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I've always thought that kruleboyz should have been launched as a 'standalone' army... orruks, yes, but different enough to be considered as a faction on its own (also in the lore), similar to what they did with 40k's new faction LoV. I feel that they are a bit poor with regard to their lore, their units range and their performance...

Some people keep asking for new destruction factions... Well, they released a new destruction "faction", and I think it should have been given some more personality and love.

Edited by Someravella
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7 minutes ago, Someravella said:

I've always thought that kruleboyz should have been launches as a 'standalone' army, orruks, but different enough (also in the lore) to be considered as a faction on its own (similar to what they did with 40k LoV). I feel that they are a bit poor with regard to their lore, their unit range and their performance.

Some people keeps asking for new destruction factions... Well, they released a new destruction "faction" and they should have been given some more personality and love.

Frankly, I still think consolidating all three Orruk armies into one book was a mistake.

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2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Everything with a skull and long fingernails I put down to Flesh-Eater Court Warband.

The royal banquet must be set! 🍖 

Could definitely be FEC, maybe a new Varghulf?

2 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

That hand looks huge, could be from some kind of Troggoth or maybe Avengorii hero?


1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:




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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

I would love for gitmob and grotbag to lean more into the crazy contraptions, warmachines and fast moving things. Loved the spear chukkas  doomdivers, pumpwagons etc. Things u wont see coming until you are already dead.

It would be a true challenge to include doom divers and pump wagons and still treat the faction as "something straight out of a nightmare, cunning and brutal or the other way around". How I see this is you can have a grot horror or doom divers - but not both.

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5 minutes ago, Flippy said:

It would be a true challenge to include doom divers and pump wagons and still treat the faction as "something straight out of a nightmare, cunning and brutal or the other way around". How I see this is you can have a grot horror or doom divers - but not both.

Maybe the grot side of Kruelboyz gets expanded upon into the Evil Sun-worshipping Gitmob, and that's where Doom Divers and Pump Wagons come in? There's already a "mechanical" bent to the KB, with their crossbows and bolt throwers.

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9 minutes ago, Flippy said:

It would be a true challenge to include doom divers and pump wagons and still treat the faction as "something straight out of a nightmare, cunning and brutal or the other way around". How I see this is you can have a grot horror or doom divers - but not both.

It might not be "something straight out of a nightmare" but narratively and ruleswise  the cunning portion is easy for them.
You make them into cunning pack hunters, that use strange contraptions to weaken the enemy while chasing, fading, and harassing the opponent until they're too exhausted to fight back. The fear of them will come from the fear of ever getting caught even slightly exposed, and how good they are at picking targets, since there are rarely any survivors.
For contraptions and war machines you make them all wagons. You embrace the old goblin wolf chariots, but combine it with the old war machines, so it fits the nomadic hunter flavor.
Doom divers can be less suicidal, and more like a ranged unit that shoots "fanatics". Instead of just shooting it lets you set up a model with offenses like a fanatic, and the hit roll affects how close to a unit you can place it.
With everything in the army mounted pump wagons would make sense, as its the only way snotlings could keep up, and you could use the light of hysh to explain how they got smart enough to build them.
Ruleswise you give them bonuses for flanking (more than 1 unit in melee), speed, double activations/extra pile ins, and bonuses for attacking wounded units as grots love kicking people when they're down.

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1 hour ago, Flippy said:

It would be a true challenge to include doom divers and pump wagons and still treat the faction as "something straight out of a nightmare, cunning and brutal or the other way around". How I see this is you can have a grot horror or doom divers - but not both.

I was thinking gloomspite for the horror and gitmob/grotbag for the mechanical. Sun and moon.

Edited by Gitzdee
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52 minutes ago, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

Maybe the grot side of Kruelboyz gets expanded upon into the Evil Sun-worshipping Gitmob, and that's where Doom Divers and Pump Wagons come in? There's already a "mechanical" bent to the KB, with their crossbows and bolt throwers.

I guess we will see since they also have the hobgrot side of the army that also primed for expansion if chaos dwarf ever get release

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It was mentioned above, but the Gloomspite novel does a great job of representing the horror of gitz.  It's something that I hope the new BT will show better on the table.  I think rather than spitting out a few, unrelated buffs, the Bad Moon should take what would otherwise be pretty bad units and buff them into something remarkable.  Sort of like the approach with Nighthaunt.  Nearly all NH units are pretty bad by themselves.  But they get really strong with all of the NH battle traits (Ethereal, Frightful Touch, debuffs on the charge, etc).  

And the Bad Moon should either just exist for the battle or at least be semi-controllable by the player.  Right now, it's a pretty big bummer to lose all of your battle traits to bad die rolls. 

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33 minutes ago, Ferban said:

It was mentioned above, but the Gloomspite novel does a great job of representing the horror of gitz.  It's something that I hope the new BT will show better on the table.  I think rather than spitting out a few, unrelated buffs, the Bad Moon should take what would otherwise be pretty bad units and buff them into something remarkable.  Sort of like the approach with Nighthaunt.  Nearly all NH units are pretty bad by themselves.  But they get really strong with all of the NH battle traits (Ethereal, Frightful Touch, debuffs on the charge, etc).  

And the Bad Moon should either just exist for the battle or at least be semi-controllable by the player.  Right now, it's a pretty big bummer to lose all of your battle traits to bad die rolls. 

The bad moon mechanic might work (although it would still be inconsistent) if the buffs it gave were strong enough. It would make the army a more random version of Idoneth in a way.
But at the moment gitz basically just don't have allegiance abilities without it, and the buffs aren't much stronger than what other armies get all the time.
I wouldn't mind seeing it like chaos marks in the current book. a minor passive ability for each subgroup all the time, (or maybe until the moon leaves the battlefield) and a huge buff when under it. Like trolls passively get +1 to save, but when under the moon they restore d3 slain models in the hero phase as their regeneration goes crazy.

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I like when I have a less than great day and get fun Warhammer news, it shows how hobbies can be a nice escape. 

I really did not expect a new Novel about a handsome heroic Chaos Lord opposing the restrictive rule of the God King of Order. 

More excitingly we get some much needed Ogor news and I can't wait to learn more about my frosty beast riders! 

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14 hours ago, Flippy said:

It would be a true challenge to include doom divers and pump wagons and still treat the faction as "something straight out of a nightmare, cunning and brutal or the other way around". How I see this is you can have a grot horror or doom divers - but not both.

Unless they pack enough damage to wipe the goofy grin off the opponent's face, once they hit? Maybe?

"Haha, look at these idiots! 



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16 hours ago, Flippy said:

It would be a true challenge to include doom divers and pump wagons and still treat the faction as "something straight out of a nightmare, cunning and brutal or the other way around". How I see this is you can have a grot horror or doom divers - but not both.

I dunno, if you can make fanatics work, you could do the same for doom divers at least. Make them blitzed out of their tiny green heads on mushrooms, so they can’t wait to be launched into the sky.

I think people are treating that whole horror angle to Gloomspite as somehow mutually exclusive to any humour. They’re meant to have both, that’s pretty core to their identity, a nasty grubby black humour. Do it right and one aspect accentuates the other.

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Well i for one still fondly remember the old WHF times when Orcs'n Gobbos were the absolute clowns in an already funny world. 

Mushroom eating gobbos,Snotlings (!). Hillarious!

But along came the success of 40k and now everything is grimm dark... fantasy. 

*Swings around cane while muttering weird words into non existing beard*




Anyone else getting old Keeper of Secrets vibes from the new thundertusk monstrous rampage? I mean it is less flexible but man, big, fast guys handing out ASL is NASTY!

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15 minutes ago, Koala said:

Anyone else getting old Keeper of Secrets vibes from the new thundertusk monstrous rampage? I mean it is less flexible but man, big, fast guys handing out ASL is NASTY!

Wonder if the beastclaw stuff will be debuff heavy, to represent the environmental effects of the everwinter. Strike last, minuses to hit and wound, reduced movement/charge/runs etc.

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44 minutes ago, Koala said:

Well i for one still fondly remember the old WHF times when Orcs'n Gobbos were the absolute clowns in an already funny world. 

100% I'd be very disappointed if goblins lost all their silliness. This whole game should be fun and I think have some un-serious minis emphasizes that.

The new goblins are already more serious than they used to be.

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Glad people are still caring about Gitz, havent had a good talk about them for a while now. Cant wait to see what happens. I'm all ok for them keeping their silliness, just want to also be able to put them on the table and feel like they mean business and not just happened to be there for fun (orruks got that covered). If only we had a tome that could actually hurt someone, that would be great. i cant wait to hear some actual rumours about them. 

Has Whitefang been active lately or did i miss something?

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25 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Glad people are still caring about Gitz, havent had a good talk about them for a while now

Not going to lie, I will go ALL IN if they release Grotbag Scuttlers.
I don't care if they are a theme in gloomspite or a totally new army, I will buy all of them!!

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18 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

I was thinking gloomspite for the horror and gitmob/grotbag for the mechanical. Sun and moon.

Evil Sun - Bad Moon dichotomy could be nice. But then you have spiderfang grots to add and may just as well end with another Warclans tome, with three separate & underdeveloped factions. 

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