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I really hope we see more Seraphon in the Cities lore. They have a lot of Seraphon participating in Cities stuff, especially helping to pave the way to new locations of magical potency and taking on chaos cults within established cities. Also, Cities and Stormcast are the only things Seraphon can ally with, so really want to see that connection highlighted more

And the animosity of other order factions against Seraphon highlighted more too. 

I just want moar!

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Could definitely see Tyrion added in Harbingers. A narrative event is a far bigger moment than a character showing up in their Battletome.

Final book being Tyrion showing up would be insane and paves the way for Lumineth Wave 3 (2) simply by adding 2 new units in 4.0.

Heck Id love to see it!!

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23 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Could definitely see Tyrion added in Harbingers. A narrative event is a far bigger moment than a character showing up in their Battletome.

Final book being Tyrion showing up would be insane and paves the way for Lumineth Wave 3 (2) simply by adding 2 new units in 4.0.

Heck Id love to see it!!

so I think Tyrion wont be around till the next edition. It looks like him and malerion are going to face off after Teclis had his chat with Nagash in Broken realms about Tyrion fighting a foe more deadlier then Nagash. 

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39 minutes ago, Baz said:

so I think Tyrion wont be around till the next edition. It looks like him and malerion are going to face off after Teclis had his chat with Nagash in Broken realms about Tyrion fighting a foe more deadlier then Nagash. 

Campaign books is the perfect time for covering a conflict like this, perhaps more so than normal book releases.

That said, I think Malerion appearing out of nowhere might be a bit left field, as he probably requires a whole new faction. Unless perhaps they port over all the dark elf stuff from cities.

I guess we'll see! Exciting time for the hobby 



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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Looks like the Forge World Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes/Heralds are going LTCB, alongside a bunch of 40k stuff.

Sad to see the last remains of the Badab Wars Campaign going away. A few weeks ago I finished both tomes and I really enjoyed them.

Hope to see more campaigns witht he same level of quality and models to play with.

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5 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Could definitely see Tyrion added in Harbingers. A narrative event is a far bigger moment than a character showing up in their Battletome.

Final book being Tyrion showing up would be insane and paves the way for Lumineth Wave 3 (2) simply by adding 2 new units in 4.0.

Heck Id love to see it!!

Tyrion seems to be too big of a character for Harbringers. So far only small generic heroes were shown. I'd rather expect Tyrion to be 500 points worth character, maybe released with another, river wave of Lumineth.

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33 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

Tyrion seems to be too big of a character for Harbringers. So far only small generic heroes were shown. I'd rather expect Tyrion to be 500 points worth character, maybe released with another, river wave of Lumineth.

I don't expect him either, but keep in mind that Broken Realms started small and ended up giving us Kragnos, Kroak, and the Slaanesh Twins.

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24 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Looks like we're getting another Warhammer MMO? No mention of exactly which of the settings it will be yet though.


Well first thought is 40k because I see NetEase going straight after that unclaimed piece of money pie. But there is a tingling in the back of my head it could have to do with why Nexon was adamant their MMO wasn’t an MMO:

This isn't an MMO: It sounds like a co-operative combat game that will roll out its world over time. Under genre the press release puts 'PvE Multiplayer RPG Virtual World' and it will release on consoles and mobile as well as PC. "Each season, players will collect characters and enter new realms. Each character comes with unique options, stories and gameplay. Players will be able to customize their characters and work cooperatively to guide how sections of the Realms are retaken.”

Which could be because NetEase took the official license for an AoS MMO while Nexon got a pseudo MMO license instead.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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8 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Final book being Tyrion showing up would be insane and paves the way for Lumineth Wave 3 (2) simply by adding 2 new units in 4.0.

You know, it has been a long time since Lumineth last got a book. This seems quite likely 😄

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Looks like we're getting another Warhammer MMO? No mention of exactly which of the settings it will be yet though.


Let me play a trogg or Kruleboy and you got my interest. 

I'm not a big gamer but with Diablo 4 dropping soon any time dedicated to video games is probably taken for the foreseeable. 

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10 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Wait Nexon has got an AoS game coming out too? Its not the same as the one by Frontier Development?

Losing track of them all now!

Yeah, so far we have:

Frontier: AoS RTS

Nexon: AoS PvE MMO-like

and now this possible new one.

Hopefully some shadow reveals down the road like Stormground & Tempestfall we’re too. God-king willing we’ll get an rpg one day.

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A half-decent AoS game will automatically generate a TON of interest in the setting. Video Games are one of the biggest ways that people find the hobby in the first place. How many of you found Warhammer due to Dawn of War 1 or 2? or Space Marine? 

Set in AoS there's a handful of mobile games and VR games, but nothing all the popular stuff is still Old World. We get a good combat game, MMO, or RTS in AoS that's actually not bloatware? Awesome. 

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32 minutes ago, RileyArlic said:

How many of you found Warhammer due to Dawn of War 1 or 2? or Space Marine? 

Well in bits and pieces back then.

Without Internet my exposures to Warhammer were:

At Barnes and Nobles grabbing the “Runefang” novel which I loved but thought was just a one off.

A Gaunt’s Ghost book in my highschool’s library.

the Warhammer Battlemarch trailer on old G4 TV’s “Midnight Emissions” where they just spent 30 minutes showing random videogame trailers.(remember pre-internet that was crazy helpful for spreading awareness of what games were out there)

and then yeah, Dawn of War 1 I picked up because I was into Bionicle and that’s what Blood Ravens looked like so I thought it was connected there.


It’d be several years afterward that I went over to my neighbor’s to use their Internet and discovered there was a tabletop game behind all of this. xD 

15 hours ago, RileyArlic said:

Also, Cities and Stormcast are the only things Seraphon can ally with, so really want to see that connection highlighted more

Forgot to respond to this earlier, whoops.

Add-on the Melusai lore-wise to that list as cool stuff seen working together with the Seraphon in secretly deposing of chaos in the free cities:


Serpent solidarity. 🐍 🤝🦎

Edited by Baron Klatz
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57 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Hopefully some shadow reveals down the road like Stormground & Tempestfall we’re too. God-king willing we’ll get an rpg one day.

Still lamenting the CRPG we could've gotten


21 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Seen this, but I can't actually find anything about it on their website so it might be fake/Photoshop.

it's legit, from an investor meeting

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55 minutes ago, RileyArlic said:

How many of you found Warhammer due to Dawn of War 1 or 2? or Space Marine? 

Or the actual best* Warhammer videogame, Warhammer:Dark Omen ❤️


*Getting 1/1 votes from the person holding this phone

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