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20 minutes ago, Still-young said:

Disagree for Khemri. Well, the newer kits are fine, but the core of that army is as old and naff as Bretonnia. I considered both armies in fantasy and didn’t do either for the same reason, really cool themes let down by old models. And that was 10-15 years ago. 

Yeah, the chariots are pretty ancient kits. I wouldn't be willing to pay anything like modern GW prices on them.

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9 hours ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

I don’t know that I’m part of any crowd and I couldn’t speak for anyone else but I love the Warhammer Fantasy setting. I grew up on it. I still rewatch videos on YouTube explaining lore I already know. I reread army books I’ve read a hundred times. I was asking myself a similar question the other day because I realised just how much of an impact this fictional setting has had on me — my interests, my imagination, my career, my whole life, really — and I don’t think I can explain it except to say that it’s in my head and my heart. I’d be a very different person today if I hadn’t discovered these stories as a kid. (Thanks, Dad!)

The Defence of Itza. Aenarion and Indraugnir battling the Greater Daemons. Orion and Ariel, yet elven, wandering off into the forest together in answer to summons they can’t explain. The Rise of Nagash. Vlad, arriving out of the storm and meeting Isabella. Skarsnik and Gobbla! The death of Ariel. Lord Mazdamundi, eyes bulging as he finally glimpses the fate of the world and how little time he has left, after millennia of contemplation, to try and avert it. 

The opportunity to officially revisit this world on the tabletop, in whatever form The Old World takes, at whatever pace it comes, is really exciting for me. 

Oh I'm right there with you on the lore side of things. If the books they release are skin to Horus Heresy type books then I'll buy these even if I never buy a mini (and I'll probably pick up some of the newer minis as painting projects even if I don't connect a full army). I just have zero interest in buying those kits from the early 2000s that I already had issues with back then.

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1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

Chances are high mate!! You and @DinoJon and @GenericEdgyName will be all scaled up!!

This whole week the thought of the box realeasing soon kept me going. I have already put aside money to throw at my local game store owner, I just need confirmation that it's time to do that. Oh, Old Ones rain your scaly plastic blessings upon us!

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9 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

The Old World has its own team. It is a separate project. It's not going to hurt you.

To be clear, I think this is probably true (or at least the ways it might hurt AoS are relatively minor, like @KingBrodd's concern that TOW kits will be used as an excuse but to properly update some AoS factions).

But there is that part of my mind that can't help pointing out that GW killed a game dead because it wasn't selling well enough. It also points out that AoS had a rocky start in life, and there's still a vocal contingent of people who would be very happy to see it also killed and replaced with WFB 9th edition. Finally it points out that AoS is still trying compared to 40k.

I know that in reality TOW and AoS will almost certainly coexist without issue, but there's that little part of my mind that does worry.

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2 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

To be clear, I think this is probably true (or at least the ways it might hurt AoS are relatively minor, like @KingBrodd's concern that TOW kits will be used as an excuse but to properly update some AoS factions).

But there is that part of my mind that can't help pointing out that GW killed a game dead because it wasn't selling well enough. It also points out that AoS had a rocky start in life, and there's still a vocal contingent of people who would be very happy to see it also killed and replaced with WFB 9th edition. Finally it points out that AoS is still trying compared to 40k.

I know that in reality TOW and AoS will almost certainly coexist without issue, but there's that little part of my mind that does worry.

The GW of that time period was very different to the one now.

They had a tiny roster of active games and were haemorrhaging money. Even 40k was doing poorly and close to being End Times'd itself.

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53 minutes ago, Bosskelot said:

The GW of that time period was very different to the one now.

They had a tiny roster of active games and were haemorrhaging money. Even 40k was doing poorly and close to being End Times'd itself.

Yeah, like I said my brain mostly knows and understands this. It's just a party deep down that worries (it's not the only thing I worry about: I'm a worrier. Who knew that the random tattoo my elf got after going to the tavern in Warhammer Quest would apply to me irl).

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Ok guys, so as expected there must be some old sculpts included in the base game as to have large portion of the community back playing from day 1. If the project turns out to be a success (fingers crossed) they will continue refreshing old sculpts and at some point all of the older armies will have a mint look. However, I think at first only metal, resin and some of the oldest plastic sculpts will be redone.

In terms of Bretonnia (as I have been heavily invested in Bretonnians for the last 12 years) this means Grail Knights, Questing Knights (confirmed) Duke (on foot and mounted), Damsel (on foot and mounted) and a centerpiece model of the King on Hippogryph are absolutely essential and will get new plastic models. There might be some additional single model releases to represent characters such as the Fay Enchantress and the Green Knight, as well as the Foot Knights that were hinted in the article. As we have seen in the latest post, the old Trebuchet resin kit is still used, so maybe the Pilgrims and the Pilgrim Reliquary will be left in resin too.  

These are just my thoughts on the matter and I am fine with their decision to bring back older kits that I personally think still hold up nicely. 


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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Chances are high mate!! You and @DinoJon and @GenericEdgyName will be all scaled up!!

I'm pretty confident it will be Underworlds tomorrow. Last year's box also launched in April. Don't want be a downer for all the Seraphon fans but I don't like to see hopes raised and then dashed. 

@Sir Grimm Why do you say questing knights are confirmed? Did I miss something? 

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11 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I'm pretty confident it will be Underworlds tomorrow. Last year's box also launched in April. Don't want be a downer for all the Seraphon fans but I don't like to see hopes raised and then dashed. 

@Sir Grimm Why do you say questing knights are confirmed? Did I miss something? 

Probably because of the Questing Knight looking CAD renders they showed off in the last article.

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35 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Probably because of the Questing Knight looking CAD renders they showed off in the last article.l

I get confused and mixed up between what's coming for Dawnbringers and Old World. I thought the Knightly looking CAD renders were for Dawnbringers?

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37 minutes ago, EntMan said:

I get confused and mixed up between what's coming for Dawnbringers and Old World. I thought the Knightly looking CAD renders were for Dawnbringers?


There was also that one knight chestplate looking bit for Cities, but these are most definitely for Breton knights.

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3 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

But there is that part of my mind that can't help pointing out that GW killed a game dead because it wasn't selling well enough. It also points out that AoS had a rocky start in life, and there's still a vocal contingent of people who would be very happy to see it also killed and replaced with WFB 9th edition.

Don't worry, by all means AoS is not being killed. The people saying that are just expressing a deranged wet dream of theirs, but they're 1/very delusional and 2/although very vocal, I'm pretty sure they're a minority. Big mouthes to compensate for small numbers. By all means AoS is doing better than WHFB ever did, there is millions of players worlwide, which is in itself is the greatest burn to all the people who actively dislike AoS. 

3 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

I know that in reality TOW and AoS will almost certainly coexist without issue, but there's that little part of my mind that does worry.

Everyone will play his system in his little corner, and a lot of people will cross from the TOW corner to the AoS corner to game with each other and vice versa. I think that's how I will do anyway.
And a lot of it will come down to your local players and community. For example, when I started WFB during 8th, there were a lot of old grognards in the FLGS I played in, and they were... sort of demanding (full paint on the table or bust, etc). I know I'm not gonna like that ambiance, so I'm gonna play in the FLGS I moved to a few years back. Who cares what a bunch of foreigners say on the Internet. Your local group of players is what really matters !

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On the old models thing, I love those old Bretonnians and Tomb Kings. I think they are really cool. Up close, yes I can see the things that could be improved. As armies, I think they both look fantastic. Probably nostalgia but if any new models don’t look the same as the old ones I think I will be disappointed! 🙃

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I don't except  that AoS will really suffer from Warhammer. Certainly not in the near future. I think GW plans their releases 2-3 years ahead.

But if the Warhammer starter set is a financial succes and a bigger financial succes than the AoS 3th edition starter set and a bigger financial succes than the AoS 4th edition starterset (2024?), than yes, after 2025 - 2026  AoS "could" receive less attention. But that's so far away and so many things can happen in the meanwhile.

That said I really hope that many units will be interchangeable per system and are delivered with square and round bases. Chaos, Lizardmen, all the type of greenskins / monsters, undead, some elves and etc..

Edit: Anyway I am hyped. 🙂


Edited by Tonhel
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57 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

But if the Warhammer starter set is a financial succes and a bigger financial succes than the AoS 3th edition starter set and a bigger financial succes than the AoS 4th edition starterset (2024?)

Did Dominion sell well ? I've seen some people say that no, but those were biased people (pretty anti AoS) so I'm not sure. 

If the Old World starter has a lot of "returning classic" kits inside (aka old kits) à la LoTR starters, it's going to sell less than AoS starters with their 100% brand new plastics inside. It depends how much effort GW will put in TOW, but considering the studio's ""new"" Bretonnian army they just showed, and the 30k starter box (the terminators inside were from 2015), it's more likely it could have preexisting minis.

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2 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Did Dominion sell well ? I've seen some people say that no, but those were biased people (pretty anti AoS) so I'm not sure. 

If the Old World starter has a lot of "returning classic" kits inside (aka old kits) à la LoTR starters, it's going to sell less than AoS starters with their 100% brand new plastics inside. It depends how much effort GW will put in TOW, but considering the studio's ""new"" Bretonnian army they just showed, and the 30k starter box (the terminators inside were from 2015), it's more likely it could have preexisting minis.

Dominion both did and didn't sell well. It sold more than Soul wars (gw said in their financial report that it was their best selling fantasy launch)  but they made a LOT more copies so it was arguably a disappointment. 

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They were literally giving boxes of Dominion away at conventions, so presumably it didn't meet their expectations - which were probably inflated by the massive demand for Indomitus, coupled with Lockdown Hobby seeing everything else fly off the shelves in seconds - though that doesn't necessarily mean they didn't make a good profit off it either.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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Hot take … they should have gone the Warmaster route with TOW if they wanted to capitalize on the TW:W popularity. I’ve still got a lot of stuff on square bases from WHFB that I convert to AOS as needed and I do have some love for the Old World still (started in ‘87) but I can’t see video game players getting into the complexity of the old rules systems. Being able to recreate the massive armies of the video game with a quick and easy rule set would have made more sense to me. 

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9 minutes ago, Grontik said:

Hot take … they should have gone the Warmaster route with TOW if they wanted to capitalize on the TW:W popularity. I’ve still got a lot of stuff on square bases from WHFB that I convert to AOS as needed and I do have some love for the Old World still (started in ‘87) but I can’t see video game players getting into the complexity of the old rules systems. Being able to recreate the massive armies of the video game with a quick and easy rule set would have made more sense to me. 

Problem with <15mm games like Warmaster is it's the one market where 3D printers really could overtake GW, since they're so tiny and thus lacking in detail that most basic printers would probably make 1:1 copies without much trouble - and inevitably for much cheaper than what GW sells them at, even if you got a made/store to do it for you. 

Also there is something to be said for 28mm+ minis forming mass ranks on a big board. <15mm looks good, but it lacks the Oomph of fully detailed minis you can see the faces of. 

Horus Heresy is doing very well despite running off an 'old' rules system. Plus if rules were what elevated or sank GW systems, none almost would be playing them.

Although for the record, I think Warmaster was/is a fantastic ruleset. Very fun.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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