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11 hours ago, HollowHills said:


So it seems like this is about Warcry.

Let's see if we can put it together with the other clues we have:



Skull - Literally every warhammer faction Probably OBR? Would explain the icon at Ven Talax' Path. Could be Deathrattle skeletons, which would be cool but seems unlikely given the Vampire Lady further down the list.

Red Face - It's a Tengu mask, right? Angry red monsters usually mean Khorne, but since that's a bird demon it might hint at Tzeentch. Both are represented on the map (Khorne half cut off in the bottom right). We saw that Tzeentch obelisk rumour engine so I would suspect them to make an appearance somewhere.

Vampire Lady - Must be Gravelords. Matches Dreadfang's Tower.

Moon - Gloomspite Gitz, matches the Great Stinkhorn.

Trophy - Hard to say. Trophy-hunting Ogors? FEC grail knights? Skaven because they are the best, yes-yes?

Lizard - Seraphon, which we already know about.

Steam Ship - Vampirates confirmed again! Kharadron? Doesn't really match anything on the map.

Dancer - Nothing really comes to mind. Woodelf shadow dancers/war dancers are the closest thing I can think of.

Goat - Seems like Beasts of Chaos. They are not on the map, though.

Mining tools - The Cities forces of Camp Fortune. Hopefully a cool mix of dwarves and freeguild.the


That still leaves us with a few map icons unaccounted for, like Cracktoof Gulch and Spinecrawler Webs.

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12 hours ago, novakai said:

If I recalled last time Hollow was wrong about Gitz, where in reality it was Ogors as the 4th tome shrug

you guys sure your not looking at what you want to see and not just caving in to the blurry-ness of the artwork? Why would it be Rhinox in the first place

Its 100% a Rhinox mate. There is no minis but thats just what it is.

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54 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I believe so.

OBR, Khorne, Gravelords, Gitz, FEC (?), Seraphon, KO, ???, Beasts, Cities/Dwarves

I think that is all of them plus a new faction.

Yeah mate for Order its; COS, KO and Seraphon.

Chaos is; BOC, Khorne and Slaneesh.

Death is; FEC, OBR and Soulblight.

Destruction is Gitz.

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Cool conversion, I'd say it improves the original...



In other news: My bad mood got worse! Where is the Tzeentch tome? We got a preview of the Ogor one now, what the heck... heads need to start rolling for this! It's hard being an entitled fan these days. 

And for those that wanna say nice stuff now, I'll quote my favorite video game character (although 80s Skeletor would fit as well, too):

"Wait," he says? Do I look like a waiter?


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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

What armies do we think are getting more than hero + tome?

I think FEC, Seraphon and Gitz are getting a small wave next year.

I expect BOC to get a huge update at the end of the edition.

I completely agree with this statement mate. Seraphon update, FEC and Gitz Wave 2 and a massive BOC update!!

31 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:




ARACHNAROK SKULL!! Oh boy guys this is either a new Gitz unit or Warcry Terrain!!

Or as @Gitzdee says the new Incarnate!!

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17 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I completely agree with this statement mate. Seraphon update, FEC and Gitz Wave 2 and a massive BOC update!!

ARACHNAROK SKULL!! Oh boy guys this is either a new Gitz unit or Warcry Terrain!!

Or as @Gitzdee says the new Incarnate!!

I don't think it's terrain as the eyes are glossy and painted as alive. 

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4 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Trophy - Hard to say. Trophy-hunting Ogors? FEC grail knights? Skaven because they are the best, yes-yes?

Skaven would be an interesting catch.

if clan morskritt gets more fluffed out in the skaven range, I could see them being the survivors of their ancestors of clan Mors, which were known to take-plunder trophies from all kinds of factions, especially those of the beard-things.

at one points it was even stated that clan mors owned more plundered dwarfen rune bearers, that were used for their accursed banners, then the dwarf had left 

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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