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33 minutes ago, hobgoblinclub said:

Exactly the point I was trying to make.

He proved that if something is convincing, people will be believe it. We have no reason not to, unless talented people start posting convincing fakes just for...kicks...oh.

The whole thing seems pretty self-indulgent to me. It's clearly self promotion with an apology at the end. What did it achieve other than tricking people into discussing his artwork? That could have been done, without misleading everyone, by posting a thread. It no doubt would have a got a very positive reaction rather than the mixed response we see this morning.

I think it's self promotion. Wants a job at GW.  He's made a hell of a name for himself with this, weather that'll help or hinder his ambition is a gamble..

There's no way he'd have got this exposure just posting fan art in a blog. Lots probably do that and and I haven't seen any of it. 

If he'd done the box mockup and said it was fan made somewhere, it would have still probably hit all the rumour mills anyway and he'd be morally in the clear.

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34 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

So I just read a comment on another site that claims the destruction army bundle is Ironjawz.

10 x brutes

3x gruntas

1x shaman

1x megaboss

AND..... 1 x gargant....

Being able to take a gargant wilst retaining Ironjawz allegiance!?... yes plz.

Anyone confirm this?

God I hope that is correct!

Gargant is hands down my favourite model

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3 hours ago, Nico said:

The Black Orc Big Mob had a gargantuan in it, so would make sense for a new formation in the box - but would suck if it doesn't get points.

Has any 'in a box' formation received points?

As a new owner of an Icewind Assault box can I request that formation gets points? It's terrifying.

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First, I find the rumors of what boxes are being made to be stupid as hell.  They have 4 Grand Alliances, but they ignore one to give the one that doesn't need more support a second box, because it "sells better" (well no duh it will sell better when it gets the most support!  Haven't they learned that yet?).  But anyways, to my knowledge no battalion in a boxed set has come with points, and as well know if it doesn't have points it might as well not exist.  I have no reason to expect this to be any different.

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1 hour ago, wayniac said:

First, I find the rumors of what boxes are being made to be stupid as hell.  They have 4 Grand Alliances, but they ignore one to give the one that doesn't need more support a second box, because it "sells better" (well no duh it will sell better when it gets the most support!  Haven't they learned that yet?).  But anyways, to my knowledge no battalion in a boxed set has come with points, and as well know if it doesn't have points it might as well not exist.  I have no reason to expect this to be any different.

Be patient my friend. Death comes for us all....

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I agree with your critics. No support - no interest - no sells. If they make dozens of factions they all should be supported. I for sure don't want AoS to follow 40k with their Space Marines obsession. It must be just boring to see 30% of people to play almost identical armies. Hope they don't go the same with Stormcasts. On the other hand I'm pretty happy with Sylvaneth premium box wich for sure is my Christmass gift. 

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Has any 'in a box' formation received points?

None of them have done sadly. Really bad for Death. It would be nice if they went through the campaign books and pointed the sensible battalions (not Brotherhood of the Great Bolts or Hammer and Anvil).

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Still seems pretty lackluster to me.  Classic GW move, which is saddening as it appears they still haven't learned that if you only support a fraction of your armies with constant releases, those will of course be the top sellers, which results in you supporting them even more, rinse and repeat.  On the flip side, if you support the ones that don't get any love with updated rules and boxes, maybe people will think you're supporting them and actually buy them.

I sometimes think GW is too scared to take actual risks.

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43 minutes ago, Malin said:

It is identical, bought it few months back, hoped for something different this time around

Wasn't the last Khorne set the Deamon one? It was very similar

6 minutes ago, wayniac said:

Still seems pretty lackluster to me.  Classic GW move, which is saddening as it appears they still haven't learned that if you only support a fraction of your armies with constant releases, those will of course be the top sellers, which results in you supporting them even more, rinse and repeat.  On the flip side, if you support the ones that don't get any love with updated rules and boxes, maybe people will think you're supporting them and actually buy them.

I sometimes think GW is too scared to take actual risks.

I think we can give GW some slack as the stuff we have seen this year from them is phenomenal! They've show to have been taking risks with the releases we have seen this year, opening up on social media, bringing back the Grand Tournaments and live streaming games from the Warlords event. Then there's all the cool models and stuff they have done.

I understand what you are saying but at the end of the day, they have a massive amount of product ranges so need to consolidate those down to a few boxes for that last minute christmas sales rush. I'm hoping they will do some web deals or something as well on the back of this but I'm not holding my breath.

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18 minutes ago, Darth Alec said:

Kinda dissapointed that neither Death nor Fyreslayers got anything. GW better give Death some new toys next year. And give the Fyreslayers... something. 1-year anniversary Start Collecting set maybe?

I would guess this is them testing the waters to see if sets like this would sell, much like the start collecting boxes. If they sell well I wouldn't be surprised to see another release later on in the year.

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Let's not beat around the bush - this is a high saving box designed for people to put on a Christmas list from their nearest and dearest :D 

I'm interested that the Ad Mech box is a really weird mix of models, clearly intended to be used alongside the SC: Skitarri box and likely with a new combined-formation in...

Agree with the general concensus that the Bloodbound set is a little lack-lustre, very similar to the SC box too.  That said we've not seen pictures yet so this might not be 100% correct.

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