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I think this is a really interesting discussion - the development and quality of AoS lore is something that I'm personally very interested in. However I think it would be better suited to its own thread, rather than the rumour thread :)

Here's a thread:


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2 hours ago, Lengthster said:

I don't think that is nearly enough to represent named characters. If it uses the same artifacts and command traits (especially if they're not your general) as normal units, it's boring, if it uses unique stuff, you might as well just write a new warscroll.

I don't think special characters should be unique, personally. There should be no difference (in terms of power, scope, variety or complexity) between a character that an author creates and a character that you build yourself. You should always be able to unlock the entire potential of your faction without restricting yourself to a specific individual.

If the character-building mechanics we have are not interesting enough to represent named characters, then I'd argue they're not interesting enough to represent any characters. Give the generic characters enough options to make them interesting, and then use that exact same system to build representations of the named characters.

Edit: Hadn't read through to the mod notice yet, apologies. Feel free to move this to the new thread.

Edited by Kadeton
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Finaly some rules preview for Skaven. Looks interesting, wonder what Skyre, Pestilens and Moulder will have.

Verminus battle trait looks really fun. That command trait looks nice too. 

Eshin's battle trait is fitting, but 510 points to have tht +1 hit and +1 would is constly (unless Deathmaster will have point drop in battletome).

As for Masterclan: skilled manipulators is ok (Skaven have Stormvermins for that tho), but Always Three Clawsteps Ahead (great name) looks good.

Finaly something good for Skaven, still wish they got more new models/sculpts.

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2 hours ago, The Damascus said:

Finaly some rules preview for Skaven. Looks interesting, wonder what Skyre, Pestilens and Moulder will have.

Verminus battle trait looks really fun. That command trait looks nice too. 

Eshin's battle trait is fitting, but 510 points to have tht +1 hit and +1 would is constly (unless Deathmaster will have point drop in battletome).

As for Masterclan: skilled manipulators is ok (Skaven have Stormvermins for that tho), but Always Three Clawsteps Ahead (great name) looks good.

Finaly something good for Skaven, still wish they got more new models/sculpts.

I kinda find it funny how the clan eshin ability works better against 1 hero then taking 3 deathmasters.

for some reason having 1 hero will trigger the effect with any kind of attack (range and combat)

with 3 it is restricted to only combat 

2 hours ago, Ahlambra said:

Will be interested to see if there's changes to conditional battlelines, but I like this new battle trait system. The Verminous heroic action is particularly cool.

It is interesting

considering that the rule before was technically better, I guess you could call it worse.

then again, you could have a single clalword with 2 traits instead of one, and the rest would be depending on the warlord traits that will exist

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This sounds like a clear ploy to sell more war/clawlord, assassin and grey seer kits. But despite that is looks quite interesting and fun to use. I just hope the hero´s are fairly costed so that bringing Eshin Triads can be a thing, at 510 it´s a hard sell. 


Also, rumor related. There are some potato images of an imperial guard sentinel and female officer that I´m not sure are allowed on this forum going around. They look very good if there are fellow imperial guard players hanging out on this forum.            

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Oh I like that. Good to see that Skaven isn't just a copy&paste as some were speculating. It's an interesting system and some of the abilities are also pretty unique such as the synchronized pile-in. If the warscrolls hold up, they could be a very versatile army.

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25 minutes ago, Ragest said:

I'm not going to defend the prophets of the copypastecalypse, but the rules are almost the same xD

Are they? The Eshin one is similar enough sure, but the Masterclan ones are entirely new if I'm not mistaken. Verminus is still multiple CT's, but way different in execution considering you get to choose the right one for the moment which is a big deal in terms of how much value you can get, especially out of the more niche CT's. Also the General can have it in addition to its main one.

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3 hours ago, Vastus said:

Are they? The Eshin one is similar enough sure, but the Masterclan ones are entirely new if I'm not mistaken. Verminus is still multiple CT's, but way different in execution considering you get to choose the right one for the moment which is a big deal in terms of how much value you can get, especially out of the more niche CT's. Also the General can have it in addition to its main one.

I feel similarly. There’s a lot of “in spirit” sameness but I think the new versions are definitely cleaner and have more utility, and isn’t that exactly what you want in an update?

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8 hours ago, Vastus said:

Oh I like that. Good to see that Skaven isn't just a copy&paste as some were speculating. It's an interesting system and some of the abilities are also pretty unique such as the synchronized pile-in. If the warscrolls hold up, they could be a very versatile army.

I’m very interested in seeing what the clan moulder/skryre stuff will look like.

personally I’m also interested in seeing if the skaven are getting any sub allegiances and if we can finally take clanrats and stormvermins into mono clan army builds

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2 hours ago, Chikout said:

Flesh eater courts are getting their white dwarf update in issue 477. Looks like a new charnal throne warscroll is coming. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/white-dwarf-477-june-2022-eng

Too bad this issue is gonna be sold out ASAP due to all the Khorne fans wanting to use their berserkers in 9th before the new models and rules.

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5 hours ago, Chikout said:

Flesh eater courts are getting their white dwarf update in issue 477. Looks like a new charnal throne warscroll is coming. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/white-dwarf-477-june-2022-eng

An interesting development. I had previously assumed that FEC would be the next Death tome in line for an update, now I am not so sure. If we go chronologically by Tome Celestial release date, Gravelords are now next in line, although I think we can all agree OBR are the ones that really deserve a new tome.

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2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

An interesting development. I had previously assumed that FEC would be the next Death tome in line for an update, now I am not so sure. If we go chronologically by Tome Celestial release date, Gravelords are now next in line, although I think we can all agree OBR are the ones that really deserve a new tome.

Given the rumoured book lineup, we should get a Mawtribes update next. They are the last army that doesn't already have a white dwarf update or a released or rumoured 3rd edition battletome. 


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39 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Given the rumoured book lineup, we should get a Mawtribes update next. They are the last army that doesn't already have a white dwarf update or a released or rumoured 3rd edition battletome. 


We know we’re getting two destruction tomes in the autumn quarter, and apparently it’s Gitz and Sons according to rumors (I keep seeing people @Whitefang ) (did I do the summoning right?)

I have to assume S2D is not actually the only winter tome, and they only announced its existence because of the leaks.

that means there’s a chance of that being the Everwinter Quarter? But more likely next year, is my cynical feeling.

winter with Death could be a thing and I agree OBR needs the update most.

maybe we’ll get lucky and winter will also be a big release quarter.

Edited by Sahrial
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Ill take FEC coming after OBR and SBGL if it means they get a few new models.

OBR could use an Archer unit and a mounted hero and theyd be set.

SBGL could do just the Hero model, though they have so many single Vampire models Id love to see a Lycan or Vargheist hero.

FEC have one of the most unique design opportunities GW could produce. I hope they capitilise on that and give us some awesome Delusional Knights and Peasantry!!

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Slightly OT Bit If i was @Whitefang i would start to react to posts ramdomly just so pepole stop interpreting my every action.


Also: don't OBR already have a mounted Hero? I feel they are at that stage where new units start dilluding the uniqueness of the army ( getting one of everything). 

Still need Archers/a ranged Unit, though. 

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