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The Rumour Thread

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23 minutes ago, Draznak said:

Unless I missed an example, the text in rumor engine's article is never linked to the image shown. 

I keep my bet on AoS this time

These texts are new though, from this article

As part of a new initiative for 2023, the Rumour Engine is to be sponsored by several galactic interest groups to help foster co-operation between the stars.* 

So we don't know how relevant any of that is yet until they actually start matching up to miniatures.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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52 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

Kinda has a Slaaneshi evil incense/perfume vibe to it, but that sort of swirly smoke is fairly common, and the hand itself is very low detail, which suggests it might be pretty small, like an accompanying minion, or something.

Slaanesh was my first thought, but it's not from the silhouette we saw in the preview a week or two ago. Dare I hope Slaanesh are getting more than a single foot hero?

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51 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

Kinda has a Slaaneshi evil incense/perfume vibe to it, but that sort of swirly smoke is fairly common, and the hand itself is very low detail, which suggests it might be pretty small, like an accompanying minion, or something.

Could be something Shardspeak-like ?99070201025_HoSShardspeakerofSlaaneshFea

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7 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Slaanesh was my first thought, but it's not from the silhouette we saw in the preview a week or two ago. Dare I hope Slaanesh are getting more than a single foot hero?

My guess is that this is from Slaanesh... ... ...'s warband from Warcry: Nightmare Quest.

(And the previous silhouette was not Slaaneshi, but a Vampire from Warcry: Bloodhunt, would also be my guess.)

Edited by LordSolarMach
Adding clarity that something was also a guess and not a statement of fact.
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In regards to forgeworld dropping everything we never even got an upgraded bonegrinder warscroll. I know we don't expect much out of FW in regards to scrolls but because the bonegrinder doesn't have a mightest makes rightiest chart he only counts as 5 models like a normal monster.
If they are getting scrapped I'll just use my bonegrinder as a gatebreaker. Although Its unfortunate for my rogue idol and gitz stuff. I'll need to find something else to fill out the points in my trogg list, and probably change the bonesplitterz army I'm currently painting up.

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28 minutes ago, LordSolarMach said:

My guess is that this is from Slaanesh... ... ...'s warband from Warcry: Nightmare Quest.

(And the previous silhouette was not Slaaneshi, but a Vampire from Warcry: Bloodhunt, would also be my guess.)

If it is Slaanesh then warcry would also be my first guess (though the recent warcry bands have been pulling double duty as proper AoS units too, notably.)  Most of the current Slaaneshi potion bottles and such are rounded, unlike this squared off one, which might support the idea, as the god-marked warcry bands have both explored different aesthetic angles to the main lines so far.

Alternatively I would not be surprised to see a single foot hero with a perfume homonculus tagging along, pot grot style.

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1 hour ago, Lucentia said:

Kinda has a Slaaneshi evil incense/perfume vibe to it, but that sort of swirly smoke is fairly common, and the hand itself is very low detail, which suggests it might be pretty small, like an accompanying minion, or something.

I thought so too, now I'm hoping it's not Slaanesh so we can have "non-evil" incense 😅 it is kinda weird Slaanesh gets most of it when incense is a bit pan-religious. Just look at the censers in that Cities render.

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30 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Looks like it has four four fingers. 


@JackStreicher Got a portfolio anywhere? 😀

Nope - No time to build one up parallel to my main job :)

I made the digital Models for the TMS Vampire Covenant Kickstarter back in 2016/2017 and apart from that mainly freelance for the gaming industry and some Tabletop Clubs :)


Cool model, but he‘s sadly always a male and from 2 feet away looks indistinguishable from a normal Chaos warrior. - I am torn on this one (I also kitbashed my own version of one… so)


Edit: On a closer look: Does he have a blonde moustache?

Edited by JackStreicher
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These new Chaos Warriors look amazing, though I wonder how easy it’ll be to kitbash these guys with god specific weapons, such as the Myrmidesh/Symbaresh weapons, or the Khorne Berserker axes….

General @MitGas, Lady @Enoby, and Lord @Neverchosen, what do you guys and gal think?

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2 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Nope - No time to build one up parallel to my main job :)

I made the digital Models for the TMS Vampire Covenant Kickstarter back in 2016/2017 and apart from that mainly freelance for the gaming industry and some Tabletop Clubs :)


Cool model, but he‘s sadly always a male and from 2 feet away looks indistinguishable from a normal Chaos warrior. - I am torn on this one (I also kitbashed my own version of one… so)


Edit: On a closer look: Does he have a blonde moustache?

I’m gonna replace the head with Khagra’s from the Khagra’s Reavers kit. 

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3 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:


These new Chaos Warriors look amazing, though I wonder how easy it’ll be to kitbash these guys with god specific weapons, such as the Myrmidesh/Symbaresh weapons, or the Khorne Berserker axes….

General @MitGas, Lady @Enoby, and Lord @Neverchosen, what do you guys and gal think?

I wasn’t asked, however: pretty easy! I did it with the etb chaos warriors and tzeentch weapons and didn’t have an issue. The Halberd hands make it even easier.

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They look good but only 1 female head in the whole Chaos Warriors kit is a bit of a joke. Guess they want to stop us from buying it to make female Chaos Marines 😒 Also means I need to hunt down the Start Collecting box while it can still be found in small flgs and the like.

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37 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

I made the digital Models for the TMS Vampire Covenant Kickstarter back in 2016/2017 and apart from that mainly freelance for the gaming industry and some Tabletop Clubs :)


I looked this up and nice work. 🤘 Im a sucker for a vamp booty hanging out. Heh. Your blood knights were particularly cool. 

I really want to have a go at sculpting my own designs and possibly selling as well but I wont get too off topic here. 

There really are some absolutely stunning other mini lines out now. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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35 minutes ago, EonChao said:

They look good but only 1 female head in the whole Chaos Warriors kit is a bit of a joke. Guess they want to stop us from buying it to make female Chaos Marines 😒 Also means I need to hunt down the Start Collecting box while it can still be found in small flgs and the like.

To be fair, all the helmeted heads could be female. 

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6 minutes ago, MarkK said:

So these aren't the same Chaos warriors and Knights from the old start collecting box with an extra sprue for halberds and command options? They are a completely new kit with less head options, is that correct?

I think the Knights are the same as the start collecting, plus bits for champion, musician and standard bearer.

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6 hours ago, Causalis said:

Any rumours regarding my beloved Gloomspite Gitz? Release month? Possible rules? 

If my Stone Trolls don't get that 4+ save I riot. GW, they have LITERAL STONE AS SKIN. Who looked at that and said "Yeah, 5+ save seems a good idea". 

Also my predictions:

Spiderfang will get heavily buffed since they suck right now and GW wants to sell models. Gobapalooza will also be good. 

I have been hoping for the Gobbapalooza to gitz good for a while now. Hope this edition will be the one. I would be happy if i could run a decent magic heavy list.

Edit: i want to see what role snarlfang riders are getting most of all (and lore).

Edited by Gitzdee
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Just watched Loremaster Sotek talking about new models and while most of it is things we already knew or have speculated, he did bring something new that I didn't know. 


Skink Colchin(SP?) Riders were skinks that tamed Moa/Terror Bird/Emu like creatures in the Old World. This could be what the new Calvary model is.. it doesn't give us much more than a name but it's something new. 

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