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42 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

I would not bet on it, there's probably at least a couple of weeks before more AoS preorders, KO only just came out, buuut I am going to join in your optimism cos I also really want to see them!

Yeah, I think it's unlikely, but then KO got released very soon after they were first previewed, so perhaps GW are trying to rush through releasing the smaller army released pre-40k 10.0?

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Hey, I'd love to be proven wrong!  They do theoretically still have two Death books to preview and release in the spring period, so I don't think the Chaos books will be waiting for too long, but I also don't think it'll be this week.

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2 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

An I completely silly to be going that the Khorne and Slaanesh his might be announced tomorrow? I want to see what they're like so much 😄

Unless there is some event on this weekend which I've forgotten about (always a possibility) I'd say no. They don't normally reveal anything new at weekends. Saturday is usually an article about the pre-orders going live and Sunday preview announces which (previously revealed) models are going to be going on pre-order the following Saturday.

You might get a hint/tease in the Sunday preview of what might be revealed in the coming week, but not the reveal itself.

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19 hours ago, EntMan said:

Goats not working out for you? 🐐😂

My first proper dip into Chaos has been so exciting!!

12 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

I could see that happening. My first thought was Aganos from Killer Instinct(GW wanting to flex after that Eltharion living armor for more floaty bits). I think we can all be certain no matter what their appearance or allegiance(going solo or backing up Grungni) there’s a 95% they’re gonna be rocking stone & metal beards.



Haha, like that’s exclusive to duardin. Gobbo fans still waiting for their airship pirate fleets, Deepkin for battle whales and Beastman would like a crumb of anything more exotic than goats like the Mammothmen of Ghur or Mantismen of Ghyran. xD 


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22 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Unless there is some event on this weekend which I've forgotten about (always a possibility) I'd say no. They don't normally reveal anything new at weekends. Saturday is usually an article about the pre-orders going live and Sunday preview announces which (previously revealed) models are going to be going on pre-order the following Saturday.

You might get a hint/tease in the Sunday preview of what might be revealed in the coming week, but not the reveal itself.

Khorne and Hedonites have already been revealed. It is entirely possible that they are announced for pre-order on Sunday. I think they will go up for pre-order next week or in three weeks time. Gw usually likes to alternate between 40k and something else. There are some things for Necrmunda that are due soon so we could have a specialist games week next and then the chaos battletomes after a week of boarding patrols and the world eaters combat patrol. 

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2 hours ago, Chikout said:

Khorne and Hedonites have already been revealed. It is entirely possible that they are announced for pre-order on Sunday. I think they will go up for pre-order next week or in three weeks time. Gw usually likes to alternate between 40k and something else. There are some things for Necrmunda that are due soon so we could have a specialist games week next and then the chaos battletomes after a week of boarding patrols and the world eaters combat patrol. 

Yeah, I was gonna say, if not those two tomes what else? GW can maybe squeeze in another week of filler/side game content, but the next notable 40K drop is Ark of Omens Farsight, and they just dropped the previous Ark book last week. There's not actually a ton of announced/unreleased content queued up right now.

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3 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Gholems could get the Ogroid treatment. One unit and one or two heroes available for some of the duardin factions. It would be a simple and cost effective way to add entries to the AoS dwarf ranges at a smaller cost. 

Pet us see what the old world brings with them or the new city of sigmar update.

maybe we’ll see something new and less golem like.

i would love to see just normal dwarf warriors return as well as good old dwarfen cannons that aren’t mounted in a sky fortress

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On 3/10/2023 at 5:16 PM, Empirian23 said:
  Reveal hidden contents

Adepticon should be rest of Seraphon and some SG stuff warbands

Warhammer Fest will be split into 3 days (Main game system + SGs):
HH with first non-compendium book
AoS with FEC, new Warcry season and the first full CoS miniature
40k with the full 10th reveal

Monthly TOW articles will start ramping up soon with some miniature teasers, aim is to have everything ready for a release in the next 12-18 months (all that's left is mainly production for the initial wave)
Apart from the Spring wave Tomes (Khorne, Hedonites, Soulbight, Ossiarch) the release order should be Seraphon, Flesh Eaters, Cities, and then the new book series in Q4/Q1 with another sizeable wave for Destruction

FEC with Sylvaneth sized release

Now for the main thing you asked

Cities will follow previous new army releases with 10-14 kits
General/Named General
Excelsior Warpriest rerelease
Witch Hunter
OoA infantry (Flagellants x Warrior Priests)
Ogor Elite/Maneaters
War Altar/War Wagon
Ironweld Upgrades (Kind of like the Cadian one, included in Steam Tank kit to update crew + available separate)

Battletome Cities
Greywater Fastness
Tempest's Eye

"Aelf Underworld" (Privateers + Darkling remains)
Phoenix Temple

Dispossessed and some aelf stuff planned for the future, Privateers mainly staying to not immediately invalidate last edition's SCs/Dark Rider's precarious position of having to stay in production for DoK Warlocks without having another army to slot into for now.


About that rumour : obviously, the fact it was made by a burner account is pretty sus. But some of the things there seem logical to me ! 
About Adepticon : seems logic to see some SG games there. GW has always done that, and we're due to see Warcry : Nightmare Quest and another KT box set now that the latest ones are on the website. Seraphon... it's going to be either them or the 2 missing Death BT for spring. Once again, seems plausible.

About Warhammer Fest : seems logic if they reveal a CoS miniature. It would complete the circle of them announcing them last WH Fest. Also it makes sense for TOW to be building up steam. I mean, it's kinda obvious to say, but every day brings us closer to it...

About CoS stuff : 10-14 kits is a big release. For example, Imperial Guard just had a 14 kits release (including the Cadian upgrade sprue, the Aegis defense line and the Kasrkins but not the Kriegers). Here we have 13 kits proposed, this could fit for a release GW has been hyping for about a year now. About what the rumour says, I think most of it is true in a certain way... we're going to get basic melee troops, basic ranged troops, an elite unit, cavalry of some kind, a mage hero, an officer hero, a named character and a big army centerpiece. Why ? Because that's the basic structure of most Warhammer armies. This is not rumour to say that, this is just simple awareness of how GW does things. Nothing mind-blowing about that.
About the Excelsior Warpriest returning and the Ironweld upgrade sprue : this is the first time I hear this. But this makes sense knowing GW is sometimes lazy. Like how they rereleased the Primaris Psyker for the Imperial Guard range refresh, or ask the StD players about their "new" Chaos Knights kit that is just an upgrade sprue to an easy to build kit... So GW rereleasing a 1st Ed character instead of designing a whole new Warrior Priest and bringing in the whole Ironweld with a single upgrade sprue to a WFB kit ? Not impossible at all.

I find the "7 cities" proposed here, bogus though. GW squatting Living City ? Not a chance. About FEC and the supposed big Destruction wave, I have no clue except "wait for Whitefang to explain". But the latter seems like wishlist to me. 

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12 hours ago, Beliman said:

Btw, anyone knows why KOs don't have anything about Duardrazhal in their rules? Not even coalition units in Barak-thryng!

Could have to do with their White Dwarf lore update which might get expanded on soon.

majority of Sky-ports voted against Grungni and his plans with only a handful and Thryng supporting him, 90% of the Kharadron would prefer using progress and even working with the Lumineth to solve the rising issues of Destruction & Chaos threats than aid the “glorified spirit” that abandoned them.

Might’ve spooked off the other duardin and Thryng doubled down on it’s faith with the priests.

So far on that we have the Tzeentch tome noting Thryng is making redoubled efforts to retake the Spiral Crux from Tzeentch under Grungni’s command while what lore leaks we have show Thryng did gain a seat possibly due to the increased faith(I feel TW:Medieval pope relations shenanigans at play)

friend posted this so far:

”Okay, some new lore bits I got from a first look trough: 

The Geldraad got shaken up once again!
Barak-Nar 5
Barak-Zilfin 4
Barak-Mhonar 3
Barak-Zon 2
Barak-Urbaz 2
Barak-Thyrng 2

Barak-Nar and Barak-Zilfin lost a seat, and Barak-Urbaz and Barak-Thyrng gained 1 each. Barak-Nar's hold on the Geldraad is crumbling. Where they had once almost a majority on their own, they are now barely the largest faction.

Bataar and the Kharadron's ancestor had great trade relations pre-Age of Chaos. The Bataari once used their floating galleons sailing towards the duardin holds to boast about their power before starting negotiations. So with the Age of Sigmar, the Kharadrons kinda dropped a "UNO Reverse card" on them by sailing into the Floating Market with their fleet. And their relations have been good and prosperous since then. 

> The ancient allies of the Duardin, unseen since the Age of Myth, feel the presence of the Maker God once more. The Gholemkind emerge from the dusty cog-halls. So long sealed against the predations of the Age of Chaos and, trough judicious use of flare-carronades make contact with the Kharadron Airfleets. Their hope is, trough Grugni's divine intervention, to secure new realmstone power source and begin life anew as a force in the Mortal Realms

Sky-Whales in Chamon passively intake Aether-Gold while feeding on the cloud banks of the Realm. Arkanaut Frigate captains equiped with great Skyhooks sometimes hunt them to extract the Aether-Gold consumed by them. Its a slow process, but there are more than enough Captains with the patience for that”


unrelated but funny side-note lore is that upon seeing the Dawncrusades and need for metaliths(the floating islands) the Kharadron near the Vindicarum gathered up the islands and tried to sell them to the Crusaders.

This nearly backfired and had the merchants and pious warriors furious as they essentially captured what was free and are monopolizing it while making a profit off their holy crusades.

The Celestial Vindicators Stormcast quickly mediated the situation however and settled a bargain that the islands would still be free but they would pay the Kharadron for exclusive bodyguard rights in protecting and guiding the crusaders in Chamon(also feels a step closer why CoS:Vindicarum could be the kharadron coalition sub-faction)


10 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Might be this? Its a newer RE so its at least a few months away. Gholemkin maybe?


My educated guess is a Dawnbringers Duardin.

‘Tis very stumpy.

I could see it as a Ironweld artillerist signaling the shot.…but the other guesses of it being Blood Bowl chaos dwarves might also happen . We shall see.

Also not sure on forum rules for early pics but someone posted the Gholemkind lore blurb on Reddit. Graduated from a sentence in a background paragraph to their own little section but which is nice to see.



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48 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

This nearly backfired and had the merchants and pious warriors furious as they essentially captured what was free and are monopolizing it while making a profit off their holy crusades.


Thx for the explanation mr @Baron Klatz. I need my battletome ASAP.

Edited by KingBrodd
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48 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Could have to do with their White Dwarf lore update which might get expanded on soon.

majority of Sky-ports voted against Grungni and his plans with only a handful and Thryng supporting him, 90% of the Kharadron would prefer using progress and even working with the Lumineth to solve the rising issues of Destruction & Chaos threats than aid the “glorified spirit” that abandoned them.

Might’ve spooked off the other duardin and Thryng doubled down on it’s faith with the priests.

So far on that we have the Tzeentch tome noting Thryng is making redoubled efforts to retake the Spiral Crux from Tzeentch under Grungni’s command while what lore leaks we have show Thryng did gain a seat possibly due to the increased faith(I feel TW:Medieval pope relations shenanigans at play)

friend posted this so far:

”Okay, some new lore bits I got from a first look trough: 

The Geldraad got shaken up once again!
Barak-Nar 5
Barak-Zilfin 4
Barak-Mhonar 3
Barak-Zon 2
Barak-Urbaz 2
Barak-Thyrng 2

Barak-Nar and Barak-Zilfin lost a seat, and Barak-Urbaz and Barak-Thyrng gained 1 each. Barak-Nar's hold on the Geldraad is crumbling. Where they had once almost a majority on their own, they are now barely the largest faction.

Bataar and the Kharadron's ancestor had great trade relations pre-Age of Chaos. The Bataari once used their floating galleons sailing towards the duardin holds to boast about their power before starting negotiations. So with the Age of Sigmar, the Kharadrons kinda dropped a "UNO Reverse card" on them by sailing into the Floating Market with their fleet. And their relations have been good and prosperous since then. 

> The ancient allies of the Duardin, unseen since the Age of Myth, feel the presence of the Maker God once more. The Gholemkind emerge from the dusty cog-halls. So long sealed against the predations of the Age of Chaos and, trough judicious use of flare-carronades make contact with the Kharadron Airfleets. Their hope is, trough Grugni's divine intervention, to secure new realmstone power source and begin life anew as a force in the Mortal Realms

Sky-Whales in Chamon passively intake Aether-Gold while feeding on the cloud banks of the Realm. Arkanaut Frigate captains equiped with great Skyhooks sometimes hunt them to extract the Aether-Gold consumed by them. Its a slow process, but there are more than enough Captains with the patience for that”


unrelated but funny side-note lore is that upon seeing the Dawncrusades and need for metaliths(the floating islands) the Kharadron near the Vindicarum gathered up the islands and tried to sell them to the Crusaders.

This nearly backfired and had the merchants and pious warriors furious as they essentially captured what was free and are monopolizing it while making a profit off their holy crusades.

The Celestial Vindicators Stormcast quickly mediated the situation however and settled a bargain that the islands would still be free but they would pay the Kharadron for exclusive bodyguard rights in protecting and guiding the crusaders in Chamon(also feels a step closer why CoS:Vindicarum could be the kharadron coalition sub-faction)


‘Tis very stumpy.

I could see it as a Ironweld artillerist signaling the shot.…but the other guesses of it being Blood Bowl chaos dwarves might also happen . We shall see.

Also not sure on forum rules for early pics but someone posted the Gholemkind lore blurb on Reddit. Graduated from a sentence in a background paragraph to their own little section but which is nice to see.



Gholemkind in 4.0!? Great way to expand both Duardin ranges!!

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1 hour ago, GenericEdgyName said:

On the topic of Khorne and Slaanesh release dates, I wonder if the second will only release after warcry nightmare quest gets announced, considering that slaanesh is meant to have a warband there that they'll want put in the battletome

I don't know. Neither the Rotmire Creed nor the Jade Obelisk were in their respective Battletomes. So far the only new Warcry warband that was in its respective Battletome is the Horns of Hashut.

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38 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Gholemkind in 4.0!? Great way to expand both Duardin ranges!!


Though I wouldn’t be totally surprised if they wait later for an edition focusing on Chamon.

That way they could narratively justify also the Kharadron “Titans” they named after the Gholemkin to be unleashed alongside their potential allies.

“Gholems are gigantic powered exoskeletons, sporting the thickest armour and heaviest weaponry of any kharadron Aether-rig. Too big to travel by skyvessel, too slow to travel by foot, and too heavy for a personal Aether-Endrin, Gholems are mostly used to protect sky-ports.

Gholems are produced by the weaponsmiths of Thrund Armoury.”

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2 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

i would love to see just normal dwarf warriors return as well as good old dwarfen cannons that aren’t mounted in a sky fortress

I feel more people here share the same wish. There's likely to be compatibility between TOW Dwarfs and AoS "Grungni duardins". Dwarfs have proven popular thanks to Total War Warhammer, they've made their way into the hearts of many and I'd be down to see more of our favourite stunty little grudge gnomes in plastic form.

However, I'd like to see them with more crazy "AoS" elements. WFB sculptors felt they were always restricted by dwarfs, that their "Tolkien feel with steam engines and gunpowder" could only go so far. Like that scrapped dwarf tank for 8th Ed. I'd like to see stuff like this in AoS. Classic Warhammer dwarfs with a twist.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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Some news and rumors regarding those of us here who care about Total war: warhammer. Taken from a livestream with some of the senior designers and important decision makers behind the game.


"Cathay was made because of big audience and they needed good guys for all the demons."
Yeah, bit of a yikes to admit that, but okay i guess

They have massive road map for WH3 and they are in the beginning of it

Small amount of races are still to be added

Chaos Dwarfs and dogs of war would be my guess

If they need to flesh out the roster - CA will use rpg books

We will see more "types of DLCs we havent seen before"

Old world/ Cubicle7 rpg books -" I got the books, if it is anything there, I will use it and abuse it " 
(standard is 8th edition. from there we go to lower ones, probably 7th and products like forgeworld and tamurkhan)

Bad news for Apophas - its sounds like they don't have plans to add him anytime soon 

"We have occasionally brought in some AoS units when it was appropriate, when we got away with it like demon design and tzeentch disk knights"

Don't hold your breath for Nippon.

Edited by Captaniser
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Why hold your breath for Nippon and it’s shameful display of car names when you could be sinking your teeth into AoS & vampire samurais instead? ;) 


Can’t say I’m confident in “a huge road map” that had to be delayed for 7 months and the last one was only huge because of all the patches and bug fixes.

But good for TWW fans regardless, hopefully their game goes out with an appropriate bang they’ve been waiting for.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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30 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

Some news and rumors regarding those of us here who care about Total war: warhammer. Taken from a livestream with some of the senior designers and important decision makers behind the game.


"Cathay was made because of big audience and they needed good guys for all the demons."
Yeah, bit of a yikes to admit that, but okay i guess

They have massive road map for WH3 and they are in the beginning of it

Small amount of races are still to be added

Chaos Dwarfs and dogs of war would be my guess

If they need to flesh out the roster - CA will use rpg books

We will see more "types of DLCs we havent seen before"

Old world/ Cubicle7 rpg books -" I got the books, if it is anything there, I will use it and abuse it " 
(standard is 8th edition. from there we go to lower ones, probably 7th and products like forgeworld and tamurkhan)

Bad news for Apophas - its sounds like they don't have plans to add him anytime soon 

"We have occasionally brought in some AoS units when it was appropriate, when we got away with it like demon design and tzeentch disk knights"

Don't hold your breath for Nippon.

About 40 minutes in atm, when does he say no Apophas? If that is the case it is really disapointing :/

edit, ah seems that they have the technical tools to make him, but not on their minds atm. Well I suspected I would have to wait a while for a TK DLC

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2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

...Can’t say I’m confident in “a huge road map” that had to be delayed for 7 months and the last one was only huge because of all the patches and bug fixes...

Andy Hall was referencing the internal roadmap as having years worth of content planned out. He was not making a reference to any published roadmap.

(He also noted that there are no "brand new races" on it, so anyone expecting Khuresh or Ind any time soon can put those hopes away. Though considering Andy Hall's last comments saying the same thing over a year ago were rationalised away, I'd assume this one will be too.)

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42 minutes ago, LordSolarMach said:

were rationalised away

I don’t know if that’s the right term for the leaps of logic denials the TWW fanbase is known for xD 

But yeah, back when Andy was talking about all the foreign fillers they could put in Ind & Khuresh like Asur traders & Brets for a India-France colonial allegory I knew it was gonna be an Araby situation. Likely those areas are just gonna open up for an exotic adventure for the old factions + possible Monkey King stuff since he’s Cathay.

But give it a week and they’ll mentally edit it until they can get mad again at CA for getting their hopes up. xD 

Edited by Baron Klatz
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I know a lot of people are getting excited for "golem-kind" but let me remind y'all that goblin sky-pirates were mentioned in the 2nd edition KO battletome that just got replaced and we've seen squat diddly for them. 

It's possible they're planting seeds, but it's more likely they're just giving nods to things from the old lore. I wouldn't put money on it happening until maybe late 4th or 5th edition AoS. 

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