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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The interesting tidbits.

Nothing new there, but I like that they made it explicitly clear that Harshut is a Dwarf deity first and foremost. This does make me think we'll see the Chorfs sooner rather than later. For all the take of Malekith/Malerion, we've never had any of his goons directly appear on the tabletop the way the Horns are.

I'm pretty sure they will come with the second Kruleboyz wave centred in Hobgrots. 2023 is the date

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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The interesting tidbits.

Nothing new there, but I like that they made it explicitly clear that Harshut is a Dwarf deity first and foremost. This does make me think we'll see the Chorfs sooner rather than later. For all the take of Malekith/Malerion, we've never had any of his goons directly appear on the tabletop the way the Horns are.

The references to a campaign in Thondia also make me think we'll see them before the end of 3.0 at the latest.

A possible time for the Chorfs would be the 4.0 release, we have had chaos, death and now destruction as the other side to Stormcasts, so if it is not order Vs order it would be a good way to launch 4.0 with a classic chaos army 

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Is @Nezzhil our new rumour munger? As for Warcry, I'd be willing to bet that the third warband is the Chaos Legionnaires. I'd love to be proven wrong though. 

edit- I just realized that a third warband means more than 8 in the first year which is pretty exciting. 

Edited by Chikout
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4 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Is @Nezzhil our new rumour munger? As for Warcry, I'd be willing to bet that the third warband is the Chaos Legionnaires. I'd love to be proven wrong though. 

edit- I just realized that a third warband means more than 8 in the first year which is pretty exciting. 







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The one thing that gives me pause on Chorfs being soon is Horns being part of the leaked Slaves To Darkness Battletome, but not the Rotmire Creed (who will presumably be taken by Maggotkin). They had no problems keeping World Eaters out of the new Chaos Space Marine book due to them coming in the future and the writing being on the wall, so it seems odd they'd not do the same with Horns and StD.

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21 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The one thing that gives me pause on Chorfs being soon is Horns being part of the leaked Slaves To Darkness Battletome, but not the Rotmire Creed (who will presumably be taken by Maggotkin). They had no problems keeping World Eaters out of the new Chaos Space Marine book due to them coming in the future and the writing being on the wall, so it seems odd they'd not do the same with Horns and StD.

 I'd argue that much like the Hobgrots in the Kruleboyz, the Horns of Hashut are a strange mix of test model/preview of what's to come. So far with each model tied to Chorfs we've been given vague hints about the (hopefully) upcoming faction and how they operate in the mortal realms. Hobgrots taught us that the chorfs trade their scrap metal and "poor quality" works to other factions in return for slaves. The Horns of Hashut show us that Hashut runs "daemon forges," which presumably pump out the various daemon weapons and engines used by the Slaves to Darkness and other factions. Both kits have a strange "industrial Middle Eastern/Mesopotamian" feel to their armor and weapons, and have access to grenades and flamethrowers. While the writing may not be as "on the wall" as The World Eaters, it is becoming increasingly clear that Chaos Dwarfs are coming to the Mortal Realms, and it looks like they're bringing a whole lot of new toys for chaos to play with.

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23 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

 I'd argue that much like the Hobgrots in the Kruleboyz, the Horns of Hashut are a strange mix of test model/preview of what's to come. So far with each model tied to Chorfs we've been given vague hints about the (hopefully) upcoming faction and how they operate in the mortal realms. Hobgrots taught us that the chorfs trade their scrap metal and "poor quality" works to other factions in return for slaves. The Horns of Hashut show us that Hashut runs "daemon forges," which presumably pump out the various daemon weapons and engines used by the Slaves to Darkness and other factions. Both kits have a strange "industrial Middle Eastern/Mesopotamian" feel to their armor and weapons, and have access to grenades and flamethrowers. While the writing may not be as "on the wall" as The World Eaters, it is becoming increasingly clear that Chaos Dwarfs are coming to the Mortal Realms, and it looks like they're bringing a whole lot of new toys for chaos to play with.

Oh I definitely think they're coming and sooner than M*lerion's E*ves at that, but I don't think they're on the doorstep. My guess is late 2023/early 2024.

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4 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The interesting tidbits.

Nothing new there, but I like that they made it explicitly clear that Harshut is a Dwarf deity first and foremost. This does make me think we'll see the Chorfs sooner rather than later. For all the references to Malekith/Malerion, we've never had any of his goons directly appear on the tabletop the way the Horns are.

The references to a campaign in Thondia also make me think we'll see them before the end of 3.0 at the latest.

Imo the latest we see them is the starter box for 4.0, also they're calling him a dwarven deity, not a chaos god, which is interesting to me. I think it would be super cool if they ended up in destruction instead of chaos.

4 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

I'm pretty sure they will come with the second Kruleboyz wave centred in Hobgrots. 2023 is the date

honestly I imagine the second wave of hobgrots will be allied with the chaos dwarves and maybe not the kruleboyz (although they might be allowed to pull double duty). The impression I got from kruleboyz was that the hobgrots were closer to the chorves than the orruks, which matches how they were in fantasy too.

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14 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

Imo the latest we see them is the starter box for 4.0, also they're calling him a dwarven deity, not a chaos god, which is interesting to me. I think it would be super cool if they ended up in destruction instead of chaos.

honestly I imagine the second wave of hobgrots will be allied with the chaos dwarves and maybe not the kruleboyz (although they might be allowed to pull double duty). The impression I got from kruleboyz was that the hobgrots were closer to the chorves than the orruks, which matches how they were in fantasy too.

Would hobgrots be not only dual faction, but also dual grand alliance? I think that's a first.

If GW starts doing that, Dawnbringer crusade might be more than an unmitigated disaster for Cities.

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5 hours ago, Sahrial said:

I understand that chorfs have a very vocal following, but I gotta say, looking at some of those old models…

they might be better off staying dead.

that’s some Harry Potter Goblins level 😬😬😬

I thought the old chorfs were based on babylonian reliefs, and for the sculpt quality of the time it's not a bad attempt.

Newer chorfs were quite different, and I can't see what would be wrong with those.

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4 hours ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

Okay, wall of text warning.

At this point it seems clear to me that Chorfs coming isn't a meme (which admittedly in itself has become a meme, especially the notion that any announcement from GW would be a Chorf announcement in disguise. Well, at least on this board anyway. Or at least posted by me 😝) - "Marching ahead of his legendary duardin legions", "humans that make up the Horns of Hashut have spent their lives living among the Chaos-worshipping Duardin", it's all very cleverly teasing Chorfs (and let's be real, if Squats can return so can Chorfs - and people said memes can't make GW reproduce squatted armies!). Of course, I am sure you all have in the last 4 hours already discussed this to death and although I believe that hyping Chorfs constitutes a personality trait, I'm sure others are tired of it. Sooo, I won't mention the fact that there's not a single Chorf in that warband 😜

No, what I actually want to write about is Hashut himself. I love Hashut. And because of that I know I'll love Horns of Hashut too, regardless if they have Chorfs in them or not. In a way, by making the Horns of Hashut human, GW has maybe brought the themes that Hashut satirize and parody much closer to us than by masking them through a fantasy race. I've in the past mentioned how much I adore (as one can adore 'baddies') Hashut's aspect of brutal industrialisation. Akin to how Saruman in the Lord of the Rings was Tolkien commenting on the destruction of the British countryside in the name of smog-filled "progress" that would lead to the killing fields of Verdun, Hashut and his children fill the same niche in Warhammer. Chorfs in Fantasy were the military-industrial complex and a sort of dark satire of the industrial revolution - technological progress decided first and foremost by answering the question "How can this make us wage war better?". I am glad to see aspects of that return - Hashut is still the god of this dark industrialisation, patron of a mindset that in the real world created the horrors of Scramble for Africa and the World Wars. Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate. When the Sigma(r) males play checkers and Tzeentch chess, my boy Hashut has just brought his copy of Civ VI out and is making you question whether geedubs is clever enough to comment on the foundations of Western economic and political hegemony but sike, as you weren't looking Hashut grabbed your capital and enslaved your people before turning your mansion into a forge.

He's evil, he represents evil, its fun to play as the evil guys, I love Hashut.

Tldr; Horns of Hashut are cool because Hashut is a real piece of work.


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4 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The one thing that gives me pause on Chorfs being soon is Horns being part of the leaked Slaves To Darkness Battletome, but not the Rotmire Creed (who will presumably be taken by Maggotkin). They had no problems keeping World Eaters out of the new Chaos Space Marine book due to them coming in the future and the writing being on the wall, so it seems odd they'd not do the same with Horns and StD.

They're probably not out this edition, but I'm sure we'll see them within 5-ish years!

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5 hours ago, Sahrial said:

I understand that chorfs have a very vocal following, but I gotta say, looking at some of those old models…

they might be better off staying dead.

that’s some Harry Potter Goblins level 😬😬😬

There's a reason why I haven't bought that Chorf army book cover shirt merch yet...

To be fair towards GW, it was a different time and white nerds in the 90s didn't really ask questions like that. They are however 100% redesigning them for a future release to avoid the REALLY yikes connotations. I don't believe Chorfs are in itself problematic - they're an inverse of Fantasy's dwarves which in turn riff on generic fantasy tropes which are based on the folkloric dvergar from Norse myths. So I don't see them the same way as HP's goblins which...well...the less said about them the better.

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37 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

Coily haired, gold obsessed people with huge grinning teeth, very prominent noses, and little horns, coupled with the Mesopotamian/Babylonian aesthetic is… pointed.

While I'm normally quite wary of GW's portaying, these are babylonian reliefs.relief-depicting-king-shalmaneser-iii-858-824-bc-of-assyria-meeting-a-babylonian-stone-assyrian.jpg.9ab54912e5f154434ac80b922064d807.jpg1186426563_0a0ec05db4_b.jpg.e631f41dff293a8108fc7fd986cb7c3b.jpg

This one even has horns.tumblr_58623f7412b051d90bc76f352d1a4af0_37214d38_400.png.f3240117f66cd7b6e0829a16ace551aa.png

Enkidu, of Gilgamesh fame, is often portrayed with horns, and slavery is quite a common subject. I don't think I recall demon powered trains from that epic though.

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9 hours ago, MitGas said:


The day after the "guys why cant yall tell the space marines are bad!?" Post by GW they posted the teaser for Space Marine 2 which shows space marines as nearly angelic saviours and guardians of mankind against monstrous "others" all to a soaring orchestral score.


I applaud GW for publicly not supporting those people but I spit on the idea they're too stupid to see how they might be "accidentally" encouraging them to buy their product.

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On 7/19/2022 at 7:47 PM, Gothmaug said:

Have there been any updates on the reboot of Cursed City? I'd love to see some expansion sets for that game. If I remember correctly GW was going to relaunch it this fall?? Though I've heard even less about that than upcoming AoS releases. 


Not that I really need more of the board game, I just want more tasty vampire miniatures. 


We've been teased by Ole Whitefang that the expansions will contain no new minis.

7 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Another AoS Horror novel. A followup to Gothghul Hollow.




Note the prosthetic arm. Witch Hunters continually keep popping up in these AoS books too.

I cant believe we are getting another Mhurghast novel so soon!! And this premise is even better than the last!!

6 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

"Join us later in the week as we reveal a third new Warcry warband arriving in time for The Heart of Ghur"



There are potentially 4 Destruction Warbands!! Please GW please show 1!!

6 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The interesting tidbits.

Nothing new there, but I like that they made it explicitly clear that Harshut is a Dwarf deity first and foremost. This does make me think we'll see the Chorfs sooner rather than later. For all the references to Malekith/Malerion, we've never had any of his goons directly appear on the tabletop the way the Horns are.

The references to a campaign in Thondia also make me think we'll see them before the end of 3.0 at the latest.

I could see them being either the Faction to end 3.0 or kick off 4.0.

6 hours ago, DinoJon said:

Every time there's a Warcry article and they mention Seraphon, I get excited that they might feature a central role in things to come for it. I really do hope lizards get a warband of some sort. 

Im hoping for either Seraphon or Destruction!!

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8 minutes ago, The Red King said:

The day after the "guys why cant yall tell the space marines are bad!?" Post by GW they posted the teaser for Space Marine 2 which shows space marines as nearly angelic saviours and guardians of mankind against monstrous "others" all to a soaring orchestral score.


I applaud GW for publicly not supporting those people but I spit on the idea they're too stupid to see how they might be "accidentally" encouraging them to buy their product.

Nothing you can do about it though unless you want to censor the setting though - you wanna put disclaimers on the minis/books? Perhaps they like their IP as it is, despite some looneys taking it at face value? The timing might've been less than ideal but thankfully the majority are not like that. 


Also, Space Marines themselves don't have to be bad either (and yes, there are obviously lots of bad apples among the loyalists too), they just serve a bad empire (in a galaxy full of bad factions).


I'm sure lots of people drive Ferraris who have opinions the company doesn't share either (think Middle East). And yes, different product with no fitting "message" but ultimately when you go out of your way to exclude a certain group, the whole thing will suffer. I'd suggest to simply not bother with people that have values you won't tolerate and enjoy it with people who you actually like.

I enjoy games, movies, books, music, etc. that are liked by people I probably won't get along with either - so what, should I complain about that now too? 

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