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Nice reveals especially for a chaos cultist such as yours truly, but also nothing groundbreaking. Tempting things but with a tight wallet and some robots and stormcast on the back burner that are going to get my attention I will hold out.

Tau - Farsight looks great and that boarding patrol is literally everything I love about Tau. Farsight also seems like an interesting character and I hope Tau get a big release next edition. I have a nostalgic connection to Tau as they were the newest faction when I entered the hobby as a young teen. 

Orks - Snikrot, really nice sculpt and I like the boarding patrol set, but when I look at the model I keep thinking how it would make a pretty easy AOS conversion. I still confess to preferring orcs in fantasy and orruks in AOS to their 40k counterparts, but I do think the 40k ones are growing on me with the updated sculpts being really amazing. 

 Khorne - What a model, I have complained before about Khorne's designs feeling a little redundant alongside slaves to darkness but I think the design language of their more recent models are making Khorne more and more unique and in a way that is reflecting the whole range. Rather than simply chaos warriors with less armour and more skulls they are wicked cultists that worship sacrifice and are mutated in to brutish monstrosities. The Vanguard does remind me a little of my earlier gripes but just adding this hero to the fore and some daemons and it gives a new narrative distinction to the army that make me want to shout Blood for the Blood God!

Slaanesh - Visually my favourite Chaos faction outside of Undivided (S2D and Beasts win everytime). The new hero is really cool but for all the speculation... not getting an Umbraneth Vampire Elf does sting a little. There is also a slight awkwardness to the postioniing of the legs although I think it has more to do with the angle. But Torso up this model oozes the cocky grace of a Slaanesh champion ready to humiliate their opponent with martial prowess and superior fashion. The Vanguard also exists to remind Khorne and Tzeentch 'we have the most recent update with the best sculpts' honestly every model in that box is fantastic. Although I feel this spells the deathknell for the last of the Daemon Start Collecting boxes RIP. 

Overall fantastic stuff and for me Khorne takes the day.  

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Just now, MothmanDraws said:

ye I wonder where this will put the lord of pain


Lord of Hubris might be a funny meme though, send him + bunch of units into archaeon, have lord of hubris say "1v1 me bro" have him die tanking all archaeons attacks while your unit gets a free turn to smack him

I think he'll be really strong for just this reason - as well as a tactical piece to use. So long as you maximise his heroic sacrifice, you can take down some very expensive units at little cost. 

In fact, when you charge him and friends into a 'longer' unit, you can deny loads of attacks. The rule forces them to target him, but doesn't allow them to pile in when they'd normally be unable to. So if he's parked to the side of a unit, the opponent may only get a couple of attacks into him and would waste the rest. He'd likely survive, and then next turn (if that unit's alive), they'd either have to retreat or waste more attacks (or find a way to kill him before combat). 

I much prefer this over just some generic "give a friendly Hedonite model +1 to hit" or something. 

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13 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Now I fully expect him to be not that good. A 4+ ward with a taunt sounds good on paper, but unless he has a lot of wounds to go along with that I think he'll still go down pretty quickly. I suppose you don't have to use the taunt, in which case he's a pretty durable hero, but unless he has another useful ability or has a ridiculous attack profile he'll probably fall into the camp of "not very useful foot assassin". Not that I mind, he looks awesome.

I kinda think the idea of using him as an assasin is a trap and the actual; way to use a model like that is to protect something else. For example, charge him and a Keeper into the same target, your opponent has ASF but must hit this guy first, allowing the Keeper to hit unencumbered. If this guy survives as well... then thats just a bonus.

I love his model, particularly his hat thingy and hi spose is doing a lot of story telling. He's a little bit floaty over that rock though, which mightjust be a photo problem rather than a model problem.


The Khorne hero looks super cool... his rule is a strong meh and I think everyone would like to see Khorne move away from careful buff bubbles but hey ho...

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Just now, Enoby said:

I think he'll be really strong for just this reason - as well as a tactical piece to use. So long as you maximise his heroic sacrifice, you can take down some very expensive units at little cost. 

In fact, when you charge him and friends into a 'longer' unit, you can deny loads of attacks. The rule forces them to target him, but doesn't allow them to pile in when they'd normally be unable to. So if he's parked to the side of a unit, the opponent may only get a couple of attacks into him and would waste the rest. He'd likely survive, and then next turn (if that unit's alive), they'd either have to retreat or waste more attacks (or find a way to kill him before combat). 

I much prefer this over just some generic "give a friendly Hedonite model +1 to hit" or something. 

Ye will be interesting also if sigvald still fights at start of phase, have them both go in, sigvald still fights first and this guy just limits return damage

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Just now, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Slaanesh players have suffered under that old book for so long, really happy for you guys.

Don't speak too soon - we could end up with an even worse book 😂

(But I am hopefully this will be good - most 3e tomes have a lot of thought put into them. I really hope they sort out Dexcessa and Synessa - they have a lot of potential but very poorly designed rules for what they should represent.)

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5 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

I like the Lord of Hubris, he’s a fun character, but yeah, he’s perhaps not doing anything not already present in the list.

Would have loved to see a new version of this classic:   



I remember seeing this in someones massive Slaanesh army in an old White Dwarf and just though wow! It was this model and that hobbyist that made me plan to do a full army for each Chaos God.

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11 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

I like the Lord of Hubris, he’s a fun character, but yeah, he’s perhaps not doing anything not already present in the list.

Would have loved to see a new version of this classic:   



Wow, I remember this mini being a lot bigger. It's amazing what modern, purely plastic minis allows GW to do.

That said, I still think this dude is glorious (Juan Diaz really was the best sculptor of that era), and a modern day glow up of him/her/them would be brilliant. Let's hope that's what GW goes for in Slaanesh's AoS 4.0 release.

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Just a little detail but I think the Khorne BT cover illustration is one of the best of 3rd Ed. It has a grimdark feel and captures the rage and madness of Khorne pretty well. It looks a lot like the cover of the new World Eaters codex, and I'm pretty sure they were made by the same artist. GW needs to commission him/her/them more ! That artstyle is amazing and goes very well with Warhammer. 

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Just now, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Just a little detail but I think the Khorne BT cover illustration is one of the best of 3rd Ed. It has a grimdark feel and captures the rage and madness of Khorne pretty well. It looks a lot like the cover of the new World Eaters codex, and I'm pretty sure they were made by the same artist. GW needs to commission him/her/them more ! That artstyle is amazing and goes very well with Warhammer. 

Agreed. The Slaanesh one is fine, but I prefer a slightly less clean style for this sort of thing and the Khorne one hits the nail perfectly. It has a real sense of motion and brutality, and I love the slightly out of focus backdrop design for this sort of thing.

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22 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Agreed. The Slaanesh one is fine, but I prefer a slightly less clean style for this sort of thing and the Khorne one hits the nail perfectly. It has a real sense of motion and brutality, and I love the slightly out of focus backdrop design for this sort of thing.

The Slaanesh one is nice but yeah it's a little too smooth for my taste. The current BT cover for Slaanesh is much better imo. 

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18 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

I think the thunder was slightly stolen by this being leaked fully a few days ago. 

Haha, I have been so busy at work I had barely even realized it was coming out. Beyond the amazing cover art and vanguard box I need to remind myself that I cannot afford. 

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Love the Lord of Hubris and the Realmgore Ritualist. The Ritualist especially is exactly the type of variety I want to see in Blades of Khorne. And the updated Slaanesh range continues to impress. Obviously Skaven and Beasts of Chaos need it more but this makes me realise how much of an update Maggotkin and Disciples need on the mortals front.

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2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

The Slaanesh hero is fantastic, pelvic thrust and all, so much character. Good restraint on the amount of cruft, an appropriate Slaaneshi elegance.

The Khorne hero is fine, I guess? A bit busy tbh and I wouldn’t have said “terrain-focused slaughterpriest” would be a clamoured-for addition to the Khorne range. Seems a bit niche. Could work interestingly with the wider rules though.

Agreed that a Valkia resculpt would be cooler, she’s the only particularly interesting unique mortal character for the faction.

Arbaal was way cooler. 😋

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I am very much looking forward to seeing how GW handles the rules for Khorne and Slaanesh. Both of these books have the potential to be a huge win, they just have to stick the landing.

I'm a little surprised that they revealed those two times so soon. Perhaps the rapid push-out of the first 3 Spring battletomes bodes well for at least one of the death tomes coming with additional/updated models. 

There's been a number of tumor engines that are speculated to be FEC. Much as I'd love more OBR as well, I feel like this is less likely, and they'll probably just get the solo foot hero treatment. 

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2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

I like the Lord of Hubris, he’s a fun character, but yeah, he’s perhaps not doing anything not already present in the list.

Would have loved to see a new version of this classic:   



Yeah, that one was lovely… perhaps one could convert the Underworlds hero into something similar? That mini was an amazing model IMO. The new hero isn‘t my cup of tea (not enough armor, even if it makes sense in the context) but I don‘t play Slaanesh, so who cares - I hope he’s what Slaanesh fans wanted. 

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6 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

I am very much looking forward to seeing how GW handles the rules for Khorne and Slaanesh. Both of these books have the potential to be a huge win, they just have to stick the landing.

I'm a little surprised that they revealed those two times so soon. Perhaps the rapid push-out of the first 3 Spring battletomes bodes well for at least one of the death tomes coming with additional/updated models. 

There's been a number of tumor engines that are speculated to be FEC. Much as I'd love more OBR as well, I feel like this is less likely, and they'll probably just get the solo foot hero treatment. 

We've already seen both reboxed Soulblight and Ossiarchs, so the speed is probably just so that they can get:
-40k 10th Edition out in the Summer
-(Supposedly, although I'd consider Valrak a pretty reliable source) The Old World by the end of the year
-And probably the Cities refresh in Fall-December

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