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The Rumour Thread

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12 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:


True, but they usually get a warscroll and lore blurbs in the new tomes. Granted they’re not always great warscrolls, but I think they’re fun.

not really, the Rotmire and jade obelisk where not in Maggotkin or DoT hence they generally a seperate release and not always related to the tome release. it shouldn't affect an army getting or not getting a minimum foot hero as they are for a different game system.

just like how Underworld warbands while may or may not be in the tome is generally not tied to the army release and are seperate

Edited by novakai
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hmmmm so idk didnt have a tome for whole 2.0 for the excuse of old one being too new..... despite it being several months prior eddition and only like 1 month after dok, and they had a new tome in 2.0.


vampire tome was like just before 3.0 and they will get new tome and even sooner other factions lol


it isnt related to popularity nop.....


by the way, those old rumours seems fake since said next 2 death times would be fec and bones and they will be vampires and bones.

they were too good for my seraphons to be true sadly

Edited by Kitsumy
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i am assuming that this is the edition GW is normalizing their book release schedule, unlike the last edition where it was a mess and not every army got updated in time. they are most likely replicating their 40K schedule where every major army gets updated book and rules during a whole edition regardless of how old their previous book was.


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On 12/16/2022 at 4:11 PM, novakai said:

Skarsnik could come back when the book launches but then again they could pull a Yarrick and discontinue the model as well, you can never tell with GW.

I hope Skarsnik comes back. He's one of my favorite models since he's a 60mm base centerpiece in the center of a mob of grots. He just looks cool. He does fit in an awkward spot though of being a somewhat upgraded normal Loonboss. Maybe a different command ability that makes him more like a big Squig Herder or something.

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4 hours ago, dirkdragonslayer said:

I hope Skarsnik comes back. He's one of my favorite models since he's a 60mm base centerpiece in the center of a mob of grots. He just looks cool. He does fit in an awkward spot though of being a somewhat upgraded normal Loonboss. Maybe a different command ability that makes him more like a big Squig Herder or something.

We had four possibilities:

- He is removed forever (the common one with redundant models)

- He gets a new model (the other common option with unique models)

- He returns with the same model (Maneaters)

- He returns without a model (Fatemaster)


The Skarsnik model is a redundant one in the old Battletome so it is very easy to think that the first option is the correct this time.

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12 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

I do think that soulblight need new graveguard and probably black knights too.

I'd like both, particularly Grave Guard (we already have Blood Knights in the heavy cavalry role), but I fear that because they are both plastic kits they won't be a priority to update. It's a huge shame that Grave Guard look so much less impressive than their skeleton inferiors.

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6 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

This poses an interesting dilemma as they claimed folks would be able to use their old WHFB armies in the new game but I guess that won't apply to named characters? 

Whfb had a lot of generic leader options, maybe they could solve it like that.

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46 minutes ago, EntMan said:

I'm guessing we're probably not getting a preview article today? (No pre-orders on Christmas Eve)

But are we expecting anything at all today on WarCom?

My guess is a preview article reminding us about the Warhammer Quest expansions, the Boxing Day mini and then what's happening on Warhammer Plus and Warhammer Community this week

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29 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

This poses an interesting dilemma as they claimed folks would be able to use their old WHFB armies in the new game but I guess that won't apply to named characters? 

Maybe they'll create some sort of legend warscrolls for old special character but i think they'll go on making new mostly.
Some of them could be even back in a yonger form like the elves or dwarves (the current high king in the timeline should be Thorgrim's uncle iirc and probably we'll see a younger version of Thorgrim himself),Lizards,vampires  and TK should not be even affected by this.
Orcs and Goblins probably will have Gorbad Ironclaw back and some others.
Empire and Bretonnia will have ll new characters, probably prepping up to expand the story leading to the great chaos invasion of Asavar Kul(and maybe finally doing a Magnus the pious model).

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1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

TOW is at least 200 years earlier in the timeline before Skarsnik was "born" though.

Waaa of course, I’d totally forgotten! Well I’m feeling a little better about grabbing a Skarsnik sculpt last week before he went, at least. He was one of my favourite characters, growing up. 

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1 hour ago, EonChao said:

My guess is a preview article reminding us about the Warhammer Quest expansions, the Boxing Day mini and then what's happening on Warhammer Plus and Warhammer Community this week

Maybe even hype up the Christmas Day Reveal and mention the New Years teaser?

After all I do not expect a Community article next Sunday seeing as its Christmas and the employees should be off.


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3 minutes ago, EonChao said:

There are some good choices amongst there though. I might have to pick up that plastic Terminator Librarian to add to my Deathwing.

Yep, I'm tempted by the Armour Through The Ages. And also, like you the Librarian. Will have to see what price they stick on them though.

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