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  1. That last bit feels so whacky . It's always wild to me when people go "AoS is too complex" then jump into 40k with it's burgeoning rules bloat . To play 40k properly you have to know the core rules, your book rules, the basic CP book rules. A dozen CP rules from your own army for situational and bread and butter combos, then the what almost hundreds of possible CP usage combinations from the twenty something factions in addition to all their own gimmicky rules ? Boy does it feel weird when you learn to play the rulebook and half a dozen armies say "those rules don't apply to me"
  2. I'd rather know earlier . Specially if purchases are gonna be needed. I'd rather know a profile is gonna be improved and have the chance to pick up a box than wait until suddenly every meta chaser buys out 5 and leaves nothing on the shelves
  3. Don't know if anybody remembers it as it's a game that died 20 years ago. But the wolfen of Yllia from confrontation were basically the ideal of a destruction aligned army. They were a force of nature not a cohesive force with a specific goal. They were a people who lived in "harmony" with the land and were fiercely territorial . Despising other factions encroaching on their territory , and eschewing the trappings or civilization . The only exceptions they made was they traded for weapons with the dwarves of that universe . Something similar as a new destruction faction would honestly be ideal . Without the need to be gorkamorka aligned and perpetually having to go on "notawaaghweswear"
  4. GW has been playing footsies with werewolves as unit for ages now . They should go ahead and release them. I'm extra mad that they dropped skin wolves ... Specially since I own 12. Honestly solid argument for gw to release werewolf unit for any faction. Chaos skin wolves Death has the necromantic team werewolf Order has sons of Ulric as old world order aligned wolf people Destruction: beast people that aren't BoC , for the whole era of the beast and the whole ghur turning you bestial, etc
  5. I would have loved season of the beast to be an opportunity for some more bestial ogre designs as they are changed by steeping in the energies of ghur not only from the ambient but all the stuff they inevitably shove down their gullets. Some gnoll looking ogres would be sweet (gnolls being another race known for insatiable hunger ) It would have been nice to see a glutton warscroll and model rehash . And the gorgers too please :/. Unsure why gw thinks another hunter was the way to go for what the battle time or army needed
  6. The problem is them being galletians and their already meagre survivability being cut further by all the bounty hunters out there
  7. Oh no , he would destroy his knee with that hammer!
  8. The tournament circuit for MTG coupled with collector value and secondary market are leagues above GW. NVM that people still will totally play casually with proxy printed cards. You can play at most ITC events with fully 3d printed armies and nobody bats an eye because GW is still very hesitant about directly involving itself in the tournament scene. And even the tournaments with restrictions you'd be hard pressed to tell painted 3d printed armies from real ones, specially if you sprinkle bits around . If you try to show up even to FNM with fake cards in your deck they'll have you drawn and quartered. Really completely different games and play atmosphere . In MTG the community has a vested interest in their cards retaining value , and the company abides by this, GW has zero interest in letting your army retain resale value . So people are more willing to find ways to circumvent the cost of playing the game
  9. Proper werewolves added to destruction or death would certainly be awesome. Weirdly enough there is fluff backing for multiple factions. Order had the old world "children of Ulric" werewolves , order aligned werewolves is weird but could be a great concept . Death has the blood bowl teams with werewolves on there . (Even though blood bowl is its own universe) Chaos has skinwolves , which were a fantastic kit that should honestly come back . Destruction, non chaos aligned beast people honestly feels significantly overdue . Just actual forces of nature that fight off the encroaching forces of order but don't align with the corruption of chaos
  10. Would be nice for mawtribes to get a hunter priest or another foot priest so you don't have to shell out 300 points every time you wanna cast a prayer . Whatever the case the mawtribes book can't come fast enough for me. Hoping it's a good update
  11. After a month of digesting the new ghb what's the consensus are foot ogres still shooting ourselves in the foot ? I tried some glutton heavy lists and they hit harder than after the coherency change that's for sure . But I feel very much the weight of a lot properly planned out books , with overall low rend they are bouncing off of most things it feels and their killing potential for their cost doesn't match other offensively focused armies . Honestly I'd like gluttons to go down to 4 man base, and then reinforcing to 8 to trigger improved mortals on charge. As of now reinforcing a unit of gluttons leaves you with a relatively lack luster 500 point brick
  12. oh dont get me wrong I like em, its just that with hitting on 4+ when rest of army is on 3+ and paper thin saves all with lesser support. they are a tough sell in most lists, because like you said the army eats points
  13. yetis, gorgers and thundertusks fall solidly in alright. I've also never seen anyone recommend the 3rd mawtribe which isnt bloodgullet or underguts. So I guess there is that
  14. I see you must be the man that beat me to some of my planned purchases. Just as a note. the werewolves are almost all on 40mm bases and are about the same height as ogres except for the special ones which go from slightly larger than a glutton to significantly taller than a tyrant. I'm currently running an army made up of the old rackham plastic wolfen and these new wrath of kings stuff. One day i'll finish painting it and basing it and post pics
  15. With blood gullet, i find that im already casting the 4 spells i want to cast, rib cracker, blood feast, greasy deluge and the maw. I know the attack has only 3 dice but it seems our foot heroes are capping at that or getting split attack profiles. Not trying to be combative , it just seems like if the tyrant is already in the list giving him basically as near as guarantee as possible to his striking power isnt a waste. It's played out well vs KO where even iron guts seem to bounce off as long as the opponent has decent rolling
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