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10 hours ago, Ogregut said:

Is nurgle meant to represent dispair and hopelessness? I've always seen it that nurgle is a god who sees the joy of the life cycle. 

All life dies and decays and from that decay, new life emerges which in turn dies and decay. 

For nurgle, the new life is that of rancid, horrific and terrible disease and plague, but that's by the by! 

While the desperate may turn to Nurgle out of hopelessness and dispair and that could be in part what attracts his attention I wouldn't say that's what he represents. 

Well like all chaos gods he's powered by specific emotions. For example Khorne is powered primarily from the emotions that come from murder and Tzeentch from the emotions in change and upheaval. Nurgle's primary emotion is the despair and hopelessness brought on by an inevitable death. That's why plague and sickness are his primary tools because they can fairly easily give you that slow painful death filled with lots of emotion.

However he is a chaos god so nothing is exactly straightforward or simple. Inevitable death can bring out a lot of emotions and I think he can really be empowered by all of them. So for his followers he can bring about contentment, like a dying man who has no regrets in his life, or the sad joy of someone knowing that their death will have meaning and benefit to the world, or the freedom of knowing your death is inevitable so you might as well live all out right now. So you have the mix of joy and mirth in the nurglings/GUOs and the despair of some the mortal side and plaguebearers (which are in fact just mortals that have been turned into daemons by Nurgle's Rot). The primary focus has definitely been on the joyous and loving grandfather giving gifts to his children, but that's really more of a mask for his true monstrous purpose and drive. He's not giving gifts because he loves you, he wants you to suffer and despair and experience untold horrors so he can feed off your emotion.

Edited by Grimrock
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I've always seen Nurgle's funny side as nihilistic gallows humour.

The condemned man, having given up on the hope of rescue, succor, or pardon, cracking wise because there's no point in being serious any more. Those in laugh-or-cry situations, who are out of tears. Individuals so deep in despair that they've pushed through to the other side.

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On 4/30/2023 at 8:04 AM, sandlemad said:

From the WHC article with the Marrowscroll Herald: @These scabrous delegates somehow act as vectors for the madness of the carrion kingdoms, spreading and magnifying the delusions that drive them. Rumours abound that the morbid messengers may even serve an ominous, higher power…"

Hints at the Carrion King returning, perhaps?

Separately, while the Maw-Grunta looks brilliant, I'm not wild about the sidecars. Cool concept but the brutes are just sort of standing there? Very static poses, at odds with the sense of motion you get from the rest of the mini.

I love Everything about this model....except for the orcs just standing on the sides. It looks like they just took an old brute kit and stuck him on there and gave him a helm and new weapon... All they had to do was have one of his arms hanging on to the pig. I'm already looking for other arms to try to make it happen!!

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I was thinking about how that winter tome is likely FEC, since its one of the few I think who haven't received an update yet, and how AOS releases later in the year are pretty sparse. I don't want to feed folks to much hope, but it does leave the gap for a partial range refresh of FEC as the Dawnbringer series comes to a close... could even be that one of the tails of the comet falls to FEC insanity as the narrative catalyst for it.

Edited by Shankelton
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3 hours ago, Ogregut said:

I honestly think AoS models are the best GW make. So much variety from techno lizards, deep sea elves, bouncing balls of teeth, chaotic oddities and everything in between. 

I was thinking the same yesterday during the reveal. I think AoS just had so much extra room for creativity. 

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11 hours ago, Ogregut said:

Is nurgle meant to represent dispair and hopelessness? I've always seen it that nurgle is a god who sees the joy of the life cycle. 

All life dies and decays and from that decay, new life emerges which in turn dies and decay. 

For nurgle, the new life is that of rancid, horrific and terrible disease and plague, but that's by the by! 

While the desperate may turn to Nurgle out of hopelessness and dispair and that could be in part what attracts his attention I wouldn't say that's what he represents. 

Nurgle is supposed to be the Chaos God of Plagues and Despair. However, as many people in this thread (such as @MitGas, @Grimrock, and @LordSolarMach) have pointed out, that does not mean he isn't more complex. 

Nurgle embodies death and decay, but this paradoxically makes him cling onto ideas that have begun to fade. In AOS this has turned into some of his followers having a twisted sense of honor and chivalry, remnants of the knightly orders that fell during the Age of Chaos, that we do not really see anywhere else in the setting. In 40k this paradox manifests in the Death Guard's sense of armor: they stick with a corrupted version of the Mk.III power armor, even though they should by and large have a greater quantity of mk.VI due to Horus's machinations early in the Heresy. 

Nurglite humor, as we've discussed, is primarily gallows humor: Nurgle finds joy in conditions so horrible that the only way to survive is to go down a very specific path of insanity. We've seen this throughout actual history in various forms, most importantly for this argument the idea of the danse macabre during the Black Death, where dancing skeletons were dressed in the robes of priests, nobles, and peasants to show that no one was safe. The Sloppity Bilepiper is the greatest example of Nurgle's humor: a daemonic jester infected with a disease that forces it to laugh until it falls into a depression, whereupon it's corpse is used to make the instruments of the next jester's ensemble.

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10 hours ago, Marcvs said:

Pretty early for an "end of edition" series, so maybe a "middle of edition" campaign.


Speaking of which, I am very happy to see the narrative advance but just a bit concerned of it being spread over 4 books. I am surely starved for stuff happening, not sure I am 170€ starved.

I wouldnt be suprised if Harbingers was supposed to release last year with COS and was delayed because of Covid.

10 hours ago, Tonhel said:

It does limit  the possibilities a bit. It can't be big and the unit will probably be on foot. 

But at least itll be a new unit for AOS!!

5 hours ago, Snarff said:

I think they were the only faction without any narrative involvement right? I really felt robbed in BR when we just got 2 warscroll adjustments which ended up being quite meaningless.

Fjori being the Harbinger of order seems like a great thing for the faction. Let's hope he doesn't die in the first book lol, but is a prelude for what is to come for FS.

Ogor Mawtribes were incredibly shoe horned in to the Battle of Excelsis. Literally theyre entire appearance is a tiny paragraph!!

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23 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

I was thinking the same yesterday during the reveal. I think AoS just had so much extra room for creativity. 

I cannot wait to see what AOS does with Skaven and Ogor Mawtribes. They are going to be truly epic releases.

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28 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

Aye, looking forward to 5th ed AoS too. 😆

Tinfoil hat time but 2024 has the potential to be a big year for AoS since it's the speculated time where 4th ed will drop. Skaven would make amazing villains.

What I'm looking most forward to however is 2 years from now. 2025 will be the 10th anniversary of AoS and GW will want to celebrate it in style !

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1 hour ago, pnkdth said:

Aye, looking forward to 5th ed AoS too. 😆

I really think Skaven are a shoe in for a 4.0 update!!

Really its between them and Beasts of Chaos for an update. Tzeentch, Nurgle, Khorne and Slaneesh are all AOSfied with only 2 Chaos Factions left that arent.

One or both are being updated next Edition.

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

I cannot wait to see what AOS does with Skaven and Ogor Mawtribes. They are going to be truly epic releases.

There's such a lot of cool stuff that GW can do with both of them, and beastmen too. I do hope they're creative and don't just stick to recreating what already exists (though even if they do that, they could make such amazing sculpts is forgive them).

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58 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

What I'm looking most forward to however is 2 years from now. 2025 will be the 10th anniversary of AoS and GW will want to celebrate it in style !

New foot heroes for everyone! You get a foot hero, and you get a foot hero. What the hell, have two foot heroes.

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2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

you might be right! I could see that pack of javelins being a DoK hero now too

If you mean this one, someone posted (lots of pages ago if you want to go looking) some pictures of Kroot with pretty much matching runes/markings.Screenshot_20230501-205745.png.1b22617c66b7ea9c75a5d82d32e1599c.png

Edit: it was the eagle-eyed @Vasshpit   https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/22826-the-rumour-thread/?do=findComment&comment=616356

Edited by EntMan
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44 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

There's such a lot of cool stuff that GW can do with both of them, and beastmen too.

I think the 40k Beastmen Kill Team gives a pretty good glimpse of what to expect future BoC sculpts to look like. Bigger, more furry, more ripped, with a big emphasis on mutations (like an extra limb, weird horns, huge claws). 

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39 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

There's such a lot of cool stuff that GW can do with both of them, and beastmen too. I do hope they're creative and don't just stick to recreating what already exists (though even if they do that, they could make such amazing sculpts is forgive them).

Even if they do a Seraphon and update a lot of kits with 1 or 2 new units alongside Id be so ecstatic!!

New Gluttons, Leadbelchers and Ironguts.

Updated Yehtees and Gorgers.

New Butcher and Slaughtermaster.

Then something new if they so wish and the range is 90% perfect!!

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3 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Even if they do a Seraphon and update a lot of kits with 1 or 2 new units alongside Id be so ecstatic!!

New Gluttons, Leadbelchers and Ironguts.

Updated Yehtees and Gorgers.

New Butcher and Slaughtermaster.

Then something new if they so wish and the range is 90% perfect!!

You missed Maneaters. There's so much cool stuff they can do with Mortal Realm themed Maneaters that I want them to make a really customisable kit for them. Maybe they can give them good times whilst they're at it.

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22 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I think the 40k Beastmen Kill Team gives a pretty good glimpse of what to expect future BoC sculpts to look like. Bigger, more furry, more ripped, with a big emphasis on mutations (like an extra limb, weird horns, huge claws). 

From your fingertips to GW's eyeballs. I'm really hoping that's going to be the case as the new beastmen are filthy good (minus futuristic bits, howver).

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7 minutes ago, KingKull said:

From your fingertips to GW's eyeballs. I'm really hoping that's going to be the case as the new beastmen are filthy good (minus futuristic bits, howver).

The benefit about how GW work now is that a lot of the sculpting is digital so it's actually probably really easy to have existing elements right there whilst sculptors are working on new figures. So those new beastmen can probably be used to very easily make new AoS beastmen

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