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On 4/23/2023 at 6:56 PM, Matrindur said:


Wyrdhollow next week as expected


Interesting that Kill Team isn't this week as this way they will be revealing what is probably the next season before the last box of the current one is even up for preorder


Outlander Beastmaster Millisaurs

Age of Sigmar
Seraphon Battletome - Slann, Saurus, Skink riders, Astrolith, Salamander and much more
Cities Battletome + Humies
Mistery book Summer
Mistery book Autumn
Generals Handbook 2023 S1

Nightmare's Quest - FeC vs SCE
Pyramid kit
Underworlds meets Warcry starter Soulblight vs SCE
4 Warbands (Order vs Destro)
2 Warbands (Order vs Death)
2 Warbands (who knows)

Wyrd Tzeentch vs SCE
Death Note's Warband
Rival Deck 1
Chaos Warband
Starter Set
Core Box
Destro Warband
Rival Deck 2

Horus Heresy
Despoilers upgrade kit
Daemon Assassin
The F* Vindicator
Campaign book
Legion Arquitor with Spicula
Legion Arquitor with Mortar
Glaive with Volkite carronade
Fellblade with Accelerator Cannon
Falchion with Volcano Cannon
Damocles Command Rhino
Tank commanders
Librarian Consul

Warhammer 40k
World Eaters Combat Patrol
Primaris Lieutenant
Black Library Sargeant Astra Militarum
Leviathan Army Box
Crusade - Tyrannic War
Chapter Approved (Mission Deck)
Index Cards
Space Marines Codex - Launch Complete army
Tyranids Codex - Launch Complete Army
Adeptus Mechanicus
Dark Angels
Adeptus Custodes
T'au Empire
Chaos Space Marines

Kill Team 
Votann vs Beastmen

The head
Nazghûl and the Hobbits

Adeptus Titanicus

Old World

Blood Bowl
Skinks duo

I didn't know the existence of The Head but the list is removing kits very slowly... we can expect a fast recovery after the Warhammer Fest when they show the two HH special characters and release the campaign book.

The main problem is gonna be the big increase of kits for a lot of games and... yes, you can see The Old World in the list.


On 4/23/2023 at 7:02 PM, EntMan said:

So how long until that brilliantly weird Tzeentch band is available on its own?

The last 2-3 initial warbands were sold out of the box after 6-8 months but they come both warbands together

Edited by Nezzhil
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14 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Probably never as even after the season is over the starter set warbands normally get bundled together in a single box as you can see here...

I hope they'll eventually be separated out as non-Underworld's releases for AoS (i.e. without the cards etc.) so people who want one of the two don't have to buy them on eBay. Bundling them together seems really odd to me: surely GW realise a fair number of people didn't but the starter set precisely because they only wanted one of the two warbands...

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'Hang Out and Paint is taking a week off to prepare for what is, frankly, the greatest Warhammer event ever in the shape of Warhammer Fest. There’ll be new reveals throughout the weekend, so make sure to tune in at the right times.'

This is the first time that GW may have adequately hyped up an online preview.

40K 10th Editon reveal.

AOS Cities reveals.

AOS Narrative reveals.

Warcry and Underworlds Warbands.

Killteam Squads.


Horus Heresy.

And of course our first look at The Old World. 

This weekend will be one to remember.

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1 hour ago, Matrindur said:


Wyrdhollow next week as expected


Interesting that Kill Team isn't this week as this way they will be revealing what is probably the next season before the last box of the current one is even up for preorder

They've not officially unveiled Nightmare Quest yet and they usually release both Kill Team and Warcry boxes at the same time now. I could see Nightmare Quest get revealed on Saturday and announced for preorder on Sunday for the following weekend with the last kill team box, then they announce the next season of Kill Team on Monday.

24 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

'Hang Out and Paint is taking a week off to prepare for what is, frankly, the greatest Warhammer event ever in the shape of Warhammer Fest. There’ll be new reveals throughout the weekend, so make sure to tune in at the right times.'

This is the first time that GW may have adequately hyped up an online preview.

40K 10th Editon reveal.

AOS Cities reveals.

AOS Narrative reveals.

Warcry and Underworlds Warbands.

Killteam Squads.


Horus Heresy.

And of course our first look at The Old World. 

This weekend will be one to remember.

I agree, really looking forward to seeing what's announced and revealed! That said I suspect people will complain still, but there's no stopping that 😅

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49 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

'Hang Out and Paint is taking a week off to prepare for what is, frankly, the greatest Warhammer event ever in the shape of Warhammer Fest. There’ll be new reveals throughout the weekend, so make sure to tune in at the right times.'

This is the first time that GW may have adequately hyped up an online preview.

40K 10th Editon reveal.

AOS Cities reveals.

AOS Narrative reveals.

Warcry and Underworlds Warbands.

Killteam Squads.


Horus Heresy.

And of course our first look at The Old World. 

This weekend will be one to remember.

The Old World content is an hour of HH + Old World + QA of both games, which implies a 15 minutes revelations per game. I'm a bit sad.

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20 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

The Old World content is an hour of HH + Old World + QA of both games, which implies a 15 minutes revelations per game. I'm a bit sad.

Id say itll show off a couple of minis for TK and Brets and then move on as it wont be out for probably close to 6 months.

Ive zero interest in The Old World so Im not expecting much honestly.

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Time for the true and accurate predictions


-show 2 marine kits and 2 nid kits, rest is all just fluffy no info

-at the end show a teaser real of 3 new models like last edition that are mostly just 3 different boots (1 human, 1 squat and a space marine boot that is primaris cato sicarius)


-40 mins of fluff and 1 new model (new stormcast hero option) and the new spider incarne that everyone will be fed up of in a few weeks

Old World

-reveal the box that is all only old minis with 1 new single hero on each side and announcement of movement trays

middle earth

-a new big boxset that will have more new minis than old world


-a single render of a troop, this will make 30k players happy

-legion rhino interiors


-the leaked box, that is all, maybe a title for next stuff


-genestealers vs terminators space hulk meme box



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21 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

The Old World content is an hour of HH + Old World + QA of both games, which implies a 15 minutes revelations per game. I'm a bit sad.

It'll be limited but that's because the next big release is 10th ed in June and they won't want to steal that's thunder too much.

My guess is:
40K: full launch box plus the easy to build equivalent kits for both Marines and Tyranids

Warcry: Nightmare Quest

Underworlds: first Wyrdhollow warband expansion

MSBG: plastic kits for some characters

Age of Sigmar: Seasons of War 2, Cities of Sigmar more reveals

Heresy: plastic phobos pattern land speeders

TOW: revealing the first few miniatures

Kill Team: new season

Which is a lot at minimum


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About Warhammer Fest, I'd add we're probably get an update to the AoS 2023 roadmap, so far it extends only until the autumn, I'd be nice to see what's in store for winter 2023.

Same logic for Underworlds, we're probably getting a roadmap of the next warbands after Wyrdhollow, and also a Warcry roadmap for the post-Nightmare Quest boxes. 

W'eve all been talking a lot about the new miniatures but I really think roadmaps will be a big part of the reveals. 

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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Unfortunately I have somewhat high hopes for most of the reveals with a parenthetical inclusion of my unrealistic hope.

Middle Earth: Considering the 40K Amazon deal I would not be suprised if there was some Second Age focus... Either an expansion of what we saw in the Last Alliance or possibly Amazon series focus. 
(A promise and commitment to replace all resin)

40k: I think we will get a full reveal of the Box Contents for the 10th Starter and some more information about 10th edition. I don't think that this year will be as heavily 40k focused as many others as I think that the focus will primarily be focused on getting out the Tyranid and Space Marine new releases and then a slow roll out of codices that I will ignore as I kind of like the idea that they balanced the free data sheets against each other and each codex will invariably lead to power creep. I will check them out eventually but not until all of my friend's armies are covered. 
(Rather than Darkmech and Traitor Guard we get a Chaos Soup to represent the diversity of mutants, heretics and cultists that fall outside of the Chaos Space Marine range)

30k: A character I never heard of before will get a resin model that looks like every other Space Marine. Somehow this will be the most exciting reveal to hardcore fans.
(Plastic Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes)

Kill Team: I think that we will see the follow up of the Space Hulk setting with a wreckage themed set on desolate planet. No idea what teams will be included. 
(Exodites vs Necrons, as the world the ship crashed upon is home to some dino elves and I feel like the Robots could survive the crash)

AOS: I think we will get a massive Cities of Sigmar reveal and clarification on what is happening with the Aelves and Duardin models souped within the Umbrella of Cities. I also am hopeful we will get some new Flesh Eater Courts and the new Season of War which I hope includes that cool terrain of buildings we saw previously. It would make it a nice companion release for Cities of Sigmar.
(Chaos Dwarves get a teaser!)

Warcry/Underworlds: I believe we will get the leaked sets and more amazing Underworld models.

(As always I hope we get some focus on often overlooked armies, Fyreslayers, Ogors, Idoneth and the often overlooked Slaves to Darkness that haven't had a release in weeks!)

The Old World: I think we will get a preview and some reiterated information on how the game will work with current collections and a new model hinting at the potential starter.
(I hope that we get movement trays designed to let me use my Chaos Army in Old World!)

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11 hours ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

Was there anything to back up the rumours of Spawning Pools? I’m in the process of building a 6 x 4 temple city interior (think the inside of the Eye of Chotec kind of vibe) and I’m wondering if I need to build my own pool or if GW is potentially bringing one out for Warcry? 

unless I missed something, you might be talking about me guessing a new Warcry ruleset could be inside the crashed Temple Ship in Gnarlwood, mirroring the Kill Team ruleset for fighting in ship/station combat. someone mentioned spawning pools could be a possible terrain feature if that happened

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20 hours ago, The ape said:

Actually that’s up for debate in the UK. Whilst the USCO has determined work requires a human element to be capable of protection, the CDPA 1988 (UK legislation) doesn’t. It simply requires the work to be original. Which opens up a can of worms and discussion perhaps not appropriate for the rumour section (I’ve written a blog on this topic for my job).

Didn't know that! Common UK, you can do better!

Spain (my country) and Germany declared that only Works created by humans can be copyright-ed, and even if that's not exactly the same presedence as USCO (2022), it has a purpose while we wait for a proper legislation.
Take in mind that we don't have any specialized government entity focused on IA yet (it's planned for 2026).

Btw, can you link your blog? I'm supposed to work with this kind of stuff but it's so new that sometimes I get lost.

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13 hours ago, Matrindur said:

Probably never as even after the season is over the starter set warbands normally get bundled together in a single box as you can see here:



I could swear I saw the Thorns of the Briar Queen as a separate box in the Nighthaunt section (webstore only). Sure, without cards, but I only care about the models. Can't see it now so it could be misremembering, or be rotated.

That price is higher than the entire box of the first few seasons.

Edited by zilberfrid
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1 hour ago, zilberfrid said:

I could swear I saw the Thorns of the Briar Queen as a separate box in the Nighthaunt section (webstore only). Sure, without cards, but I only care about the models. Can't see it now so it could be misremembering, or be rotated.

That price is higher than the entire box of the first few seasons.

It's rotated. Some starter warbands got released separately with cards, others did not and only later separately without cards (nighthaunt for example), and later ones get the Rivals treatment.

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1 hour ago, zilberfrid said:

I could swear I saw the Thorns of the Briar Queen as a separate box in the Nighthaunt section (webstore only). Sure, without cards, but I only care about the models. Can't see it now so it could be misremembering, or be rotated.

That price is higher than the entire box of the first few seasons.

If only they would release the Sons of Velmorn on their own. They would sell so many as Grave Guard proxies.

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5 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

They could release Molog again, he'd make a nice alternative Troggboss. 

I have done this a few times but Mollogs model and base size are smaller than the Troggboss, just keep that in mind.

Edited by Gitzdee
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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

I have done this a few times but Mollogs model and base size are smaller than the Troggboss, just keep that in mind.

That is all compensated by his friends being really cute! 

2 hours ago, Snarff said:

It's rotated. Some starter warbands got released separately with cards, others did not and only later separately without cards (nighthaunt for example), and later ones get the Rivals treatment.

Thanks, the vagueries of post-season Underworlds continue to elude me.

1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

If only they would release the Sons of Velmorn on their own. They would sell so many as Grave Guard proxies.

They do look good, don't they?

Edited by zilberfrid
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On 4/22/2023 at 1:40 PM, Clan's Cynic said:

I think if FEC are due a big wave they might not land until early 2024,

GW commited to updating all AoS factions to the third edition this year, so we dfinitely should get at least the book in 2023 still. And that means at least some of the new kits with it.

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