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17 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

it does look like Doom of Malan'tai at least has an Eldar nickname! if GW offered up more xenos nicknames for the Tyranids like this, I'd have much less of an issue. but it filters into 40k's larger problem of GW saying "everyone is equally bad uwu" while treating the Imperium as a de facto protagonist.


This is mostly because from a narrative standpoint, many people identify with the humans, in any setting. It's also easier to describe things from a human standpoint.

Imagine if more Tyranid names were created by Orks, Chaos Daemons, or Genestealer Cults.

Ork Names would be like "Da Spikey One" or "Stealthy Boiz"
Chaos Names would be like "Cha'kith Snorukara"
Genestealer Cult names would be like "Him On High Who Delivers Us Swiftly Unto the Stars Above"

So... yeah.

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8 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

I'm mildly concerned about the 4th warcry box making it out before 10th because besides the leak we've seen nothing from GW on it. 

They normally spend a month or so on hype for these right? 

They will show it at warhammer fest and it will come out in May

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1 hour ago, RileyArlic said:

Yeah, a bit odd. The fact that even "Tyranid" comes from the fact that the first planet they ate was "Tyran". Like, you couldn't go with the real reason, with Tyranid being based off of the core word Tyrant? Then you've got Parasite of Mortrex, Doom of Malan'Tai, Red Terror, Ol' One Eye, Screamer Killers, and now Von Ryan's Leapers. They hit really different than Biovore, Hormagaunt, Lictor, Carnifex...

We'll see if we get a more appropriate species name added on later. 

I quite like the mix of Latin names and 'naturalist observer/troop catchphrase names'. This Von Ryan's Leaper is a great one.

The real issue comes (or came, around 6th ed) when the designers/writers just sort of bodged the names together, so you wound up with species terms with no real depth or connection to anything. Tyrannocyte, neurothrope, venomthrope, tyrannofex, toxicrene... None of these feel like the writers knew what they were doing with the Latin. The punniness behind HG Wells' morlocks/mawlocs wasn't great either.

RE: thematic redundancy, that's kind of characteristic of starter kit forces in both AoS and 40k. You had it with nighthaunt and necrons, and most definitely with stormcast and marines. Moreover it's a feature of tyranids, you have a small and large versions for most roles: the biovore and the exocrine. Ravener and trygon/mawloc. Zoanthrope, neurothrope, maleceptor (and now the new psychic thing from the trailer). Carnifex and hierodule (and now screamer-killer, as a distinct species). So too the lictor and the von ryan's leaper as a smaller pack-hunter version.

It's not ideal but they're somewhat distinct roles. It's nowhere near as bad as the 4-5 near identical bolter marines types or (to a lesser extent) four very similar basic stormcast infantry units.

Edited by sandlemad
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18 hours ago, Dawi not Duardin said:

I guess this is a bit off topic in the rumour thread, but there's an issue here with Gorkamorka and the Chaos gods all being elemental rather than ascended gods. This seems to make them equally (un)natural since they have appeared in the same way.  Maybe it is the ascended gods who are natural, whereas the Chaos and Destruction gods are the unnatural ones? (Even more scandalously: maybe this means Gorkamorka should be counted as a Chaos god, deep down?) But I prefer your idea a lot to that, as running Chaos and Destruction together metaphysically muddies the waters between Chaos and Destruction again.

One thing is for sure though and that's that GW would to well to try to make more sense of the metaphysical/theological/natural-historical fundamentals of the setting. The more questions we get answers to here, the more interesting the setting gets. Really wish  they'd publish something that systematically addresses these types of issues: we are here because we are nerds and nerds want to understand how things work!

Haha, your kind words are making me look at the rough plans I had to make an in universe Gods of the Realms tome in the vein of Gods of Pegana. As it would be composed and written from the perspective of an in universe Mortal Academic GW could contradict anything while also providing an account for new players and other authors to reference. But as stated previously I lack the technical skill to produce such a work.   

I had put a lot of thought into destruction particularly as I think that it requires the most explanation and exploration. My hope was for the author to express simultaneous doubt about GorkamMorka's existence ,while also acknowledging that there must be a powerful spiritual force inspiring the Legends... but questioning if it could truly manifest. One must assume a theologain with an interest in Anthropology likely never saw a green foot manifest from the clouds to stomp on some poor unsuspecting order army.

This way GW can have their cake and eat it too, with Gork and Mork as simultaneously a significant god that may manifest to their believers and take part in the history of the realms... but also keep such a powerful force that is abstract and mystical while opening up the Destruction Tribes to new and varied Gods/Godbeasts to worship and field. In other words GorkaMorka can fulfill a massively important Meta role within the cosmology of the realms as a mysterious God that inspires worship and doubt.

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2 hours ago, DinoJon said:

I'm mildly concerned about the 4th warcry box making it out before 10th because besides the leak we've seen nothing from GW on it. 

They normally spend a month or so on hype for these right? 

We've had boxes be revealed and days later their preorder announced. Nethermaze in particular was announced outside of an event on Friday 15th April 2022, had it's preorder announced on Sunday 17th April, and then went on preorder on Saturday 23rd April. So it's unusual but not unheard of.

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All tyranid names are by default the faux latin imperial name for them. The xenos will call them different things but even as a die hard xenos player I get that they can't write five names for everything. The nids own names for themselves would be a mind melting psychic screech, so that doesn't help.


At risk od getting too 40ky, Distinguish in gorkamorka from the chaos gods is also explained more in 40k than in fantasy. Essentially he forms through the same psychic process, but orks are cut ff from the warp, so their beliefs don't shape a god within the realm of chaos like with humans and elves. Instead they manifest one in the mortal realm. As a result Gorkamorka has many of the same properties as a chaos god, but isn't corrputed by chaos in the same way. How much of that can inform AoS is another matter though!

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Looks like it has some of their usual sculpted smoke on it, do any existing idk models have anything like that?  I assume it'd break the illusion of them being underwater if they were carrying burning torches or incense, or whatever.  Could just be classic magical swirlies though, I suppose!

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24 minutes ago, Elazar The Glorified said:

With the rumour engine do we know if we're expecting a Slaaneshi Warcry warband? The Shardspeaker and Blissbarb Homonculus have similar smokey bits but otherwise wouldn't be expecting anything for Slaanesh so soon after their book

They're now the only God of the Big Four without their own Cultists (which is why there was so much speculation they'd be one half of the forth box until the leak revealed it was Stormcast vs FEC). 

War Cry will probably be getting it's next 'season' some time in the second half of the year, so a Slaaneshi warband is very much possible.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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17 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

it does look like Doom of Malan'tai at least has an Eldar nickname! if GW offered up more xenos nicknames for the Tyranids like this, I'd have much less of an issue. but it filters into 40k's larger problem of GW saying "everyone is equally bad uwu" while treating the Imperium as a de facto protagonist.


You‘re setting yourself up for failure there - the Imperium was, is and always will be the protagonist, regardless of whether they‘re evil themselves or not. There might be times when another faction is a minor protagonist but those are exceptions. Probably has to do with us relating to humans (even super-humans) more easily than aliens. That said, I got no real preference myself but with 40k written from a human-centric POV most of the time, Nids getting nicknames from humans doesn‘t strike me as bad. Better than some pun like mon‘keigh/mar‘thyan or something along those lines. 😂

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23 minutes ago, Elazar The Glorified said:

With the rumour engine do we know if we're expecting a Slaaneshi Warcry warband? The Shardspeaker and Blissbarb Homonculus have similar smokey bits but otherwise wouldn't be expecting anything for Slaanesh so soon after their book

With a second tzeentch team for underworlds on the way, I wouldn't be especially surprised to see more nurgle and slaanesh stuff for that game at some point too, potentially, as they both only have the one squad so far.  (Though that's true of most factions, tbf!)

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1 hour ago, Draznak said:

Rumour engine today :




Hmmm... Idoneth vibe ?

It does look nautical at first glance but that could be a real misdirection there… Nids spring to mind as the tentacles aren‘t „squiddish“ enough for IDK but it could also be Slaaneshi as the bow(?) looks claw-like. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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10 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

They're now the only God of the Big Four without their own Cultists (which is why there was so much speculation they'd be one half of the forth box until the leak it was Stormcast vs FEC). 

War Cry will probably be getting it's next 'season' some time in the second half of the year, so a Slaaneshi warband is very much possible.

Remember @Vasshpit 's comment that there is 11 warbands in this season, just like the last one. So far we have had 7 warbands (6 boxed, 1 standalone) + 2 new boxed warbands incoming, that makes 9 so there is space for 2 more warbands before the season ends. I could see a Slaanesh warband being released standalone, or in a 5th, final box set after Nightmare Quest ; a bit how Catacombs closed season 1. Same logic could be applied to the rumoured Destruction warband.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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