’t the only model coming with that book.

those two release probably will be fully reveal by the time the Nova preview happens

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54 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

In a lot of cases yes, but unless there is a vid I haven't seen HonestWargamer just mentioned it when talking about something else entirely, it was not part of any clickbait at all, the video was about the new generals handbook and was titled as such:

About 4:40 in he mentions it quite offhandedly. As you can see definitely not playing it for clicks. Quite possible he is getting the info from Whitefang though, but he has been accurate on rumours and such before himself I think. He used to work for GW so it is possible he knows people there who tell him things.

I think if he had any goodwill or contacts with GW, it would have dried up ages ago. 

Plus if GW were to use a YouTuber to give out info (not sure why they would when they have their own social media channels), surely they would use a channel with a bigger following and someone they have a working relationship with. 

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49 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

An unusually late Rumour Engine.


Fish? Mushroom? Tactical Slime?


I can't say anything beyond "it's organic looking and looks soft". I'd said it was maybe Nurgle since it looks a bit like a gastropod and Nurgle has slugs, but it's too clean with not enough sores and scabs to be Nurgle. Tyranid ? It's missing some chitin armor plating. 

If you look, you see it's monochrome. I would put my money on either an Idoneth sea slug, a Sylvaneth gastropod, a weird GSG cave critter or whatever bizarre animal Tzeentch decided to spawn today. 

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3 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

My initial thought on the RE was a dripping leaf. I'm assuming this is part of some Idoneth update. I would however like to to be a dripping jungle leaf for some yet unreleased slobbery dinosaur for the Seraphon. J1NOT1f8V4uGtTfb.jpg

I agree. Looks like the head of a 80s-crinchy-Fishman

let‘s hope it’s part of a Kracken :D

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WAI-WAI-WAIT is the Skaven vs SCE starter set for 4th ed. WHITFANGED confirmed ??

1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

Plus if GW were to use a YouTuber to give out info

I too thought Rob was likely to still have some contacts within GW. And the guys that leaked DOMINION at the time were not that famous, were they ? Didn't hear from them since (but that's just me)...

Anyway. Was realizing today that in one year we'll get :

  • 2 relatively good releases waves for COS (including intact Azyrite Buildings ?) and FEC
  • 4 Dawnbringers Books with accompanying models (Harbinger Of Decay ❤️ and IRONJAWZ HYPE BOAR) 
  • 8 warbands in Warcry with AOS rules...

Perfect way to update various armies before 4th Edition. With Blacktalon TV series and Realm of Ruins RTS video game, we just need a map of Azyr to have complete world building for the setting. I am very enthusiastic !

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4 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I don't really get it. How do the Warhammer Youtubers share rumours and leaks ? Like they have a specific way to annouce rumours on videos ? I can't think of anything specific to Youtuber leaks apart from clickbait titles and thumbnails with large letters and flashy images.

Honestly Valrak  seems to be the only big leaker when it comes to GW. Funny party is that he does the clickbait titles, large letters, and silly images, BUT he has been pretty much right for everything he says. The only real downside is that he cares nothing for Sigmar and does not try unless its the big event reveals.

The Honest Wargamer is a weird one since he does seem to have some leaks, but he just throws them out their in a middle of a 2 hour stream (he is fun to listen to so its a win win) and says it like it is common knowledge. The recent example being The Old World where he knew the starter box and hinted that he knew what was coming in it, but being shocked that GW was going to use all the old resin and metal models lol.

Edited by RyantheFett
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3 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

Honestly Valrak  seems to be the only big leaker when it comes to GW. Funny party is that he does the clickbait titles, large letters, and silly images, BUT he has been pretty much right for everything he says. The only real downside is that he cares nothing for Sigmar and does not try unless its the big event reveals.

The Honest Wargamer is a weird one since he does seem to have some leaks, but he just throws them out their in a middle of a 2 hour stream and says it like it is common knowledge. The recent example being The Old World where he knew the starter box and hinted that he knew what was coming in it, but being shocked that GW was going to use all the old resin and metal models lol.

Valrak also kind of does that sometimes. Some videos, you can just watch one minute of a rumour video and get the gist, before he himself starts to heavily speculate about stuff or just begins giving out conjecture. Sometimes its difficult to even know which leaks he has are real, because he has the tendency to mix in rumours from his trusted source with rumours from another source. 

It also doesn’t help that his youtube persona is so heavy into the Zealous Imperial Space Marine roleplay that it is almost just masochistic to watch for someone who isn’t solely into Space Marines. I’ve unsubscribed to him because of it.

I don’t think HW wants to be known as a rumourmonger, in fairness. I think it might jeopardize some old colleagues of him to consistently and loudly say he knows stuff from insider knowledge. 

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47 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

WAI-WAI-WAIT is the Skaven vs SCE starter set for 4th ed. WHITFANGED confirmed ??

I think that all started here. Whitefang threw around a series of likes when we were talking about possible 4th edition starter boxes. All of them containing at least Skaven and some Skaven vs SCE.

(Its hard to quote all these posts on my phone)

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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

I think that all started here. Whitefang threw around a series of likes when we were talking about possible 4th edition starter boxes. All of them containing at least Skaven and some Skaven vs SCE.

Basically we have to admit that basically all good AoS rumours (not counting the wishlists and fakes posted on /tg and other forums) come from here and from Whitefang. Why do we need to watch HW or any other one dropping rumour videos on YT when we have the rumours directly at the source from this very forum ?

Only exceptions to that rule look to be the Hastings rumours on TOW he posts on whatever random websites talk about TOW. But then we're not into AoS anymore.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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Grimdark Live was one of the few other time we had pretty accurate rumors (they were basically right about the whole dominion release and Kruleboyz ) and to my surprise that YouTube channel is now gone and deleted.


before that we had LLV who was accurate about Deepkin and Soul war boxset before they where release.

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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

I think that all started here. Whitefang threw around a series of likes when we were talking about possible 4th edition starter boxes. All of them containing at least Skaven and some Skaven vs SCE.

(Its hard to quote all these posts on my phone)

Which to be fair Skaven has been theorized for some time now as the 4th edition launch ( Chaos army, same position as Tyranids in that they are outdated and need a model update, can be design to be beginner friendly, and no one think it’s going to be Beast of chaos lol). White fang emotes just make people legitimize that rather solid speculation.

and SCE is just there because poster boy status and are like almost 100% going to be every launch box bar a gigantic shift in marketing from GW

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