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2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

A Nito crossover with Dark Souls?


In all seriousness, my guess is Cursed City expansion.

Ill throw 2 possibilities out here. The picture is rotated 90 degrees, and its a skeleton laying down on Fire. 


Remember those weird 3 fingered creatures with bone accents, that seemed to be climbing around in somethings hair?  This seems like it could be part of the same aesthetic, of bone ornamentation tangled in somethings hair or mane. 


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My money’s on FEC.

Either Warcry leader with a huge back mane he treats as a king’s cape(skeletons in it regal ivory decorations)as he leads his noble soldiers from the Fanged Tower into th Gnarlwoods to hunt Chaos and monsters.


Or due to the size it could be UnderWorlds FEC and the monsters we saw in the artwork opposing Hexbane. Having grown considerably bigger and madder from consuming Ulgu bones and whatever shadow daemon substances they found at the ocean floor.

Would be fitting as from the first FEC tome one of the origin stories was a Ulgu prince that hid in shrouded caves during the Age of Chaos and contracted the madness by starving in the depths so began spreading it in the shadow realm from there.

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50 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:


My favorite part of this video has to be when Villitch reveals that he ambushed his ambushers. It’s pure Tzeentchian ****** at its finest.

edit: I now regret buying the “Art of Total War Warhammer” book, as it is now incomplete. Here’s hoping a new one comes out when all the dlc has been released.

Edited by Loyal Son of Khemri
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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

Lots of pictures of the old butcher. Are they trying to make the most of it before it is replaced? 

*IF* we get a new ogre butcher model, it would be in an Underworlds/Warcry warband. And of course they wouldn't reveal a new warband by way of PDF.

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Refreshing the Butcher into Plastic can be tricky though considering that it has two variants ( regular and with meat caldron) and I am guessing they would prefer it was one kit with both options available in the box or they would scrap the caldron option completely. It probably easier to redo something like the Icebrow hunter or the Firebelly when it come to one off heroes at least that would be my running theory. 

it can also just be a brand new hero too

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2 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Swear down that pic contains all old models including the Butcher, if GW release that as a Warband with a Finecast model Im going gather a Waaagh! and storm Nottingham.

If they can pump out, as of now, 12 unique Warbands with over 100 models, they can redo a single model that is old as.


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Would be nice for mawtribes to get a hunter priest or another foot priest so you don't have to shell out 300 points every time you wanna cast a prayer .


Whatever the case the mawtribes book can't come fast enough for me. Hoping it's a good update 

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4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Best Rumour Engine we've had in months!!

Please GW, Please give us proper Werewolves for AOS. After Radukhar we know you can do it!!

I cannot wait to see the new Mega. I am so damn excited!!

This is an excellent guess mate!! Id love to ser more FEC.


Proper werewolves added to destruction or death would certainly be awesome. Weirdly enough there is fluff backing for multiple factions.


Order had the old world "children of Ulric" werewolves , order aligned werewolves is weird but could be a great concept .


Death has the blood bowl teams with werewolves on there . (Even though blood bowl is its own universe)


Chaos has skinwolves , which were a fantastic kit that should honestly come back .


Destruction, non chaos aligned beast people honestly feels significantly overdue . Just actual forces of nature that fight off the encroaching forces of order but don't align with the corruption of chaos 

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12 minutes ago, Skoll said:

Proper werewolves added to destruction or death would certainly be awesome. Weirdly enough there is fluff backing for multiple factions.


Order had the old world "children of Ulric" werewolves , order aligned werewolves is weird but could be a great concept .


Death has the blood bowl teams with werewolves on there . (Even though blood bowl is its own universe)


Chaos has skinwolves , which were a fantastic kit that should honestly come back .


Destruction, non chaos aligned beast people honestly feels significantly overdue . Just actual forces of nature that fight off the encroaching forces of order but don't align with the corruption of chaos 

The Skin Changers is a perfect Faction for Destruction.

Make them similar to Wildlings from Game of Thrones or Wildmen of Dundland from Lord of The Rings, but with the power of Lycanthropy.

Troops are just basic wild people backed up by AOS versions of Wolves and Bears with Werewolves and Werebears leading them!!

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2 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

The Skin Changers is a perfect Faction for Destruction.

Make them similar to Wildlings from Game of Thrones or Wildmen of Dundland from Lord of The Rings, but with the power of Lycanthropy.

Troops are just basic wild people backed up by AOS versions of Wolves and Bears with Werewolves and Werebears leading them!!

GW would need to avoid semblance to the real world mythicism better than Rowling, but I think GW has moved away from the times of Pigmies and slave girls and they might be less offensive.

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24 minutes ago, Skoll said:

Order had the old world "children of Ulric" werewolves , order aligned werewolves is weird but could be a great concept .


Death has the blood bowl teams with werewolves on there . (Even though blood bowl is its own universe)

If Order wanted them they could mix it with the current Ghur magic causing some people to go feral and mutate and mix with how the Vanguard Stormcasts got their wind & teleport powers:

“They are imbued with the death cry of Ulfdengnarl, the Great Wolf of the Howling Winds, a godbeast slain by Sigmar in the Age of Myth whose final wail was encased in crystal. As Stormcast Eternals, they continue their hunt for enemy officers, whilst demonstrating all of the Great Wolf ’s instincts for pursuing and destroying prey.”

-Champions of Order supplement.

Have then mutate into golden armored Blaidd’s as demigod wolves



And Death already has werewolf vampires with the Vyrkos and their bloodline sire the God-beast Hrunspuul, Hound of the Cairns:

“Age of Myth
In Shyish ancient legends claim that the Vyrkos Dynasty of Soulblight was not created by a vampire, but instead created by the undead Godbeast Hrunspuul after the woman known as Belladamma Volga made a pact with it, becoming the first of the Vyrkos.”

So they already got wolves covered.


I agree though Destruction needs more neutral beast people after Slaves to Darkness took so many like the Ogroids.

God-beast children ranging from wolves, double-headed sharkfolk and the Aetar great eagle people who live on the highest peaks of Ghur with their avian forms covered in armor & jewelry would be great break-out factions to go alongside Kragnos & Sons as something more than just Ogors & greenskins.

33 minutes ago, Skoll said:

Whatever the case the mawtribes book can't come fast enough for me. Hoping it's a good update 

Probably unpopular opinion but I’m okay if it comes out with the other Tomes next year.

If they line it up with the Season of War going on to siege the great Gutfort north of Thondia  then they could do a proper meaty update of siege Ogors defending their bastion.(with the gnarlwoods design video noting it’s been in the concept pipeline since the Realmgate Wars I’m hopeful that means the giant shield-wall Ogors that appeared in the books too show up as mobile fortresses)

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31 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

I agree though Destruction needs more neutral beast people after Slaves to Darkness took so many like the Ogroids

Or just beasts, creatures, and monsters usable by all of destro. 


1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:


You know what company youre yelling at, right?...😂 

Oi, it has been pretty lackluster imo. Dont get me wrong, I absolutely fell for kruleboyz the moment i saw them but the lack of other destro is unfortunate. 

Perhaps all the wispers of production/shipping issues took its toll on destros plans. We'll never know. But something new would be a real treat. 

Kruleboyz are essentially just leaner and smarter orruks and mega gargants are, well, just bigger gargants. i felt a little cheated as it was one (one!) Kit for a new faction, if they can even be called new, and I dont even collect them. Pretty sure I recall reading somewhere kruliez dont even like gargants but I may be wrong. 😜






Oh... wait, we got a thunder pony. My bad. 😏

Till then I'm just over here enjoying my Morruks patiently waiting for new tools and to get the 4th edition nighthaunt treatment. Heh. 

Oh, and those shnazzy new kroots. 

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53 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

GW would need to avoid semblance to the real world mythicism better than Rowling, but I think GW has moved away from the times of Pigmies and slave girls and they might be less offensive.

Oh was something I posted offensive? I apologise if so.

52 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:


Probably unpopular opinion but I’m okay if it comes out with the other Tomes next year.

If they line it up with the Season of War going on to siege the great Gutfort north of Thondia  then they could do a proper meaty update of siege Ogors defending their bastion.(with the gnarlwoods design video noting it’s been in the concept pipeline since the Realmgate Wars I’m hopeful that means the giant shield-wall Ogors that appeared in the books too show up as mobile fortresses)

If they end up laying siege to the Great Gutfort, terrible decision, I truly hope that means 2 things.

Ogor range refresh and DEFINITELY give us a Globb Glittermaw model!! Its his home he has to get a model after all Ogors have zero character models in AOS.

Shield Wall Ogors would be epic. Give us monstrous brutes!!

Ill also be Gargantually annoyed if they manage to destroy the Fort. Give Destruction a win for once.

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6 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Oh was something I posted offensive? 

Epidermis Pedestrians are a very real part of certain indigenous American culture and folklore, even saying the actual name is taboo. Using them in fantasy/horror fiction has fallen out of favor in recent years because of the insensitivity to the subject.

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12 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

Epidermis Pedestrians are a very real part of certain indigenous American culture and folklore, even saying the actual name is taboo. Using them in fantasy/horror fiction has fallen out of favor in recent years because of the insensitivity to the subject.

Dude, we’re playing a game of demons and sorcerers. If DND can get away with saying that Djinn believe slavery is okay, and just about every major faith can be mocked to hell and back, we can have skin walkers as a faction.

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@zilberfridWithout using the "native american ones" skinchangers existed in norse myths as Ulfhednar\berserkr (is not the same but the whole idea of lycantrophy is changing the skin,many european countries got something like that) so they could just expand them like the old chaos skinwolves....the native myths are also more different and not just "skinchangers" but more like some possession monster.

Also imho destruction has to expand with new "greenskins lookalike" from folklore and mythical lookalike that mesh wells with the old "ogre+troll+orcs+goblins" idea (every country got some legends about impish and brutish creatures).
We got 8 realms the greenskin\Troggoths and Ogor should have adapted in some way like Krulez did.
Liking also the idea of some species native to ghur like Birdmen or barbarian tribes.

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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5 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

Dude, we’re playing a game of demons and sorcerers. If DND can get away with saying that Djinn believe slavery is okay, and just about every major faith can be mocked to hell and back, we can have skin walkers as a faction.

Brodd asked a question about the context of whether something they said was offensive.

i just gave context.

D&D doing something problematic with optional monster and lore is neither the same as, or grounds to make it acceptable for, GW to do something culturally appropriative and misrepresentative.


im not against the theme design by any means but we can just call them werewolves or lycanthropes or something entirely unrelated to the real world terminology and lore.

Edited by Sahrial
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29 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

Epidermis Pedestrians are a very real part of certain indigenous American culture and folklore, even saying the actual name is taboo. Using them in fantasy/horror fiction has fallen out of favor in recent years because of the insensitivity to the subject.

Thank you for informing me of this. I meant no offense and used the terminology from LOTR and Nordic mythology.

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21 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

Brodd asked a question about the context of whether something they said was offensive.

i just gave context.

D&D doing something problematic with optional monster and lore is neither the same as, or grounds to make it acceptable for, GW to do something culturally appropriative and misrepresentative.


im not against the theme design by any means but we can just call them werewolves or lycanthropes or something entirely unrelated to the real world terminology and lore.

It's a game about war though. Comes with the territory that some narrative aspects about it are in a way insensitive by design (e.g. slavery...) or challenging subject matter at least. Perhaps one example: let's say a bunch of good people get enslaved by an evil faction. Now, with more ethnic representation in the new minis, there might not only be white-skinned slaves. Is this now offensive when it's also in a very wrong way inclusive?

I think it's best to not actively seek out to be offended in these matters and give the game/story some wiggle room without instantly denouncing it - or the creatives behind it - because designers in the past were insensitive. Not everything that can be seen as insensitive comes from a malicious place.

That's all I'm saying about it.  Don't poopoo on my Khemri friend.



Your triggers are.webp

Edited by MitGas
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