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Lol Valrak exact words were "I do not give a ****** about Age of Sigmar, they will announce the Cities of Sigmar box set. I know that for a fact so lets move on to other stuff" lol. He also said he knew nothing about Underworld.

Reminds me of all the leakers a while ago saying Summer. Should be interesting either way.

Also Valrak heard that The Old World will be end of this year, BUT he finds that really hard to believe.
Edited by RyantheFett
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43 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

Lol Valrak exact words were "I do not give a ****** about about Age of Sigmar, they will announce the Cities of Sigmar box set. I know that for a fact so lets move on to other stuff" lol. He also said he knew nothing about Underworld.

Reminds me of all the leakers a while ago saying Summer. Should be interesting either way.

Also Valrak heard that The Old World will be end of this year, BUT he finds that really hard to believe.

Basically, here and the AoS discord/reddits are the only places for reliable discussion on AoS. A lot of other places around the internet and a lot of content creators just haven't jumped on. Tabletop Tactics has finally started doing AoS batreps which is fantastic, and it seems like they're having a lot of fun with it, but the AoS batreps generally get about 1/3rd less views than their 40k counterparts. 

Hopefully AoS will continue to grow. I do still worry that GW is going to basically cannibalize itself by putting out the Old World, and instead of either game growing, you'll just create yet another community that craps on AoS for no good reason :P

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14 minutes ago, RileyArlic said:

Hopefully AoS will continue to grow. I do still worry that GW is going to basically cannibalize itself by putting out the Old World, and instead of either game growing, you'll just create yet another community that craps on AoS for no good reason :P

I could see the two games coexisting and supporting each other. Sigmar being a quicker/simpler game and Old World being slower/tactical. Some factions will work better then others, but I can see a of units working for both games. GW could even sell those large square bases that hold all the circle ones to players!

If you want to see two games cannibalize themselves look at AMG with Star Wars Legion and Shatterpoint. Two games that use the exact same models, BUT are different sizes so that there can be no cross play...............

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35 minutes ago, RileyArlic said:


Hopefully AoS will continue to grow. I do still worry that GW is going to basically cannibalize itself by putting out the Old World, and instead of either game growing, you'll just create yet another community that craps on AoS for no good reason :P

This is my worry. In my opinion they should have waited until after the 10th anniversary of AoS before they even announced the Old World. I genuinely believe that 3rd edition would have sold better if there wasn't a section of the community that started to wait for the old world.

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5 hours ago, KingBrodd said:


Seraphon Army Box and Limited Tome revealed. 

Ossiarch Tome and Hero.

Soulblight Tome and Hero.

Seasons of War Gallet.

New Spider Incarnate.

Tzeentch Underworlds Warband.

I'll join in @KingBrodd

Seraphon full reveal

Ossiarch vs Soulblight box with heroes + tomes

New Underworlds Warbands (Tzeentch + 1 other)

New army teaser (chorfs? Cities? up for grabs).


10th Edition, Tyranids vs Dark Angels starring The Lion Returned.

Dark Mechanicus

Votann expansion

New Primaris Lieutenant

Mark II infantry

Despoiler Squads

"New" Named Characters kits.


Space Marines or Tyranids vs *Insert minor faction here*

4 hours ago, DinoJon said:

Oh @KingBrodd master of positivity, assure me that Seraphon will be out before 10th edition. 


Also Lustria supplement comes out this week and physical book for pre-order. Looks like I got some reading ahead. 


I will be buying this book for two reasons: Lizardmen lore, and Vampires of the Coast expansion. Here's hoping some of the goodies inside get transported into AOS or TOW proper.

1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Chaos Dwarfs trailer for Total War tomorrow or Thursday it's looking like.

........ Excuse me I need to double check that I'm actually alive, and not a reanimated corpse IRL.... *pulls on beard* OKAY THIS WEEK HAS BECOME AMAZING AND IT'S NOT EVEN MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! First Tomb Kings get new models teased and now Chorfs are inbound?!?!?!?! Oh what a time to be alive!!!

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Chaos dwarf in total war saddens me as it somewhat kills the odds we see their incarnation in AoS. It does open the door for the Old World return, but lest be honest before new chaos dwarf kits come out it will be many years, probably after the initial enthousiasm for the old world and well into the dark years of dividing  the fantasy community in two, hurthing both. Those will be dark times…

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7 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

I could see the two games coexisting and supporting each other. Sigmar being a quicker/simpler game and Old World being slower/tactical. Some factions will work better then others, but I can see a of units working for both games. GW could even sell those large square bases that hold all the circle ones to players!


I mean it’s a damned if you do and damned if you don’t situation either way.

Either we split more that causes the TOW community to form a heavy us vs them mentality and attack us or we support eachother and they start saying AoS’ success  is only because people are buying units for TOW and attack us anyway.

Either way I really don’t care, the World-that-Was is utter boredom to me after what AoS has opened up(Kislev “the Old Road” that occasionally has a beastman raid vs Chamon’s Sky-Roads of bridged together floating mountains with rust-storms generated by their metal peaks magnetic fields that have alchemy using Beastclaw Raiders on them that eat lightning? No contest ️)

I just hope in the end it does okay enough it can sustain itself so all the angry people that force themselves to play AoS can migrate over and leave us to our own games of gods vs monsters and epic lore of clashing magic realities. (Though I do question how the heck rank-and-file can do well under GW’s prices and as a less regulated specialist game but we’ll have to wait and see)

but anyway back to what matters.

I super super doubt we’re seeing CoS anytime soon when Seraphon still need to be unleashed and be the big(and somewhat literal) stars of the show. 🌟 🦎 

I could see they may lead in to teases of the next season of UnderWorlds being inside the gigantic crashed spaceship. With the rumblings of strange malevolent forces inside the Gnarlwoods and the ship it even may tie-into a new surprise Destruction faction to fill out a release next year.



Blackened Earth ending segment:

”From among the caravans arriving from the free cities, those from Excelsis also bring rumours of a great evil stirring in the Realm of Amber that could threaten all of the Mortal Realms. Strange and twisted creatures have begun to emerge from a stretch of wild Ghur known as the Gnarlwood; rumours say that the Astral Templars of Valourhall seek assistance in solving this mystery, but are reluctant to ask for it directly. (For more on adventures in the realm of Ghur and the city of Excelsis, see the upcoming Soulbound supplement Era of the Beast.)”

So something might be cooking in the meat forests.

Lastly, another reason for my impatient on the Kharadron tome delivery to grow.

”Anyways, more Kharadron stuff. 
Gorgrimm is the Kharadron name for the Era of Beasts (which is a good name IMO)
Sky beast attacks have sharply increased. So some fleet captains employ a tactic called the "Mhonar drop". They cut the engines to fall below the cloud cover, luring out the attacking beasts and have a clear shot when they dive after them to attack.”

All the lore bits my friend is sharing are so Metal! 

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I have to say, Lizardmen, Tomb Kings, and Bretonnia all being teased in the same year is really tapping into my Warhammer interests. Seeing how good these are has me extremely excited for the other races. Particularly the Cross system ones - Lizardmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Skaven, Ogres, Green Skins and some undead. Sorry Lumineth and deepkin- Although if you crossed them you’d get Manatee Elves just saying. 

I know we’re being teased WTOW now. But I think 2024 will be the release date - Because GW likes doing things to Warhammer every 10 years- 2004 Storm of Chaos. 2014 End Times Nagash, So Warhammer Old World -2024.

Scared to see what happens in 2034 (Sigmar Confirmed as  the Missing Primarch 😂)

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23 minutes ago, Chikout said:

This is my worry. In my opinion they should have waited until after the 10th anniversary of AoS before they even announced the Old World. I genuinely believe that 3rd edition would have sold better if there wasn't a section of the community that started to wait for the old world.

I know it's anecdotal evidence, but just for conversation's sake - I am one of those people.

I grew up a WHFB nut and only started playing 40k when Fantasy got axed. AoS conceptually doesn't appeal to me on so many levels (which I won't be getting into because it's irrelevant for what I'm trying to say), but now I'm getting into the game with new Lizards (still think that having an Abrahamic-inspired word for Mesoamerican-inspired faction is stupid so I'm not calling them Seraphon) - and I'm considering to keep playing exclusively AoS with them - even though the new models fit perfect with old Fantasy - and get another army for ToW.

I.e. a WHFB nut who's as far removed from AoS target audience intends to play and invest in both, as both games have pros and cons for me.

As mentioned, anecdotal evidence, but evidence nonetheless that the two systems can coexist. And I never would've imagined that I would be an example of that.

Edited by KingKull
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Here's my predictions, and keep in mind that I like to keep my expectations LOW so that anything EXTRA is a pleasant surprise.

Warhammer: Underworlds - Cities of Sigmar vs Tzeentch - start of new season.
Warhammer 40k: Kill Team - Last box of the Gallowdark series. My bet is Fallen vs. something.
Warhammer 30k: Horus Heresy - Plastic Sicaran variants.
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - The rest of Seraphon, silhouette of SBGL and Bonereaper heroes.
Warhammer 40,000 - Finally reveal last book of Arks of Omen, tease more Space Marines vs Tyranids and announce 10th edition but reveal little else. 

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1 hour ago, KingKull said:

I know it's anecdotal evidence, but just for conversation's sake - I am one of those people.

I grew up a WHFB nut and only started playing 40k when Fantasy got axed. AoS conceptually doesn't appeal to me on so many levels (which I won't be getting into because it's irrelevant for what I'm trying to say), but now I'm getting into the game with new Lizards (still think that having an Abrahamic-inspired word for Mesoamerican-inspired faction is stupid so I'm not calling them Seraphon) - and I'm considering to keep playing exclusively AoS with them - even though the new models fit perfect with old Fantasy - and get another army for ToW.

I.e. a WHFB nut who's as far removed from AoS target audience intends to play and invest in both, as both games have pros and cons for me.

As mentioned, anecdotal evidence, but evidence nonetheless that the two systems can coexist. And I never would've imagined that I would be an example of that.

On the other side of the fence - I was a WFB addict my whole life, 5th Ed through to last. I was filthy when Fantasy got killed and gave up the hobby for a few years as a result. I also hated AoS on a conceptual level at first.

I was eventually sucked in towards the end of AoS 1 and what did it for me was the zany concepts - flying sharks with boltthrowers on them, for example.

Now I’m in a position where I have 5 AoS armies and love them, but am also very much looking forward to seeing what The Old World has to offer. I still think I preferred the gameplay of Fantasy but enjoy AoS too.

I’d say I’m certain to buy the starter box, whatever armies it may contain, then after that… we’ll see. I have only had bad experiences with resin so to what degree the range is plastic will play a big role in how much stuff I end up buying.

Long story short - I’m looking forward to the future of both games!

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1 minute ago, RandyRyan said:

On the other side of the fence - I was a WFB addict my whole life, 5th Ed through to last. I was filthy when Fantasy got killed and gave up the hobby for a few years as a result. I also hated AoS on a conceptual level at first.


i read online from scoopers and heard from some management that lizardmen didnt sell as well as they had hoped over time, so they were being squated essentially and wont see new models under the new game coming out. so i sold most of my models. but with ToW coming and the new plastic release, will get the models i like and hopefully be able to play ToW.  i have the finecast Gor-rok, the 6e slann, the new plastic lord kroak, couple skink priests. i think i have a stegadon somewhere...  maybe the carnosaur i hope.


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6 minutes ago, Tetheus said:

On the topic of Seraphon, are there any rumors about the potential Kroxigor aesthetic? GW has done both a big-trex guy and also a gator krox for blood bowl. Any thoughts on the direction they may be taking them?

Total War is probably going to be a good frame of reference. They look much closer to the Blood Bowl designs than the old models.



Edited by Clan's Cynic
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4 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Total War is probably going to be a good frame of reference. They look much closer to the Blood Bowl designs than the old models.



Yeah, somewhere between here and the Blood Bowl model. Though, the lizardmen from the blood bowl team are pretty different from the new saurus warriors, so who can say!

I will say though that the blood bowl model is... well, so it's not a bad pose at all, it's just one of those odd poses that's hard to get a good camera angle on. But, the chonkiness and fidelity of detail is there. 

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13 minutes ago, Tetheus said:

On the topic of Seraphon, are there any rumors about the potential Kroxigor aesthetic? GW has done both a big-trex guy and also a gator krox for blood bowl. Any thoughts on the direction they may be taking them?

Pretty sure Whitefang described them as a new look from other representations and more dinosaur-y.

On a separate note, it seems to me that 1 of 2 things about Seraphon must be true. Either:

1. The launch box contains a unit they haven't shown us yet, which is why they still haven't shown the launch box.

2. Or there is no launch box.

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15 minutes ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

Pretty sure Whitefang described them as a new look from other representations and more dinosaur-y.

On a separate note, it seems to me that 1 of 2 things about Seraphon must be true. Either:

1. The launch box contains a unit they haven't shown us yet, which is why they still haven't shown the launch box.

2. Or there is no launch box.

I'm in the camp that there is no launch box, but maybe I'm wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if they're holding back Kroxigor and they're in the box.

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2 hours ago, DinoJon said:

Chiming in on the Kroxigor. Whitefang heavily hinted they will be more dinosaur in appearance. 

I'm hoping that Kroxigor will be a dual kit but we'll see. 

I'm all for that. If they get the Kurnoth Hunter treatment I'd be thrilled. Two different melee options and a ranged option? Gosh that'd be sweet. Not counting on it, but it'd be nice.

I'm starting to doubt a launch box as well. It's still possible, as we're not even halfway through March yet, but we'll see by Adepticon I'm sure.

If Valrak is saying they're going to reveal a Cities of Sigmar box set, then that makes me think that a Seraphon launch box ain't happening. They didn't do a launch box for World Eaters, so it's not like every update is gunna get something like that. 

If not a launch box, hopefully the new Vanguard box will be a really good one.

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3 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

I heard around Valrak said that adepticon will show the cities boxset...is true?

Although imo Valrak is a pretty reliable source for 40k (and now it seems TOW) stuff, he has shown virtually no interest in AoS, so I would take it with a pinch of salt.

Maybe if he had said that this is from his source that told him about the Seraphon box it would be more believable.

Or maybe this is confirmation for a CoS vs Tzeentch Underworlds starter that he got mixed up with a proper army set?


Edit: Also, this is like, huge if true and now I actually am kinda hyped for Adepticon past the Lion and potential Kroxigors. And wasn't also Valrak who said something about there being both a Seraphon and CoS launch box?

Edited by Asbestress
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6 hours ago, DinoJon said:

Whitefang heavily hinted they will be more dinosaur in appearance. 

I wonder what kind of dinosaur their appearance will be modeled after. I sort of hope it's not all "generic T.rex/theropod heads" and they do more varied looking Kroxi heads.

About the double kit, maybe we could get Kroxigors with their big clubs (aka the spanking paddles as TWW players say) or the powerfist variant from also TWW.

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7 hours ago, RandyRyan said:

On the other side of the fence - I was a WFB addict my whole life, 5th Ed through to last. I was filthy when Fantasy got killed and gave up the hobby for a few years as a result. I also hated AoS on a conceptual level at first.

I was eventually sucked in towards the end of AoS 1 and what did it for me was the zany concepts - flying sharks with boltthrowers on them, for example.

Now I’m in a position where I have 5 AoS armies and love them, but am also very much looking forward to seeing what The Old World has to offer. I still think I preferred the gameplay of Fantasy but enjoy AoS too.

I’d say I’m certain to buy the starter box, whatever armies it may contain, then after that… we’ll see. I have only had bad experiences with resin so to what degree the range is plastic will play a big role in how much stuff I end up buying.

Long story short - I’m looking forward to the future of both games!

This is pretty much where I stand too. I first started playing WFB aged about 7 (I had an older brother who needed someone to pay against when his friends weren't available) back in 3rd edition and played on and off until 6th before moving into WFRP. I was so upset when I discovered GW had liked it off, and I instinctively hated AoS as a result (it didn't help that I really disliked, and still mostly dislike, old Stormcast [Thunderstrike ones are cool though]).

But despite not collecting GW stuff, is fairly regularly load up the website and have a look at what was available, and is see the new releases for AoS and raise they looked pretty cool. COVID rolls round and I find myself stuck at home more and wanting a creative outlet. With no real intention of playing AoS I buy some minis to paint. Then start watching gaming content and realise that AoS is actually a pretty good game. I am now in the process of building two proper armies.

But I still love the Old World. It's the ultimate nostalgia trip for me, representing so many of the best times in my childhood and teenage years, so it coming back had me pretty hyped too. I will almost certainly but some of it, I may even build some proper armies to play games depending on his the rules seem. At the very least I'll be building a few Mordheim warbands.

What I won't do is give up on AoS though. The two games are different enough now that they offer me two things I really want. AoS had this letter than life style with amazing ideas, and gives me the chance to be really creative with my painting, WFB gives me a grim pseudo Renaissance Europe with magic and monsters. I like both.

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