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30 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

The Shadowstalkers and Zombies also have 2 wounds each, maybe that's a way they're trying to make the underworlds warbands more generally appealing in AoS?

I agree, it's been another longstanding thorn for people that UW bands are useless in AOS. Bumping up humanoids in general to 2 wounds would mean all Stormcast, Ironjaws, and a bunch of Chaos kits need another wound added to their profiles.

Edited by CommissarRotke
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Speaking of Warhammer underworld warband. I got an email and now it on the LCTB section of the web store that the they are going through range rotation and are going out of stock soon


looks like all the shadespire, nightvault and Beastgrave warbands do better get them now


Edited by novakai
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19 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Also the two starter warbands from Direchasm are on LCTB

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28 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

Why do the Shadeborn need to be Hagg Nar again? They would have been a perfect fit for Khailebron! 

I wish they'd stop pigeonholing Underworlds warbands into specific sub-faction in general. It's damn annoying and serves no purpose.

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9 hours ago, Ratboy genius said:

sorry m8 hagg nar is the protagonist subfaction, only one per faction

In Lumineth they went ahead and switched the twins to Iliatha and Sevireth to Helon, so I thought they were putting a little more thought into this. 

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12 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

I agree, it's been another longstanding thorn for people that UW bands are useless in AOS. Bumping up humanoids in general to 2 wounds would mean all Stormcast, Ironjaws, and a bunch of Chaos kits need another wound added to their profiles.

Yeah, the new warbands seem a bit more useful and less gimmicky to be more attractive for AoS forces without being must-haves. Making them a bit hardier fits while the point sink keeps them in the realm of “probably not worth it but I’ll use them because they look really cool” which I say is fair enough balance. :D 

The extra wounds aren’t that hard to justify either.

Electro-zombies are pretty obvious since they’re already augmented.

Shadeborn honestly should’ve had 2Wounds since Warcry as both the Shademark and Shadow Daemons in them give them unnatural vitality and invulnerability(can justify it now that being in the Harrowdeep nexus unleashed that shadow power further for this small band)


And the Eshin warriors can either claim they’re trained elites all going for the Deathmaster title so tougher than even the stormvermin OR for a funner explanation they’re all double wound because they use shadow clones for one free dodge like the original Eshin Deathrunner from Silver Tower who had 2 models for his shadow clone.


Also on rumors, a buddy on the discords who hears some early stuff(like the recent Votann lore he already noted a few weeks back would be ancestor computers) said this:

”I heard there is gonna be another elemental incarnate looks like a giant spider.”

“No it’s still a gurish one. Which is strange.”

So looks like we may be staying in the Realm of Beasts this whole edition with different regional elementals used to flesh them out around the various continents.

Gonna bet now, Krondspine is super offense as a wild hungry bone spirit while the spider will be based off the old Spiderfang empire that Archaon destroyed and be made of underground rocks and crystals to focus on All-Out Defense and “lay in wait traps” as a counter for some Elemental Kaiju battles.

Hard to predict where it might come from. The spider empire had sprawling claims all under the Beast Plains and the middle of Thondia has a lot of crawling pits and crevasses it could originate from.


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2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yeah, the new warbands seem a bit more useful and less gimmicky to be more attractive for AoS forces without being must-haves. Making them a bit hardier fits while the point sink keeps them in the realm of “probably not worth it but I’ll use them because they look really cool” which I say is fair enough balance. :D 

The extra wounds aren’t that hard to justify either.

Electro-zombies are pretty obvious since they’re already augmented.

Shadeborn honestly should’ve had 2Wounds since Warcry as both the Shademark and Shadow Daemons in them give them unnatural vitality and invulnerability(can justify it now that being in the Harrowdeep nexus unleashed that shadow power further for this small band)


And the Eshin warriors can either claim they’re trained elites all going for the Deathmaster title so tougher than even the stormvermin OR for a funner explanation they’re all double wound because they use shadow clones for one free dodge like the original Eshin Deathrunner from Silver Tower who had 2 models for his shadow clone.


Also on rumors, a buddy on the discords who hears some early stuff(like the recent Votann lore he already noted a few weeks back would be ancestor computers) said this:

”I heard there is gonna be another elemental incarnate looks like a giant spider.”

“No it’s still a gurish one. Which is strange.”

So looks like we may be staying in the Realm of Beasts this whole edition with different regional elementals used to flesh them out around the various continents.

Gonna bet now, Krondspine is super offense as a wild hungry bone spirit while the spider will be based off the old Spiderfang empire that Archaon destroyed and be made of underground rocks and crystals to focus on All-Out Defense and “lay in wait traps” as a counter for some Elemental Kaiju battles.

Hard to predict where it might come from. The spider empire had sprawling claims all under the Beast Plains and the middle of Thondia has a lot of crawling pits and crevasses it could originate from.


Seasons of War Thondia specifically mentions the Crawling Pits of Gharrentia and the Spiderfang who dwell there in the Lore section...maybe your mates onto something!! I'd love for the Spiderfang to be updated in Gloomspite.

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2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Seasons of War Thondia specifically mentions the Crawling Pits of Gharrentia and the Spiderfang who dwell there in the Lore section...maybe your mates onto something!! I'd love for the Spiderfang to be updated in Gloomspite.

Oh ho, sounds like a perfect match! (Just a few more days until my limited edition Thondia order gets here. They had to split my order up so I got my battletomes and models first but that’s taking extra long😭)

Would really like it if the Grot Scuttlings made a comeback alongside the spider elemental to herald the Gloomspite’s spider factions on the rise with the Era of Beasts over the Moonclan who had their time in the previous Arcanum Optimar that saw the Endless Spells unleashed.


They were even the antagonists of the really recent short Krenkha gorogna as they were the spider-like grotlings that had the Kharadron hero and his crew caught in their webs which begins the story.


1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

Where can I find a bigger (HD) version of that picture!?

The bird?

Could try Warhammer Art I think. It’s under Gobsprakk, The Mouth of Mork.





Edited by Baron Klatz
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18 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Oh ho, sounds like a perfect match! (Just a few more days until my limited edition Thondia order gets here. They had to split my order up so I got my battletomes and models first but that’s taking extra long😭)

Would really like it if the Grot Scuttlings made a comeback alongside the spider elemental to herald the Gloomspite’s spider factions on the rise with the Era of Beasts over the Moonclan who had their time in the previous Arcanum Optimar that saw the Endless Spells unleashed.


They were even the antagonists of the really recent short Krenkha gorogna as they were the spider-like grotlings that had the Kharadron hero and his crew caught in their webs which begins the story.


The bird?

Could try Warhammer Art I think. It’s under Gobsprakk, The Mouth of Mork.





Oh it sure is taking its time to reach you mate!!

Absolutely bring back those beasties with updated Spider Riders, Spider Boss and an in between Spider Rider and Arachnarok sized Monster Spider, perhaps juvenile Arachnaroks or a version of a Trapdoor Spider!!

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There was a time, not too long ago, when it was easy to justify picking up any Underworlds warband that took your whim. 

Sure I don't need the cards and models, but I would really like to practise painting yellow. The Ironjawz warband it is! After all, they're only £15...

But looking at The Exiled Dead, it's £26 for 6 basic zombies and the vaguely necromancer-Vampire. A few more quid and I can pick up a whole AoS unit... or hell, £9 more for 20 Zombies. It was only a couple of years ago that buying the Kharadron warband for the Aether-Khemist was actually cheaper than buying the standalone AoS model.

It's no wonder that Underworlds has rapidly started drying up around me with the new price hikes, when it was with Beastgrave that the game was really picking up momentum as the fast-and-cheap option for people who wanted something a bit more competitive without splashing out for a whole army. It was also cheap enough that people were less wary of spending money on a non-40k/AoS game that might go into cardiac arrest at any moment the way most people are with other games.

Just a rant. 

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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

There was a time, not too long ago, when it was easy to justify picking up any Underworlds warband that took your whim. 

Sure I don't need the cards and models, but I would really like to practise painting yellow. The Ironjawz warband it is! After all, they're only £15...

But looking at The Exiled Dead, it's £26 for 6 basic zombies and the vaguely necromancer-Vampire. A few more quid and I can pick up a whole AoS unit... or hell, £9 more for 20 Zombies.

It's no wonder that Underworlds has rapidly started drying up around me with the new price hikes, when it was with Beastgrave that the game was really picking up momentum as the fast-and-cheap option for people who wanted something a bit more competitive without splashing out for a whole army. 

Just a rant. 

This, so much. I picked warbands as nice additions to spice up my armies, and to try painting new things for cheap. If you wanted to try whether you'll like painting a new army, few options (if any) could beat a warband.

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That’s probably why they’re going towards Rivals format in both packed together warbands to sweeten the deal and a more Open Play system between the official and unofficial tournament versions to help new players in.

”From everything I've seen people seem to enjoy rivals more even. 

It makes it a bit more random, and far less consistent, but that also means the games can be in a way more exciting. The pendulum can swing in anyone's favor. It tests the strategy side of the game also. 

The other huge benefit is it makes the game a lot, lot more affordable for people. You like the Crimson Court but don't wanna buy everything direchasm to get all the hunger cards? No need to worry about that. You have what you have. The same is for pretty much any faction. As an ex "hardcore" card gamer, there's nothing more boring than meta on meta games.

With one big exception. A custom format has been born that people like more than Rivals. Rivals+. It allows all the factions to play their faction cards with the use of the essentials pack if I remember correctly.”


It's the unofficial name given for the format of the Clash of Warlords Tournament that was held at Warhammer World a while back. You can get the official rules for that event but they're not all that necessary. All you do is pick a warband and their unique cards, pick a pre-built universal deck (the current options being Essentials, Silent Menace, or Illusory Might), and then build a deck using those two card pools.”

Rivals+ seems to be getting a good crowd even at the big events.



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