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The Rumour Thread

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1 hour ago, Mnil said:

FEC is getting whole new range next year. Remember my words.

Dont tempt us with those words...Im legit a range refresh away from pulling the trigger on FEC.

1 hour ago, DinoJon said:

Yay we're back! And @KingBrodd I'm beyond thrilled. 


I'm excited also that none of the other "seraphon" rumored engines were solved after this warband was revealed. 


It did confirm that the spear RE must be seraphon in origin.

Yes mate!! Im hoping those are new Sarus Warrior spears myself!!

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This was a great thing to wake up to. I thought TGA was gone for good. Lots of stuff has happened in the down time: an awesome Warcry box, more Seraphon on the way, a light touch but decent battlescroll update and now the Slaves to Darkness and Ogor pre-order announcement. Interestingly with those books out we will be back to not knowing what the next book will be. 


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Hoping now that Cursed City is basically over that they announce a new WHQ ala “Shadows over Hammerhal” but something like on a Dawncrusade with the heroes going through the magical architecture brought by the floating megalith and ramshackle buildings to uncover a Tzeentch misdirection plot to make the crusade collide with an ally(like the Lumineth who are now spreading out into the realms with their colonies).

It’d use older miniatures of course but the meat is the narrative world-building and allowing Cursed City models to be used as well with the heroes counting as having joined the crusade after saving and moving the living people from Ulfenkarn while the Soulblight forces can be used as expedition forces looking for a solution to the Vyrkos dynasty going mad from the Ghur energy while seeing the crusaders as a handy meal within the vast wastes of the Realm of Beasts that their Direwolf packs and zombifying giant local monsters can make short work of without your help.


Soulbound has multiple Excelsis, Dawncrusade and Ghur supplements in the works so they’d work together well.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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In theory as the first Warhammer Quest was 40K and then we had AoS it should return to 40K.


However CC has shown that we really have no clue how to predict things when it comes to the Quest line as CC has basically proven impossible to predict what GW would do with it at any stage. 

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2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

We also had confirmation that Cursed City's next expansion will be its last as well that there are no more minis for it.

I truly wonder if we are getting a Halloween announcement tomorrow.

So glad we are back!!! Seems like we are back and better than ever!! 

First, great find on the skeleton beard and Throgg. He’s a character I could see them bringing back. Which then makes me think, who would he be apart of. He could be a great centerpiece for new BOC refresh, but for some odd reason I feel he might fit in with these rumored chaos dwarves…. 

Second, the fact that the S2D release is coming much earlier than anticipated has me really optimistic we will get a new army before Christmas. A good guess might be to see something tomorrow (Halloween) . 

Here’s hoping!!

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My sympathies for fans of the fatties... feel like y'all have been shafted... 

"Here, look at all these new and shiny toys!! Ogors, here's some old stuff we found under the table for y'all though."

See ya again in 4 years. ✌

Still hoping the bloodpelt is on a 50mm and is what ogors will become going forward. 

My Condolences yall. 

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32 minutes ago, RandyRyan said:

Chaoooosssss! I’m wondering if the new StD box was moved up the schedule, wasn’t there a feeling it wasn’t coming until around Christmas?

There's a note in the Sunday Preview article that the special edition Tome has print errors in it so (aside from the huge leak) the StD has obviously not run to GW's plan.

"* Please note, this edition of the Slaves to Darkness battletome has a minor print error in English language versions only. There will be a small errata available next week alongside the pre-order."

Edited by EntMan
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38 minutes ago, RandyRyan said:

Chaoooosssss! I’m wondering if the new StD box was moved up the schedule, wasn’t there a feeling it wasn’t coming until around Christmas?

They said that StD will not receive the App update soon™. So, I think they are going to release them at the end of the year or a bit later 

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