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2 hours ago, The Golem said:

I have just ordered a full idoneth army and as soon as I've seen this stupid outrage to what Warhammer is and have always been  I was very tempted to cancel the order and send an email explaining why.... 

How can u even put this "thing"  near Warhammer 40k???  

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really love this announcement. we can only gain from the brand expanding the variety of its presentation. ive always felt that the settings could really benefit from a creative rendition similar to a saturday morning cartoon, relatable to kids because the adventures are about their peers, and promoting the compassion, and ingenuity that comes with childhood. cant wait! 

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Think it's a great idea. My friend who is a teacher runs a warhammer club at a primary school and games workshop sent him Plague Garden....

This looks much more appropriate! More gamers of all types (except trolls) = healthier gaming community 

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Honestly this works so much better for AoS than for 40k. Fewer satirical elements to iron off or that kids are going to miss. Even at its darkest, "stormcast are tragically losing their identities and memories" is easier to get across to children (and has genuine pathos that they can understand) than "space marines are brainwashed child-soldiers fighting for a brutal space-facist regime but actually you're not supposed to identify with them sooo...".

That said it does mention one character growing up in a slave camp. It's probably too much to expect the authors to address this with the gravitas of even a historical YA novel but maybe there's something there.


@ Enoby: now that's a good portrayal of a chaos god. Cosmic, threatening.

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On 5/20/2018 at 7:22 AM, Burf said:

Also, the number of easy puns and lame double-entendres associated with Slaanesh are just two of a whole host of reasons why slaanesh is and always has been the worst part of warhammer.


You're right about the puns and double-entendres just being an all-round awful bit of gamer culture when it comes to Slaanesh buuuutt I feel there is room for GW to make something more interesting and less crappy joke-fodder from this absence. Possibly you've seen this but Kieron Gillen wrote a pretty great, if rambling, piece about 'the problem of Slaanesh', including roundups from folks taking explicitly ******-centric POVs: http://hipsterhammer.tumblr.com/post/156891771531/on-slaanesh

Not saying I have 100% faith that GW will do it well but there's conceptual room for them to do so.


EDIT: Oh wow, the q-word is bleeped out by the forums. Probably should have expected that, even when it's used in an academic or self-identifying context.  'LGBT-centric POVs' then.

Edited by sandlemad
Fixing the bleep
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6 minutes ago, sandlemad said:


You're right about the puns and double-entendres just being an all-round awful bit of gamer culture when it comes to Slaanesh buuuutt I feel there is room for GW to make something more interesting and less crappy joke-fodder from this absence. Possibly you've seen this but Kieron Gillen wrote a pretty great, if rambling, piece about 'the problem of Slaanesh', including roundups from folks taking explicitly ******-centric POVs: http://hipsterhammer.tumblr.com/post/156891771531/on-slaanesh


Not saying I have 100% faith that GW will do it well but there's conceptual room for them to do so.

That will not stop people from making jokes or having a perception of the Chaos god.

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The AOS series seems like a better fit. It is a heroic setting where The Power of Friendship is a pretty constant theme among some of the Order races.  Even in Plague Garden, despite the name, the villains were sort of an afterthought to showing how strongly Stormcast felt companionship towards each other. 

The 40K equivalent is pretty obnoxious though, complete with one of the characters being a traitor and another being a pacifist (the Ultramarine on the cover would be just as deadly to them as the Necron if they were indeed such heretics!).  I first got into Warhammer when I was 12, and if my first exposure would've been the 40K YA book, I would've thought it looked uncool.  

I do think both books miss the point of both Warhammer franchises, though.  If you drastically reduce the crazy grimness of the setting, what's special about it to begin with?  Might as well play a different game.

Edited by erasercrumbs
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They should explore the myriad other facets related to ecstasy and excess that are not necessary related to sex, so it's not on the foreground. 

While I don't think sexual content is a particularly bad thing to have in this context, I dont need genitalia all over my models. That said, 6th ed Slaanesh miniatures were almost perfect for m:  A more slender and elegant version of the otherwise rather chunky chaos aesthetic with a few mammaries here and there. Bizarre yes, but not outright pornographic.

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Those warhammer adventure books look disgusting. My first exposure to Warhammer was WFRP 1st edition, the Bretonnian 5th edition army book, and the 2nd edition Codex Imperialis. I was probably 6 or 7 at the time, and could read them on my own (they were owned by my older brother.)

I liked them BECAUSE they were so obviously not the saccharine kiddy ****** I already owned. It was dark and weird and cool.

This garbage would have had me chucking Warhammer in the bin, even as a little kid.

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I think the new Warhammer adventures will be a great way to bring in future generations to this hobby without taking away anything from the mature side of it, think of it like a spin-off or not necessarily canon, gives them a little taste of what the universe is like before exposing them to the grim reality of life in the AoS/40k universes! 

I do get people being concerned with the direction it's going in and what themes should be shown though, and bringing up reasonable and constructive criticism is very fair. What I don't get though is the people screaming bloody murder, acting like it's going to destroy their hobby and just generally being bitter and vile about the whole thing. To be fair though it's probably a bad idea to have kids around those people in the first place.

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27 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

Good news is that if this children stuff doesn't sell well, they wont bother with it and it will fade into existence. Children stories have no place in AoS just as much as 40k.  Do your part.

1 hour ago, Arael said:

I have just ordered a full idoneth army and as soon as I've seen this stupid outrage to what Warhammer is and have always been  I was very tempted to cancel the order and send an email explaining why.... 

How can u even put this "thing"  near Warhammer 40k???  

12 minutes ago, Deepkin said:

I was probably 6 or 7 at the time, and could read them on my own (they were owned by my older brother.)


Have a lollipop and don't be frightened of the different books for other kiddies little ones!




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Those books look like a good way to expand the reach of GWs IP, similar to how Marvel and Star Wars target stuff to a younger audience while their main line is for grown up kids. I see this as one step closer to GW fully realising the value of its IP and getting into the film biz - im sure theyll still sell models tho, like Marvel still sells the odd comic book ?

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